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Published on May 18, 2016
In the Bible the 2 Witnesses are never given a gender. This video will tell you why!
Revelation 11 - The Two Witnesses
1 Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, “Rise and measure the temple of GOD, the altar, and those who worship there. 2 But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the Holy city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 And I will give power to my Two Witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.”
4 These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the GOD of the earth. 5 And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies. And if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this manner. 6 These have power to shut heaven, so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy; and they have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire.
This video contains Prophecy 83, given by YAHUVEH GOD to Apostle, Prophet, Pastor Elisheva Eliyahu.
Revelation 13:16-18 – The ‘mark of the beast’
"He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”
(The following is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S WIND that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8))
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, "But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words, and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS people, till there was no remedy.
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s is a prediction of political intrigue between two powers referred to as the “king of the North” and the “king of the South.” The names are references to their geographic location in relation to the land of Judah. Remember that Daniel was a prince from Jerusalem, and God’s people of Israel are the center of prophecy. So the two powers historically came and in the future will come from regions of the globe that are to the north and south of Jerusalem. It doesn’t necessarily mean from extremely southern or northern regions.
The prophecy was given to Daniel in the third year of king Cyrus of Persia (Daniel 10:1). A “man,” no doubt an angel (Daniel 10:5, compare Daniel 9:21), came to tell Daniel what would occur “in the latter days.”
The prophecy that follows is the most detailed in all the Bible. The third year of Cyrus was more than 500 years before the birth of Christ. Yet this prophecy foretells events that began to occur almost immediately at that time and will continue until the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Some elements of what follows are intricate, requiring close attention. But a comparison of the prophetic words with the historical record makes them clear.
Protracted Political Intrigue
Daniel 11:1-35 give an account, written years in advance, of the intrigue between the king of the South and the king of the North. In secular history, the king of the South is often referred to as Ptolemy. The Ptolemaic dynasty ruled from Alexandria in Egypt, which is south of Israel. The king of the North ruled from Antioch in Syria, which is north of Israel, under the name Seleucus, or Antiochus.
With this in mind, let’s examine some of the details of the prophecy. You can find more information on the historical fulfillment of much of this prophecy in resources such as The Expositor’s Bible Commentary , which we quote below, or other reliable reference works. Rather than our quoting the entire scriptural passage, we recommend that you read in your own Bible the verses we cite.
Daniel 11:2: The “three more kings” are Cambyses, the elder son of Cyrus; pseudo-Smerdis, an impostor who passed himself off as Cyrus’s younger son, who had been secretly killed; and Darius the Persian. “The Persian king who invaded Greece was…Xerxes, who reigned 485-464 B.C.” ( Expositor’s , p. 128).
Daniel 11:3-4: “Verse 3 introduces us to…the rise of Alexander the Great” (ibid.). The language in verse 4 “clearly suggests that this mighty conqueror was going to have a comparatively brief reign…In seven or eight years he accomplished the most dazzling military conquest in human history. But he lived only four years more; and…died of a fever in 323…” (ibid.).
Alexander’s kingdom was divided “among four smaller and weaker empires” ( Expositor’s , p. 129). Alexander’s infant son had been murdered in 310 and an illegitimate brother assassinated in 317. “Thus there were no descendants or blood relatives to succeed Alexander himself” (ibid.). So his kingdom was not divided “among his posterity” (Daniel 11:4).
Alexander’s generals warred for control of his empire. The ensuing struggles for domination eliminated all but four, who became heads of the four divisions of his empire. The four were Cassander, reigning in Greece and the West, Lysimachus in Thrace and Asia Minor, Ptolemy in Egypt and Seleucus in Syria. Of these four, two—Ptolemy and Seleucus—expanded their rule and territory. These were the kings of Egypt and Syria, respectively.
The machinations that follow relate to these two. They are referred to as the king of the South (Ptolemy) and the king of the North (Seleucus) because of their location relative to Jerusalem.
Daniel 11:5: “The king of the South was to be Ptolemy I” ( Expositor’s , p. 130). The biblical expression “one of his princes” refers to Seleucus. He had originally served under Ptolemy. In the intrigue after Alexander’s death, Seleucus ultimately gained control over Syria and became king of the North. Seleucus eventually wielded more power than Ptolemy. The dynasty of the Seleucid line was to continue until 64 B.C.
The Laodicean War
Daniel 11:6: A state of tension and hostility existed between the king of the South and the king of the North. Ptolemy I died in 285 B.C. In 252 the two powers attempted a treaty under which Berenice, the daughter of Ptolemy II, was to marry Antiochus II, the king of the North. Laodice, the first wife of Antiochus II, was angry because he had divorced her. In retaliation, she manipulated a conspiracy from her place of banishment. She had Berenice and her infant son assassinated. “Not long afterward the king himself [Antiochus II] was poisoned…” (ibid.).
Laodice established herself as queen, because her son Seleucus II was too young to rule. The prophecy “she [Berenice] shall be given up” refers to the coup that Laodice engineered to effect the execution of Berenice. Some nobles who had supported Berenice as queen were also brought down.
Daniel 11:7-9: Retaliation followed. A series of military actions, which came to be known as the Laodicean War, resulted. Ptolemy II died soon after Laodice killed his daughter, Berenice. Ptolemy III sought to avenge his sister’s death. He attacked the king of the North and captured the Syrian capital of Antioch. Verse 8 describes the recapture by Ptolemy of “long-lost idols and sacred treasures” ( Expositor’s , p. 131) that had been stolen from Egypt by Cambyses in 524 B.C.
Peace was concluded between Ptolemy III and Seleucus II in 240, and hostilities ceased until 221, when Ptolemy III died.
Daniel 11:10-12: The sons of Seleucus II attacked the king of the South after their father died. One of these sons, Seleucus III, reigned for only three years. His military activity was relatively minor. He died by poisoning. Another son, Antiochus III (the Great), did “overwhelm and pass through.” He conquered Judea.
Ptolemy IV, the king of the South, retaliated (Daniel 11:11) and defeated the larger army of Seleucus III at the Battle of Raphia. After his victory Ptolemy turned to a life of debauchery during which he slaughtered tens of thousands of Jews in Egypt (Daniel 11:12). Through all this he weakened his kingdom.
Daniel 11:13-16: The phrase “at the end of some years” refers to an incident when, 14 years after his defeat, Antiochus III came against Ptolemy V, still a young boy. (Ptolemy IV had died in 203.) The Egyptian provinces were in turmoil because of the wretched rule of Ptolemy IV. Many of the people—including Jews sympathetic to the king of the North—joined with Antiochus against the king of the South. The rebellion was ultimately crushed by the Egyptian general Scopus (Daniel 11:14).
