Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Facebook just rolled out a bunch of features that are almost exactly like

Facebook just rolled out a bunch of features that are almost exactly like Snapchat CNBC Matt Rosoff CNBCMarch 29, 2017 Facebook just rolled out a bunch of features that are almost exactly like Snapchat More Facebook (FB) has taken its most aggressive steps yet to counter Snapchat's popularity among teens. Over the last year the company has duplicated a number of features that Snapchat made famous, including Instagram Stories, which lets users compile multiple annotated photos into a narrative story that disappears, and a very similar basic camera interface. But this morning, Facebook unveiled three new features that essentially finish the job: Facebook Camera Effects = Snapchat Filters: According to a blog post, Facebook is rolling out "dozens" of special effects, like "masks, frames, and interactive filters" that users can add to their photos. It will also begin to add branded filters from movies geared toward kids and teens like "Despicable Me 3" and "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" These kinds of silly and light-hearted filters are core to the Snapchat experience, and a big reason why teens use it to communicate. Facebook Direct = Snapchat Snaps: A new feature called Facebook Direct will let users share disappearing photos and videos with friends. Recipients can view the photo or video once and respond, then the original disappears forever. This is the functionality that originally made Snapchat popular (and led to the widespread assumption in its early days that it was intended for sending explicit photos). Facebook Stories = Snapchat Stories: Facebook already added Stories -- collections of photos and videos that are set to disappear after 24 hours -- to Instagram last August. Now, the same functionality is coming to the main Facebook feed. Snapchat's user growth had already started to slow in the fourth quarter of 2016, according to its IPO filing, and some analysts believe Instagram Stories was the reason. Now with these three features available to Facebook's nearly 2 billion users, Snapchat will have a harder time staying ahead of the social media giant, especially as it seeks to expand into new countries where Facebook is already popular. Shares of Snap closed the day down nearly 7 percent. -- Reporting by Julia Boorstin (Disclosure: CNBC parent NBCUniversal is an investor in Snap.)


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Scientific authorship: guests, courtesy, contributions, and harms ... https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/.../scientific-authorship-guests-courtesy-contributi... Nov 4, 2011 - I think this question has interesting ethical dimensions, but before we get into those, we need to say a little bit about what's going on with ...

Doing Good Science Scientific authorship: guests, courtesy, contributions, and harms. By Janet D. Stemwedel on November 4, 2011 Every Issue. Every Year. 1845 - Present Neuroscience. Evolution. Health. Chemistry. Physics. Technology. DrugMonkey asks, where's the harm in adding a "courtesy author" (also known as a "guest author") to the author line of a scientific paper? I think this question has interesting ethical dimensions, but before we get into those, we need to say a little bit about what's going on with authorship of scientific papers. I suppose there are possible worlds in which who is responsible for what in a scientific paper might not matter. In the world we live in now, however, it's useful to know who designed the experimental apparatus and got the reaction to work (so you can email that person your questions when you want to set up a similar system), who did the data analysis (so you can share your concerns about the methodology), who made the figures (so you can raise concerns about digital fudging of the images), etc. Part of the reason people put their names on scientific papers is so we know who stands behind the research -- who is willing to stake their reputation on it. The other reason people put their names on scientific papers is to claim credit for their hard work and their insights, their contribution to the larger project of scientific knowledge-building. If you made a contribution, the scientific community ought to know about it so they can give you props (and funding, and tenure, and the occasional Nobel Prize). But, we aren't in a possition to make accurate assignments of credit or responsibility if we have no good information about what an author's actual involvement in the project may have been. We don't know who's really in a position to vouch for the data, or who really did heavy intellectual lifting in bringing the project to fruition. We may understand, literally, the claim, "Joe Schmoe is second author of this paper," but we don't know what that means, exactly. I should note that there is not one universally recognized authorship standard for all of the Tribe of Science. Rather, different scientific disciplines (and subdisciplines) have different practices as far as what kind of contribution is recognized as worthy of inclusion as an author on a paper, and as far as what the order in which the authors are listed is supposed to communicate about the magnitude of each contribution. In some fields, authors are always listed alphabetically, no matter what they contributed. In others, being first in the list means you made the biggest contribution, followed by the second author (who made the second-biggest contribution), and so forth. It is usually the case that the principal investigator (PI) is identified as the "corresponding author" (i.e., the person to whom questions about the work should be directed), and often (but not always) the PI takes the last slot in the author line. Sometimes this is an acknowledgement that while the PI is the brains of the lab's scientific empire, particular underlings made more immediately important intellectual contributions