Scopus also rebuffed the forces of Antiochus during the winter of 201-200. The king of the North responded with another invasion. He captured the city of Sidon (“a fortified city”), where Scopus surrendered (Daniel 11:15). Antiochus acquired complete control of the Holy Land, the “Glorious Land” (Daniel 11:16).
Daniel 11:17: The Revised English Bible reads: “He [the king of the North] will resolve to advance with the full might of his kingdom; and, when he has agreed terms with the king of the south, he will give his young daughter in marriage to him, with a view to the destruction of the kingdom; but the treaty will not last nor will it be his purpose which is served.” Having defeated Scopus, Antiochus desired to gain control of Egypt itself. He gave his daughter, Cleopatra, to Ptolemy V in marriage. Antiochus believed she would act in his favor and betray the interests of her husband. But she frustrated his plans by siding with Ptolemy.
Daniel 11:18-19: In his frustration, Antiochus attacked islands and cities of the Aegean area. He also gave asylum to Rome’s enemy, Hannibal of Carthage, who assisted him in landing in Greece. Rome responded by attacking Antiochus and inflicting defeat on his forces. The Romans deprived him of much of his territory and took several hostages to Rome, including Antiochus’ son. Rome exacted heavy tribute of him (Daniel 11:18).
Antiochus returned in disgrace to his stronghold, Antioch. Unable to pay the heavy fees exacted by the Romans, he attempted to plunder a pagan temple. His action so enraged local inhabitants that they killed him, bringing him to an inglorious end (Daniel 11:19).
Daniel 11:20: While not part of inspired Scripture, the apocryphal book of 3:7-40 says that Antiochus’ other son, Seleucus IV, was also unable to pay the taxes. Seleucus sent a Jew, Heliodorus, to plunder the temple at Jerusalem. Heliodorus went to the holy city but obtained nothing. Seleucus was later poisoned by Heliodorus, and so killed, “but not in anger or in battle.”
Antiochus Epiphanes
Daniel 11:21-35: These verses speak of the infamous Antiochus IV (known also as Epiphanes), the brother of Seleucus IV, who had earlier been taken hostage to Rome. He was a “tyrannical oppressor who did his utmost to destroy the Jewish religion altogether” ( Expositor’s , p. 136).
Antiochus passed laws that forbade the practice of the Jewish religion, under penalty of death. He was a man of incredible cruelty. On his orders “an aged Scribe, Eleazar, was flogged to death because he refused to eat swine’s flesh. A mother and her seven children were successively butchered, in the presence of the governor, for refusing to pay homage to an image. Two mothers who had circumcised their new-born sons were driven through the city and cast headlong from the wall” (Charles Pfeiffer, Between the Testaments , 1974, pp. 81-82).
Daniel 11:31: This refers to the momentous events of Dec. 16, 168 B.C., when a crazed Antiochus entered Jerusalem and killed 80,000 men, women and children ( 5:11-14). He then desecrated the temple by offering a sacrifice to the chief Greek god, Zeus. This outrage was a forerunner of a comparable event that Jesus Christ said would occur in the last days (Matthew 24:15).
Daniel 11:32-35: These verses appear to describe, on one level, the indomitable will and courage of the Maccabees, a family of priests who resisted Antiochus and his successors. The Maccabees’ revolt against the Syrian king was triggered when “Mattathias, the leading priest in the city of Modein…after killing the officer of Antiochus who had come to enforce the new decree concerning idolatrous worship…led a guerrilla band that fled to the hills…” (Expositor’s , p. 141).
Mattathias was aided in his cause by five sons, most notably Judah or Judas, nicknamed Maqqaba (Aramaic for hammer, whence derives the name Maccabees). Many of these patriots died in this cause, but their heroics ultimately drove the Syrian forces from the country.
On another level, these verses could even refer to the New Testament Church, with their references to mighty works, persecution and apostasy.
Historic Fulfillment Switches to Future Fulfillment
At this point Daniel’s prophecy definitely takes on a different tone, referring explicitly to “the time of the end” near the end of Daniel 11:35. To quote Expositor’s : “With the conclusion of the preceding pericope [extract] at v. 35, the predictive material that incontestably applies to the Hellenistic empires and the contest between the Seleucids and the Jewish patriots ends. This present section (vv. 36-39) contains some features that hardly apply to Antiochus IV, though most of the details could apply to him as well as to his latter-day antitype, ‘the beast.’
“Both liberal and conservative scholars agree that all of chapter 11 up to this point contains strikingly accurate predictions of the whole sweep of events from the reign of Cyrus…to the unsuccessful effort of Antiochus Epiphanes to stamp out the Jewish faith” ( Expositor’s , p. 143).
From this point forward a little more than a century would pass before the Roman general Pompey would conquer Jerusalem. From then on for many centuries, much of the Middle East passed to the control of the Roman Empire.
The legacy of this north-south conflict is easily seen today. Tension between a traditionally Christian Europe and a deeply Islamic Middle East to the south is at its highest levels since the Ottoman push of the 19th century.
This age-old conflict will likely reignite as the time of the end nears. A revived Holy Roman Empire would seek greater influence in this most vital region. And regional Muslim powers would no doubt retaliate.
For a more in-depth analysis of this prophetic future conflict, read our free Bible study aid The Middle East in Bible Prophecy . / Bible Study Tools / Booklets / The Final Superpower
The Final Superpower
The Final Superpower
Bible prophecy tells of a sequence of world-ruling superpowers. These powerful nations and their rulers have dominated the world throughout history. The Bible tells the story of their rise to power and their fall to obscurity. It also reveals that there is one more worldly superpower to come before the return of Jesus Christ. This power was foretold millennia ago by the prophet Daniel, and it will rule with force and ferocity like none before. Its fall will come when Jesus Christ returns to establish the Kingdom of God—the final superpower the world will ever see.
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Table of Contents
Introduction: A Snapshot of World Affairs
There is only one true superpower in today's world: the United States. At present no other nation can globally project power, in any form, like America. Yet there are many challenges to America maintaining this lofty and important status. Will another power—another true superpower—emerge from the nations and replace the current world order?
The Dreaming King and the Slave
Daniel's book prophesied events fulfilled many centuries ago as well as major events yet to come. It reveals a history of the region, written in advance, from Daniel's time right up to the return of Jesus Christ.
The First Superpower
Shortly after the Flood, God divided the earth among the families of Noah (Genesis 10:32).
The Great Image in Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
The great image that God revealed to Nebuchadnezzar in a dream was interpreted by the prophet Daniel.
The "King of the North" vs. the "King of the South"
In Daniel 10 and 11, there is another prophecy that has end-time implications. It's important because it reveals the political climate and tensions in the Middle East preceding both the first and second appearances of Jesus Christ as the Messiah. In both instances, Jerusalem is at the center of the political conflicts of the time.
Dual Fulfillment in Bible Prophecy
Many prophecies in the Bible are dual. In such cases a prophet speaks under inspiration of God and a first fulfillment of the prophecy comes to pass. Then, later, often at the end of the age before the return of Christ, comes a final, ultimate fulfillment.
Roman Revivals of a United Europe
How can we know that the last world superpower will be a modern-day incarnation of the Roman Empire? There are a few Bible indicators that point in that direction.
The EU: A Seventh Roman Revival in the Making?
In the devastated aftermath of World War II, it seemed unimaginable that Europe could rise again. Many venerable cities had been bombed into rubble. The dead were counted in the tens of millions. Old institutions and organizations ceased to exist.
Why Europe and Not the United States?
One lesson of world history is that great powers come and go.
Why Not Asia?
Many warn that China or another Asian state or confederation will replace the United States as the world's dominant power.
The Final Superpower: The Kingdom of God
"And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed ... You saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold ... The dream is certain, and its interpretation is sure." —Daniel 2:44-45 Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities that make your computer run. Debian provides more than a pure OS: it comes with over 43000 packages, precompiled software bundled up in a nice format for easy installation on your machine. Read more... WHAT is Debian?
The Debian Project is an association of individuals who have made common cause to create a free operating system. This operating system that we have created is called Debian.
An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities that make your computer run. At the core of an operating system is the kernel. The kernel is the most fundamental program on the computer and does all the basic housekeeping and lets you start other programs.
Debian systems currently use the Linux kernel or the FreeBSD kernel. Linux is a piece of software started by Linus Torvalds and supported by thousands of programmers worldwide. FreeBSD is an operating system including a kernel and other software.
However, work is in progress to provide Debian for other kernels, primarily for the Hurd. The Hurd is a collection of servers that run on top of a microkernel (such as Mach) to implement different features. The Hurd is free software produced by the GNU project.
A large part of the basic tools that fill out the operating system come from the GNU project; hence the names: GNU/Linux, GNU/kFreeBSD, and GNU/Hurd. These tools are also free.
Of course, the thing that people want is application software: programs to help them get what they want to do done, from editing documents to running a business to playing games to writing more software. Debian comes with over 43000 packages (precompiled software that is bundled up in a nice format for easy installation on your machine), a package manager (APT), and other utilities that make it possible to manage thousands of packages on thousands of computers as easily as installing a single application. All of it free.
It's a bit like a tower. At the base is the kernel. On top of that are all the basic tools. Next is all the software that you run on the computer. At the top of the tower is Debian — carefully organizing and fitting everything so it all works together.
It's all free?
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Most software costs over 100 US dollars. How can you give it away?
A better question is how do software companies get away with charging so much? Software is not like making a car. Once you've made one copy of your software, the production costs to make a million more are tiny (there's a reason Microsoft has so many billions in the bank).
Look at it another way: if you had an endless supply of sand in your backyard, you might be willing to give sand away. It would be foolish, though, to pay for a truck to take it to others. You would make them come and get it themselves (equivalent to downloading off the net) or they can pay someone else to deliver it to their door (equivalent to buying a CD). This is exactly how Debian operates and why most of the CDs/DVDs are so cheap (only about 12 USD for 4 DVDs).
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How'd it all get started?
Debian was begun in August 1993 by Ian Murdock, as a new distribution which would be made openly, in the spirit of Linux and GNU. Debian was meant to be carefully and conscientiously put together, and to be maintained and supported with similar care. It started as a small, tightly-knit group of Free Software hackers, and gradually grew to become a large, well-organized community of developers and users. See the detailed history.
Since many people have asked, Debian is pronounced /ˈən/. It comes from the names of the creator of Debian, Ian Murdock, and his wife, Debra.
Back to the Debian Project homepage. / Bible Study Tools / Booklets / The Final Superpower / The Great Image in Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
The Great Image in Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
Posted on Dec 30, 2013 by United Church of God Estimated reading time: 1 minute
The great image that God revealed to Nebuchadnezzar in a dream was interpreted by the prophet Daniel.
The Great Image in Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
The Great Image in Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
Each section represents a world-ruling superpower. Each succeeding metal is less valuable, but each succeeding metal is stronger, as each empire was more powerful than the last.
This section represented the empire of Babylon, of which Nebuchadnezzar was king.
Silver—Chest and Arms
The silver chest with two arms signified the empire of the Medes and Persians, which conquered and supplanted Babylon.
Bronze—Belly and Thighs
This section represented the Greco-Macedonian Empire of Alexander the Great, which swallowed up Persia.
The two legs of iron represented the Roman Empire. After Alexander’s death, his Hellenistic empire continued in a divided form until its divisions were taken over by Rome. The two legs apparently signified the east-west division that characterized the Late Roman Empire.
Iron & Clay—Feet and Toes
Extending from the legs are feet and toes of iron mixed with clay—a brittle and unstable mixture because it would not bond well. These represent the final phase of the Roman Empire, which will be made up of ten kings, some strong and some weak.
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Nebuchadnezzar’s statue was a prophetic heiroglyph given to him by the Most High Jah Rastafari, an icon of all the world empires to come in gentile world history, from Babylon to Rome – including it’s new incarnation as the New Roman World Order of ‘The West’.
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“Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet [that were] of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.“
(Even now as I write this blog, there are Rastafari scattered across every inhabited peice of land on the earth. His Majesty Qedemawi Haile Selassie said ‘Wherever the sea meets land, there you will find Ethiopians”)
What qualifies Holy Ethiopia as ‘The stone cut out without hands’?
Haile Selassie’s (meaning ‘Power of the Trinity’) full title in office was “His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, King of Kings of Ethiopia, Elect of God”
Christian Ethiopia- the real ‘Messianic Jews’ of Africa
HIM fasika Jerusalem
The Imperial Ethiopian flag below – the ensign of the Tribe of Judah – icon of the sons of David who accepted the truth of Yeshua the Moshiyah (Jesus the Christ). They are the original sons of Jacob, Black Israel, the Afro-Semetic Hebrews.
The Lateran Treaty and Roman Empire “rebirth”
In 1929, Mussolini signed a treaty with the Vatican to return the Holy See to it’s sovereign state. Italy was now a political-ecclestiastical state – The Holy Roman Empire had returned. And what was some of the first order of their Satanic business? Invading the Kingdom of Jah!