to the particular piece of research the paper is communicating. But authorship practices can be surprisingly local. Not only do different fields do it differently, but different research groups in the same field -- at the same university -- do it differently. What this means is it's not obvious at all, from the fact that your name appears as one of the authors of a paper, what your contribution to the project was. There have been attempts to nail down explicit standards for what kinds of contributions should count for authorship, with the ICMJE definition of authorship being one widely cited effort in this direction. Not everyone in the Tribe of Science, or even in the subset of the tribe that publishes in biomedical journals, thinks this definition draws the lines in the right places, but the fact that journal editors grapple with formulating such standards suggests at least the perception that scientists need a clear way to figure out who is responsible for the scientific work in the literature. We can have a discussion about how to make that clearer, but we have to acknowledge that at the present moment, just noting that someone is an author without some definition of what that entails doesn't do the job. Here's where the issue of "guest authorship" comes up. A "guest author" is someone whose name appears in a scientific paper's author line even though she has not made a contribution that is enough (under whatever set of standards one recognizes for proper authorship) to qualify her as an author of the paper. A guest is someone who is visiting. She doesn't really live here, but stays because of the courtesy and forebearance of the host. She eats your food, sleeps under your roof, uses your hot water, watches your TV -- in short, she avails herself of the amenities the host provides. She doesn't pay the rent or the water bill, though; that would transform her from a guest to a tenant. To my way of thinking, a guest author is someone who is "just visiting" the project being written up. Rather than doing the heavy lifting in that project, she is availing herself of the amenities offered by association (in print) with that project, and doing so because of the courtesy and forebearance of the "host" author. The people who are actually a part of the project will generally be able to recognize the guest author as a "guest" (as opposed to an actual participant). The people receiving the manuscript will not. In other words, the main amenity the guest author partakes in is credit for the labors of the actual participants. Even if all the participants agreed to this (and didn't feel the least bit put out at the free-rider whose "authorship" might be diluting his or her own share of credit), this makes it impossible for those outside the group to determine what the guest author's actual contribution was (or, in this case, was not). Indeed, if people outside the arrangement could tell that the guest author was a free-rider, there wouldn't be any point in guest authorship. Science strives to be a fact-based enterprise. Truthful communication is essential, and the ability to connect bits of knowledge to the people who contributed is part of how the community does quality control on that knowledge base. Ambiguity about who made the knowledge may lead to ambiguity about what we know. Also, developing too casual a relationship with the truth seems like a dangerous habit for a scientist to get into. Coming back to DrugMonkey's question about whether courtesy authorship is a problem, it looks to me like maybe we can draw a line between two kinds of "guests," one that contributes nothing at all to the actual design, execution, evaluation, or communication of the research, and one who contributes something here, just less than what the conventions require for proper authorship. If these characters were listed as authors on a paper, I'd be inclined to call the first one a "guest author" and the second a "courtesy author" in an attempt to keep them straight; the cases with which DrugMonkey seems most concerned are the "courtesy authors" in my taxonomy. In actual usage, however, the two labels seem to be more or less interchangeable. Naturally, this makes it harder to distinguish who actually did what -- but it strikes me that this is just the kind of ambiguity people are counting on when they include a "guest author" or "courtesy author" in the first place. What's the harm? Consider a case where the PI of a research group insists on giving authorship of a paper to a postdoc who hasn't gotten his experimental system to work at all and is almost out of funding. The PI gives the justification that "He needs some first-author papers or his time here will have been a total waste." As it happens, giving this postdoc authorship bumps the graduate student who did all the experimental work (and the conceptual work, and data analysis, and drafting of the manuscript) out of first author slot -- maybe even off the paper entirely. There is real harm here, to multiple parties. In this case, someone got robbed of appropriate credit, and the person identified as most responsible for the published work will be a not-very-useful person to contact with deeper questions about the work (since he didn't do any of it or at best participated on the periphery of the project). Consider another kind of case, where authorship is given to a well-known scientist with a lot of credibility in his field, but who didn't make a significant intellectual contribution to work (at least, not one that rises to the level of meriting authorship under the recognized standards). This is the kind of courtesy authorship that was extended to Gerald Schatten in a 2005 paper in Science another of whose authors was Hwang Woo Suk. This paper had 25 authors listed, with Schatten identified as the senior author. Ultimately, the paper was revealed to be fraudulent, at which point Schatten claimed mostly to have participated in writing the paper in good English -- a contribution