Image.(Above: Italian fascists invade Ethiopia, the only peice of Africa remaining uncolonized and free of Roman domination)
The Pope gave his blessing to Mussolini’s evil imaginations of destroying David’s Kingdom in Africa – Israelites living in the Abysinnian highlands. They kept the Sabbath and recognized their Passover Lamb. The entire nation were a testament to the truth of Jesus Christ and the Vatican Apostacy. They did not bow to Rome. Thus, Fasicts decided to force them into submission (much like Nebuchadnezzar’s Chaldean’s conspired against Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in ancient Babylon). But InI know what Jah say about their scemes:
Psalm 2:1- Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, [saying], ‘Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.’ He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion!
Selassie I laughs last! Seen? Yes, let’s talk about Ethiopia. (Cartoon from newspaper Dec. 21st 1940) The British Lion assisted His Majesty in expelling the invaders.
Jah set His King upon the Holy Hill of Zion! The New Jersusalem of Revelations.
‘In the days of these Ten kings’
The Club of Rome, founded in 1968, planned their division of the into 10 Kingdoms/political regions. Rastafari was still the official soveriegn of Ethiopia at that time – he was “deposed” in 1974. Although Soviet ideology had infected the Ethiopians, who abandoned their divine heritage – the Davidic Monarchy – in favour of Satanic Stalinist politics, the cancer had not spread to ‘The Head’ (The Ras) and the Rastafari people remained fathful to H.I.M, as InI do even today.
One World Government
Although many proclaim that a World Government is Satanic, they forget that this entire world belongs to the Almighty and He governs it (“he removeth kings, and setteth up kings”). This gentile world system is what is Satanic, not a world system per se.
Joel 3:2 – I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.Africa-map
Colonialism in Africa was an invasion of Hebrew land (see Genesis 15:8 where Jah gave Abraham’s sons and daughters all the land between the Euphrates -Iraq- and the Nile -beginning in Tanzania and ending in the Mediterranean Sea. The only people on this planet that can proove they are Israelites are the Black Hebrews of Africa. The Diaspora of greater Israel is LARGE but the Tribe of Judah’s location is very specific – Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Monarchy preserved the memory of King David and Solomon, and their heritage and true identity. Afro-Shemetic people are the true Israelites. Africa IS the land of Israel!
So a world government really only poses two possibilities for those who are Biblically minded: is this government going to be Gentile or Israelite? Will it be a pagan political construction or righteous and in fidelity to the true God?
Annual-Assembly-CoR-2010-450x514 (The World Governement of Rome…)
MER-370a_Haile-Selassie+world-globe (Or of the Messiah)
“The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their
power and authority to the beast… they will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen
and faithful followers.” Revelation 17:12-13
The called and chosen and faithful Rastafari:
They plan for world domination:
new-world-order (Note: careless Ethiopians)
“But the court will sit, and his power will be taken away and completely destroyed
forever. Then the sovereignty, power and greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be handed over to the saints, the people of the Most High. His Kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey HIM.” Daniel 7:26
The Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom. Daniel 7:22
monk janhoy
The saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever. Daniel 7:18
Two ‘One World Governments’ on Earth: One is Righteous and eternal, the other Roman and falling fast!
Continued in pt.2 ……….
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Posted in: Bible studies, Rastafari, Temple, YHWH
Tagged: Abyssinia, Africa, Afrika, Babylon, Black, Bronze, Catholics, Colonialism, Daniel, Davidic throne, Gold, Greece, Haile Sellasie I, Hebrews, Iron and Clay, Israel, Israelites, Italy, Jah, Jews, Judah, kingdom, Kingdom of Heaven, Kush, Lion of Judah, Medo-Persia, Messiah, Mussolini, Nubia, Persia, prophecy, Rastafari, Roman Empire, Rome, Silver, Solomon, Solomonic Dynasty, Stone, Vatican, Zion
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David Wolfe
Page Liked · January 6 ·
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Bonnie Marshall Kollorz
Bonnie Marshall Kollorz Very true, change and absorb life each day, all for self improvement of life. Happiness is to be shared, give it to others.
Like · Reply · 10 · January 6 at 12:51am
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Cristina Mantas
Cristina Mantas Whenever we change our way of thinking, about something, it is natural that our lives changes as well. It does not mean that it changes for the better but hopefully that is the result. If we fool ourselves we may be able to go back and change our mind to turn it better some how...
Like · Reply · 5 · January 6 at 1:44am
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Halcyone Rust
Halcyone Rust Everyone who has gone from adversity to peace will confirm this.💖It may be the hardest thing you ever do..but i promise you..freedom starts with unshackling the mind...
Like · Reply · 9 · January 6 at 1:40am
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Paul Bosse
Paul Bosse No, changing your thinking only changed perception not the reality. To change your life you need to act to do so. In actuality.b changing your life changed your life and the way you see it. Changing your thinking only changes your perception but not your life
Like · Reply · January 6 at 2:10am
Trino Mercado
Trino Mercado ,, you are your thinker. Which is your brain. Mind Over Matter. Either you understand or you don't. Your mind is in your spirit. Love and understanding is God. Love is forever mine is forever. Your Linker and your brain R temporary made out of matter when you change your thinking you change your .idea.
Like · Reply · 2 · January 6 at 5:22am
David Swan
David Swan Yeah Dave, thinking that stalking women on beaches and taking photos of their behinds will get you locked changing stuff 😀
Like · Reply · January 6 at 8:06am
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Oscar del Rosario
Write a comment... Robert Lanza on theory of Biocentrism
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Uploaded on Jun 6, 2011
This is part 1 of Rober Lanza's talk on Biocentrism at the Science and Nonduality Conference 2010.
Watch part 2 here:
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Emoshy881 year ago
We already had this theory for thousands of yesrs... It's called Hinduism and Buddhism :)
Reply 50
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Razor Skidrow
Razor Skidrow3 months ago
@Sinneral Juri you little shit, stop talking about Hinduis when you know nothing about it.
Razor Skidrow
Razor Skidrow3 months ago
Hinsuims is shit compared to Buddhism? Stop talking shit if you don't know anything about Hinduism
olamotor7 months ago
Joe Rogan Experience #812 - Russell Brand
Reply 34
jake tyler
jake tyler6 months ago
by the way...hands down one of my fav JRE episodes ever. Been waiting to see Russell on forever.
Reply 1
Mike D
Mike D5 months ago
Yep...I came because of that episide
Qishi Li
Qishi Li6 months ago
This theory is absolutely amazing. Because from one end, I read about Buddhist ideas and Buddha said a long time ago that the world exist only because of our observing. Everything is there only because we're conscious. And the world is merely an illusion. This is the first time I saw a scientist came up with a scholarly theory that agrees with this Buddhist claim. I'd recommend researchers of Biocentricsm also look up some Buddhist texts as possible reference.
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Susazeu1 month ago
Chaos theory explains mathematically what Grant J is explaining, and deeply intertwined with quantum mechanics.
Karanbir Singh
Karanbir Singh3 weeks ago
+Grant J Once again, you are forgetting the context. I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW DELICATE QUANTUM SYSTEMS ARE! It appears that you have never studied quantum mechanics and are following the pop culture trend of applying quantum mechanics to classical situations without taking into account the fact that quantum mechanics does not translate into the classical world. "Directly" and "indirectly" have very special meanings at the quantum level that you are outright ignoring.
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Reply 1
Equilibrium2 months ago
I'm too stoned to comprehend this shit
Reply 22
clovis20123 months ago
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James Penno
James Penno2 months ago
clovis2012 I'm an Aussie - That's literally our accent haha.
Reply 1
Mikael Liedbergius
Mikael Liedbergius2 months ago
Roy Dopson
Roy Dopson2 years ago (edited)
Perhaps the most enlightened being to ever walk the planet, Ramana Maharshi, on the nature of reality and the means by which to abide in/as that which is real. As Mr. Lanza states, the Self creates the world, and therefor is ultimate reality. Misinterpreting (via thought) physicality as ultimate reality is the source of all vexation and suffering.
I suggest starting at minute 6.
Who Am I - Ramana Maharshi Audio Book
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Michael Maitri
Michael Maitri2 years ago
~ The right perception of reality ~ Requires the right perspective ~ The right perspective ~ Requires an expanded awareness ~ An expanded awareness ~ Requires the right mindfulness ~ The right mindfulness ~ Requires a brain and qualia experiences ~
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S. Darakhshan
S. Darakhshan1 year ago
+Samuraisahsah Do psychedelics and have and open heart and mind and allow life and the universe to reveal itself to you
Reply 3
109080706050403021 year ago
+Samuraisahsah His point is that you cant quench your thirst by thinking about Water, you have to Drink it. Same with feeling the "Right perception of Reality", there is no combination of words that you can read that will make you understand it, you have to try it for yourself !
Mr. K
Mr. K2 years ago
Evolution always muddys the waters. One day the THEORY of evolution will be dead, and I hope I am still alive to laugh at all the people who believed in it :)
Reply 24
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Gary McCaffrey
Gary McCaffrey1 year ago
+chefjimmie1 "" or Answers in Genesis? Give me a fucking break, I have looked and laughed before, they are full of absolute horse shit!!
And for your information, I believe in a God of sorts, I don't follow any religion, and I don't pretend I know what God is, but I believe in a collective consciousness of which we are all part of, I have experienced that 'oneness' consciousness many times, and I believe that that consciousness is another realm of existence beyond our current physical reality. I tie that consciousness into the idea of 'God'. BUt I don't pretend I can understand or explain it.
Evolution and the idea of a 'God' are not at odds with each other. Unless you follow a dogmatic, 'paint by numbers' religion like you do, where creative, adaptive thought and reason are disallowed, because the truth shatters your entire belief system.
The fossil records prove evolution to be a fact, not to mention it makes fucking sense when you look around, we share much of our DNA with absolutely every other creature.
A human embryo is in many ways identical to countless other species', indicating a common evolutionary ancestor.
Put it this way, ALL reasonable evidence points to evolution, and listen to this, absolutely not one single god damn thing, not one single shred of evidence exists for creationism, absolutely nothing.
BTW, don't pretend you understand thermodynamics, and only idiots 'like' their own fucking posts.
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Reply 2
Justin Arends
Justin Arends1 year ago (edited)
+chefjimmie1 spoken like someone who doesn't have ANY idea of what evolution is.
You seem to also be confused about what the definition of "adaptation" is.
Creationists love quoting the first law of thermodynamics as well, without knowing what the fuck thermodynamics is.
How about be an objective critical thinker rather than scouring google and copy pasting information from non-credible sources to support your pre-existing beliefs?
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Reply 5
kevnar3 years ago
I think, therefore you are.
Reply 9
FocusReborn1 year ago
It's pretty much impossible to deny at this point that the first principle of Biocentrism is pretty much a fact. Reality IS a process which involves our consciousness.
Reply 14
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Kevin Osborne
Kevin Osborne7 months ago
You assume that creating one's reality means having full control. One controls only when one is fully conscious, which most folks on earth are a long way from. Look at the size of the earth relative to the universe and the speed at which we travel relative to the speed of light. We are very limited in our view of this place. As one sees more, it begins to fit together and make sense.
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The God Effect
The God Effect5 months ago
Except you're wrong. It appears that way. It's the measurement itself that affects the system, the collapse of the wave function in quantum mechanics. In other words, the macroscopic measurement, whether by laser or electron micrography, or accelerometers, perturbs the quantum wave into a definite/discrete state. Not the human observation. That is the fallacy of this thinking, pseudoscientific babble from an MD with no understanding of quantum mechanics.
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PJ Butler
PJ Butler2 years ago
The theory of Biocentrism would make better sense if our consciousness were part of a collective of all consciousnesses. Maybe we are the singularity before the so called Big Bang. If the universe behaves as a holograph, then possibly projected from us at the God consciousness that we are apart of. Possibly the beginning, the now, and 13.4 billion years out there is the projection of the collective, since it appears to us all the same. Now, for my third cup of coffee.
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Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones2 years ago
you will also find that the age of the universe is wrong as well, the earth in itself is 646 billion years old why space is 36 trillion yrs old, remember the scientists only measure from the observeable universe which is 13.7 billion yrs, but in spiritual circles we know, especially the most accurate contact on this planet , billy meier and other spiritual people who had expereinces claim it's between 21-36 trillion yrs old , so in other words a 36 trillion yr old hologram. older hologram universes exist as well as younger, the consciousness created everything, not god , god is consciousness, but not god and jesus
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PJ Butler
PJ Butler2 years ago
+Sarah Jones Much we do not know, though through the annals of history, threads of truths are passed along, Science acts like the denier of facts. A war goes on our consciousness. Energy exist within our bodies which seems to be separate from our directing conscientiousness. Our physical bodies are nothing more than a vessel, our brains a receiver for directions, a free will to chose a path. Alas, a cup of coffee awaits
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Daniel Carr
Daniel Carr9 months ago
I'm trying to understand this point of view. Can someone who understand this explain this to me: 'So, if consciousness creates the reality we see, how come everyone sees the same reality'?
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Mirakelbabe3 months ago
Yes That was my questen too!
the81kid3 months ago
+The God Effect
I assume you mean Sam Harris, who is hardly a great intellectual.
Lizzy H
Lizzy H11 months ago
did he say idear?
Reply 6
Roberto Yelil
Roberto Yelil2 years ago
Funny how I have never heard of this guy before... I must have created him just now... :D
Reply 5
PRAVEEN GOYAL6 months ago
All his thoughts are arising from ancient Hindu vedic texts. He is just reading them.
Reply 6
Sergiuss5553 months ago
your hindu texts are just a collection of bullshit fantasies.
Raptor Jesus
Raptor Jesus1 year ago (edited)
sounds very wacky,
he actually says "your mind has the power to create space and time."...
he's also using the "god of the gaps" argument, (science can't explain it (yet) therefore his idea must be right!)
extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
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Reply 7
Ann Black
Ann Black1 year ago (edited)
I am trying to grasp all this but I will say one thing this guy does not look nearly 60 yrs old.Seems to me he has a clue about how to slow down aging.
Reply 5
Brian Fletcher
Brian Fletcher1 year ago
The science "priests" perceptions are now under threat. Time for an Inquisition.
The ancient Greeks made it clear, that reality is where we are looking from, not what we are looking at. "If you wish to know the universe, "KNOW THYSELF".
You can believe/disbelieve this or know it. What is the difference? One is based on second hand observation, the other awakening consciousness of clarity. If it was just intellectual, then men with Lanza's qualifications would be reading off the same page (which, based on biocentrism, is a holographic projection, by definition.)
OK lets build the "stake" Who is willing to light the pyre? We could use such "pages" as a fire starter.....;-)
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Reply 6
John1 year ago
So how do you know that you're not massively schizophrenic and living in a hallucination or dream?
Reply 4
Paul Folsom
Paul Folsom1 year ago
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley
Reply 4
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Finding Old Web Pages
Last updated Jan. 27, 2008.
The Web changes constantly, and sometimes that page that had just the information you needed yesterday (or last month or two years ago) is not available today. At other times you may want to see how a page's content or design has changed. There are several sources for finding Web pages as they used to exist.
While Google's cache is probably the best known, the others are important alternatives that may have pages not available at Google or the Wayback Machine plus they may have an archived page from a different date. The table below notes the name of the service, the way to find the archived page, and some notes that should give some idea as to how old a page the archive may contain.
Multiple copies of pages
Wayback Machine Enter URL in search box to view From late 1996 to 8-14 months ago; from the Internet Archive. Often includes cached images, CSS, and JavaScript.
Archive-It Collections Full-text search or enter URL Highly selective collections, primarily of state agencies and organizations. Some general pages included as well. Full-text searching. Use "Search All Collections" for broadest coverage. Multiple dates. Images, PDFs, text.
WebCite Enter URL in search box to view Launched in late 2005, this site only archives Web pages cited in certain journal articles (mosty health-related). Multiple dates may be available via drop down box in upper right. No text search access. Text, images, PDFs cached. Examples: Web page, newspaper article, PDF.
Single "Cached" Copy of a Page
Review cache:URL or Cached link Estimate from yesterday to 3 months old. Crawl date given. Text only cache as well.
Review Cached page link Estimate from yesterday to 3 months old. Crawl date given.
Review Cached link Estimate from yesterday to 3 months old. No cache date given.
Review Cached link Estimate from yesterday to 3 months old. Crawl date given. Incomplete coverage.
Review [cached] link or
[stripped] for text From recent to a year old. Gives date of cache. Text only cache and links to Wayback Machine (older copies link) as well.
Review Preview or link From recent to a 6 months old. Gives date of cache. Incomplete coverage.
Alexa Cached link Estimate from yesterday to 3 months old. No cache date given.
ScrubTheWeb Cached link Small database, from 1-7 months old. No cache date given.
Family Source Cached link Small database, 1 million+ "family friendly" pages. Most pages cached in 2005. No cache date given.
Healia Cached link Estimate 2-4 months old. Small database of consumer health documents. No date given.
DiplomacyMonitor Cached link Small database of "more than 16,000 diplomatic and trade documents issued in the past 90 days." Date indexed given.
Baidu 百度快照 link Chinese search engine. Crawl date on results page, not in cache.
Baidu Japan キャッシュlink Japanese search engine. Crawl date on results page, not in cache.
Yandex (Яндекс) Сохраненная копия link Russian search engine, with primarily Russian pages. Estimate yesterday to several months old. No date given.
ZoomInfo [Cached] link Only in people search, associated pages have cached links. Cache date given, but no searchable or URL access. You have to know what person might be on a specific page.
Note that none of these include all Web pages. A robots.txt file or a in the header of a file can prohibit the crawling of the page. Google and other should look for a in the header and not cache such pages. But the exclusions do not always work. Other possible ways to resurrect a dead link include checking in your local browser's cache if you visited the page recently or hope that someone else copied and posted the file on the Web.
For more details on searching the Wayback Machine, see my article "The Wayback Machine: The Web's Archive." ONLINE 26(2): 59-61, Mar.-Apr. 2002.
Services that Used to Have a Cached Copy
IncyWincy cached link Small database based on ODP, about 6 months old, gave date of cache. Defunct as of Fall 2007.
BoardReader Cached link to view Web forum postings only, date unreliable; cache link gone as of Fall 2006.
Daypop Cached date link to view Last two weeks, blog postings and news articles, gives date of cache. Daypop no longer available as of Fall 2006.
Feedster Cached link to view Typically caches only the first few lines from blog & news RSS feeds. Cached copy no longer available as of Fall 2006.
Blogging Ecosystem c link to view Very small: top linked and linking blogs only; no longer updated as of Fall 2006.
SearchMil All from MaxBot These used to have their own database and cached copies. As of 2003, SearchGov and SearchEdu just give Google results. SearchMil no longer has cached copies.
Google News Formerly cache:URL to view Cached capability removed in March 2003.
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7 Reasons Every Church Website Needs a Porn Page
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Brandon Cox (website:
Jan 23, 2017
Scripture: none
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Tags: Brokenness Culture Outreach Pornography
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Yep. Porn. You read it right.
Every church website needs a porn page – a page dedicated to pornography.
A couple of years ago, I added a page about porn (yep, to our church’s website and began to optimize it for search engine results.
Now, hundreds of people have found that page while searching for things like “arkansas porn” and “northwest porn” and various other related terms. Some have even found it while looking for “help with porn addiction.”
Visit the Grace Hills Porn Page What’s on the page? Well, these basic elements:
Words of encouragement for those struggling, along with an invitation to escape.
Links to and
A link to a strong, local Celebrate Recovery ministry.
A link to ten of the best books about the struggle with pornography.
Links to other local resources and ministries.
An invitation to come to Grace Hills, “even if you just looked at porn.”
We could do more. We could incorporate video testimonials, giveaways of free software, and links to messages where we’ve talked about addiction, lust, and pornography. But this is a good start.
Here are some reasons why I believe every church ought to create a page like this…
We talk about shining light in the darkness, but we don’t really enter the darkness much with the light. Google gives us a chance to do so by creating findable resources for those who are struggling.
When we preach at people about their behavior but never preach to them with hope, we just create frustrated, disillusioned strugglers.
When we don’t talk about an issue that a lot of people struggle with, we make it seem taboo, off limits, and that there is no help.
People are looking for porn! LOTS of people. They need to know that what they’re searching for will never fill the void that Jesus can fill with his true, genuine love.
It’s a gospel issue. It’s a sin issue, so repentance is necessary. We need to talk about this issue in a way that invites people to change rather than merely piling on more shame.
Resources are out there! And the church has the people who need those resources. This is one way for us to build a bridge and plug people into helpful resources.
Part of the church’s tendency to be anemic is the result of a ton of our guys feeling shame over their secret addiction to porn. Help them get free and see just how they can change the world.
Men are struggling in this area more and more. Women are struggling too. Teenagers are struggling. Families are hurting. People in the industry are suffering. People are being bought and sold as slaves to help support this industry. We’ve gotta do something! Why not start a church porn page?
Brandon Cox (website:
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Brandon Cox is lead pastor of Grace Hills Church, a new church plant in northwest Arkansas. He also serves as Editor and Community Facilitator for and Rick Warren's Pastor's Toolbox and was formerly a pastor at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California. In his spare time, he offers consultation to church leaders about communication, branding and social media. He and his wife Angie live with their two awesome kids in Bentonville, Arkansas.
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Office of National Drug Control Policy As Marijuana Majority’s Tom Angell noted on his Facebook page the Trump White House also deleted the Office of National Drug Control Policy, which included the Obama Administration’s opposition to marijuana legalization. Donald Trump Removes Marijuana Opposition from White House Website
Carl Wellstone January 20, 2017, 6:28 pm
Donald Trump Removes Marijuana Opposition from White House Website
Much has been made about Donald Trump’s decisions to alter the White House’s website, notably removing LGBTQ rights, civil rights and climate change from the list of presidential issues. Most alarming to the cannabis community may be the fact that the Trump Administration now touts “Standing Up For Our Law Enforcement Community,” especially if the commitment to “law and order” leads to more marijuana arrests, even in states where voters have deemed it legal. As Marijuana Majority’s Tom Angell noted on his Facebook page the Trump White House also deleted the Office of National Drug Control Policy, which included the Obama Administration’s opposition to marijuana legalization.
Using the Wayback Machine, you can see that the Obama Administration’s ONDCP page:
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Peter Lunk • an hour ago
HERE is the exact page in the archives of that you show in your screenshot:
Don't make a panic where there is no reason to panic please...
Focus on real things...
p.s. Fuck Trump !
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Kip Kotler • 7 hours ago
Donald Trump Wants To Legalize Marijuana
see more
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Gary Craig Kip Kotler • an hour ago
I'll believe it when it happens, not before!
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Governmental Deception • 11 hours ago
Jesus Cripe stop assuming first off, 2nd off Trump is giving the rights to the STATES and for the State's to choose if they want it legal or not. he is going to be for the people they work for us not us work for them. Keep making your voices heard that you want it legal and just keep his feet to the fire on it rather than being an a.... hole news sites that starts more lying rumors that aren't true. Not meaning this site in general.
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A Freedom Fighter • 15 hours ago
It's absolutely clear that Cannabis is in wide general use throughout the United States. Whether or not cannabis is legal does not seem to make much of a difference regarding popularity and consumption. It's perfectly clear that cannabis is much safer than booze. The only open question is who will profit from the sales of cannabis, organized crime and criminals, or legitimate business with regulation and Taxation?
The FBI estimates 100 BILLION dollars in illegal recreational cannabis sales occur every year here in the United States. Another 30 BILLION is lost in potential tax revenue. Another 15 BILLION is wasted on the capture and persecution simple cannabis consumers. Legalization solves all these issues and puts organized crime out of the cannabis business.
All the data needed for an informed decision on cannabis legalization has already been collected and can be found at the Center for Disease Control.
Figures directly from the CDC on numbers of deaths per year in the USA:
* Prescription Drugs: 237,485 + 5,000 traffic fatalities
* Tobacco: 600,000
* Alcohol: 88,013 + 16,000 traffic fatalities
* Cocaine: 4,906
* Heroin: 7,200
* Aspirin: 466
* Acetaminophen (Tylenol): 179
* Marijuana: 0, none, not a single fatal toxic overdose in all medical history and no significant statistical record of traffic problems.
So, which is safer???? Legalize, regulate, TAX!
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malcolmkyle • a day ago
Here are several extracts from an article posted at the ‘Tenth Amendment Center’ on 30th Dec 2015, concerning Prohibition and Federal Law:
“Of course, the federal government lacks any constitutional authority to ban or regulate marijuana within the borders of a state, despite the opinion of the politically connected lawyers on the Supreme Court. If you doubt this, ask yourself why it took a constitutional amendment to institute federal alcohol prohibition.”
“FBI statistics show that law enforcement makes approximately 99 of 100 marijuana arrests under state, not federal law.”
“Furthermore, figures indicate it would take 40 percent of the DEA’s yearly-budget just to investigate and raid all of the dispensaries in Los Angeles – a single city in a single state. That doesn’t include the cost of prosecution. The lesson? The feds lack the resources to enforce marijuana prohibition without state assistance.”
“With nearly half the country legalizing marijuana, the feds find themselves in a position where they simply can’t enforce prohibition any more. The feds need state cooperation to fight the “drug war,” and that has rapidly evaporated in the last few years with state legalization, practically nullifying the ban.”
“The lesson here is pretty straight forward. When enough people say, ‘No!’ to the federal government, and enough states pass laws backing those people up, there’s not much the feds can do to shove their so-called laws, regulations or mandates down our throats,” Tenth Amendment Center founder and executive director Michael Boldin said.
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Chas Hue • a day ago
Direct from Trump's inauguration speech "….January 20th 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again….Everyone is listening to you now….We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone….You will never be ignored again…" Want to bet, Sessions and other closed minded leaders think it is their God given obligation to think and decide for you.
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A Freedom Fighter Chas Hue • 15 hours ago
Trump speech was mostly about thanking the people of the world (translated means Russia) and "us" he referred to are white supremacist Neo-Nazi thugs.
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Heather Mehudar • a day ago
For anyone who sees this and is freaking out by the scary, immediate changes to the White House website, remember is it SOP for the out-going administration to ALWAYS archive the website and reset it to "zero" for the in-coming administration. Obama's website is not gone, just archived here:
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Erich Powell • a day ago
Trump nor any one of his people removed all that. It is done every time a new President takes office. But you know, the Media likes to Fearmonger so....just wait and see. Trump believes things be left to the States and the people's votes therein.
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Chas Hue Erich Powell • a day ago
This is not the media at play. Sessions made it clear he will enforce the law on the books and will not allow the President to mitigate that duty. Trump has no fewer than three very strong opponents of legalization on his team, they will likely influence him. I prefer the legislature get this resolved by removing it, I have made dozens of contacts with my elected officials over the years and nothing….like zero support for common sense action.
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jontomas • 2 days ago
Here's some rare (early?) video coverage of the inaugural marijuana protest/give away. - It figures it's from a British newspaper.
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jontomas • 2 days ago
It's helpful to consider the worst case scenario. - At worst Sessions could close down stores and large commercial grows. - The feds cannot force state and local police to go against state law and arrest consumers.
In the eight legal states (and to varying degree in the 28 medical marijuana states) it will always be legal to possess, consume, grow and give away small amounts of marijuana. - This is the form of legalization achieved in Washington, D.C.
So, at worst, we would all be on the D.C. model for a few years. - Then, with the sky falling nowhere, restrictions on sales would gradually fade.
It's also encouraging to note that one of Trump's transition team members is Peter Thiel. He is a major backer of the Marley Natural line of marijuana products. The same goes for Trump's apparent choice of head for the FDA, Jim O'Neill.
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M. Simon jontomas • 2 days ago
Nigel Farage will also be an unofficial advisor. Nigel favors an end to Drug Prohibition.
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JohnB M. Simon • a day ago
And let's also not completely ignore the influence his children will have on him. It's entirely possible that he will give substantial weight to the opinions of his daughter and son-in-law, more so than any of his cabinet members, and they are of the generation that is overwhelmingly in favor of legalization.
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Gary Craig JohnB • an hour ago
I think, for better or worse, the Koch brothers are for legalizing. On the other hand Shelly FunBucks is most definitely against it. At least in the US he is.
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M. Simon • 2 days ago
He also removed the "Climate/Global Warming" stuff.
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Daniel Bashers • 2 days ago
After reading up on Sessions I have a slight glimmer of hope. He has said (not a direct quote) his job is to enforce federal laws and if states are going to be left alone to legalize cannabis federal laws need to changed. His hard line views may end up working in our favor. If the choice is 100% illegal an completely shutting down all medicinal or ending federal prohibition I think the latter will prevail. I appreciate Obama for what he did to help but he wasn't willing to make a hard stance to legalize. Trump says he agrees 100% with medicinal and if Sessions pushes him over enforcing federal law or changing federal law he will be in favor changing federal law. With that said, Trump is a wild card so you never know but I just don't see him ending medicinal.
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Cannawitch • 2 days ago
why you frontin? these pages were all part of the obama admin, therefore they get archived and trump will create new ones... just like obama did when he took office.... ...why would you think barry and donald would have the same opinion or agenda.... do a little more fact checking eh .... dont contribute to propaganda bro
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Jorge Cervantes • 2 days ago
We do not know exactly what the Trump administration will do regarding cannabis policy. The guy shoots from the hip, confuses and creates chaos. Once the waters are muddy and choppy, he could shoot salvos across the bow or say nothing.
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Daniel Bashers Jorge Cervantes • 2 days ago
Mr Cervantes is a living legend in cannabis. Much respect sir, I've bought your books an wish I had the freedom to practice your growing techniques. Unfortunately, too much risk to attempt at the moment. Sickens me I have to support the black market instead.
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claygooding • 2 days ago
I am sure to some people Donald Trump is a successful businessman but I haven't seen it,,he has more bankruptcies than anyone I ever heard of.
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M. Simon claygooding • 2 days ago
He has at least a million dollars and some hotels. I don't have any of that. He seems successful enough to me.
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Ryan744 M. Simon • 9 hours ago
If he had just put his whole inheritance into an index fund and sat on a couch for the last 40 years, he would be much richer and have created many more jobs. This makes him a business failure. He lost ONE ENTIRE BILLION DOLLARS in a single year.
This is despite all of his shady business practices to increase his net worth. (banning black people from his apartments in the 70's, wrongfully refusing to pay contractors, multiple bankruptcies, running a scam university, bribing Pam Bondi, using illegal Polish immigrant labor, using his fake foundation to pay his personal lawsuits and buy life-size portraits of himself, etc.)
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Gary Craig M. Simon • 16 hours ago
I only wish I'd have been born with a "silver spoon" in mouth. I was born with a spoon in my mouth. Unfortunately it was a splintered wooden one.
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Michael Roland M. Simon • 2 days ago
He only license his name out on those hotels, and the Chinese own the majority stakes in them. Most of his money is paper money, not liquid.
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saynotohypocrisy M. Simon • 2 days ago
Who knows? Who knows how much he owes, or to who?
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darthhillbilly • 2 days ago
The site also has the "We The People" section still up. Three petitions are on there as of now, one has to do with legal hemp. I'm waiting for a medicinal/recreational petition to surface. I'm curious to see the response given by the Trump administration...
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Gary Craig • 2 days ago
Let's see how that page looks once it has been updated. I'm hoping for the best. Trump did say it should be a state decision, at least while a candidate. Shortly, very shortly, we'll know how he really intends to govern on this matter. Hope it's a continuation of Obama and not Nixon/Reagan/Bush 1&2.
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M. Simon Gary Craig • 2 days ago
The CIA has been attacking Trump. The The Trillion Dollar A Year Scam CIA.
Do you think he will do something against those fellers?
I'd bet on it..
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And Donald Trump’s ONDCP page, on his inauguration day, looks like this:
Does this mean that Donald Trump is going to change the federal government’s opposition to marijuana legalization and call for an end to cannabis prohibition? Unfortunately, not likely. There are definite warning signs about the Trump Administration, notably his nomination of Jeff Sessions for attorney general, so the best that we can really expect is a continuation of the Obama Administration’s policy of leaving states alone to make their own marijuana policy. As Tom Angell mentioned, these website changes are likely just “a broader transition reset and aren’t themselves any kind of policy indication.”
But, since I had several pro-Trump legalization supporters touting his business acumen as an example of why he’ll ultimately be good on marijuana policy, I’m gonna hold out hope that President Trump will channel The Donald that called for the legalization of all drugs back in the early 1990s. Hey, a boy can dream, right?
Photo credit: Donkey Hotey
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