recognized as less than what one would expect from an author (especially the senior author). Here, including Schatten as an author seemed calculated to give the appearance (to the journal editors while considering the manuscript, and to the larger scientific community consuming the published work)that the work was more important and/or credible, because of the big name associated with it. But this would only work because listing that big name in the author line amounts to claiming the big name was actually involved in the work. When the paper fell apart, Schatten swiftly disavowed responsibility -- but such a disavowal was only necessary because of what was communicated by the author line, and I think it's naïve to imagine that this "ambiguity" or "miscommunication" was accidental. In cases like this, I think it's fair to say courtesy authorship does harm, undermining the baseline of trust in the scientific community. It's hard to engage in efficient knowledge-building with people you think are trying to put one over on you. The cases where DrugMonkey suggests courtesy authorship might be innocuous strike me as interestingly different. They are cases where someone has actually made a real contribution of some sort to the work, but where that contribution may be judged (under whatever you take to be the accepted standards of your scientific discipline) as not quite rising to the level of authorship. Here, courtesy authorship could be viewed as inflating the value of the actual contribution (by listing the person who made it in the author line, rather than the acknowledgements), or alternatively as challenging where the accepted standards of your discipline draw the line between a contribution that qualifies you as an author and one that does not. For example, DrugMonkey writes: First, the exclusion of those who "merely" collect data is stupid to me. I'm not going to go into the chapter and verse but in my lab, anyway, there is a LOT of ongoing trouble shooting and refining of the methods in any study. It is very rare that I would have a paper's worth of data generated by my techs or trainees and that they would have zero intellectual contribution. Given this, the asymmetry in the BMJ position is unfair. In essence it permits a lab head to be an author using data which s/he did not collect and maybe could not collect but excludes the technician who didn't happen to contribute to the drafting of the manuscript. That doesn't make sense to me. The paper wouldn't have happened without both of the contributions. I agree with DrugMonkey that there's often a serious intellectual contribution involved in conducting the experiments, not just in designing them (and that without the data, all we have are interesting hunches, not actual scientific knowledge, to report). Existing authorship standards like those from ICMJE or BMJ can unfairly exclude those who do the experimental labor from authorship by failing to recognize this as an intellectual contribution. Pushing to have these real contributions recognized with appropriate career credit is important. As well, being explicit about who made these contributions to the research being reported in the paper makes it much easier for other scientists following up on the published work (e.g., comparing it to their own results in related experiments, or trying to use some of the techniques described in the paper to set up new experiments) to actually get in touch with the people most likely to be able to answer their questions. Changing how might weight experimental prowess is given in the career scorekeeping may be an uphill battle, especially when the folks distributing the rewards for the top scores are administrators (focused on the money the people they're scoring can bring to an institution) and PIs (who frequently have more working hours devoted to conception and design of project for their underlings rather than to the intellectual labor of making those projects work, and to writing the proposals that bring in the grant money and the manuscripts that report the happy conclusion of the projects funded by such grants). That doesn't mean it's not a fight worth having. But, I worry that using courtesy authorship as a way around this unfair setting of the authorship bar actually amounts to avoiding the fight rather than addressing these issues and changing accepted practices. DrugMonkey also writes: Assuming that we are not talking about pushing someone else meaningfully* out of deserved credit, where lies the harm even if it is a total gift? Who is hurt? How are they damaged? __
*by pushing them off the paper entirely or out of first-author or last-author position. Adding a 7th in the middle of the authorship list doesn't affect jack squat folks. Here, I wonder: if dropping in a courtesy author as the seventh author of a paper can't hurt, how either can we expect it to help the person to whom this "courtesy" is extended? Is it the case that no one actually expects that the seventh author made anything like a significant contribution, so no one is being misled in judging the guest in the number seven slot as having made a comparable contribution to the scientist who earned her seventh-author position in another paper? If listing your seventh-author paper on your CV is automatically viewed as not contributing any points in your career scorekeeping, why even list it? And why doesn't it count for anything? Is it because the seventh author never makes a contribution worth career points ... or is it because, for all we know, the seventh author may be a courtesy author, there for other reasons entirely? If a seventh-author paper is actually meaningless for career credit, wouldn't it be more help to the person to whom you might extend such a "courtesy" if you actually engaged her in the project in such a way that she could make an intellectual contribution recognized as worthy of career credit? In other words, maybe the real problem with such courtesy authorship is that it gives the appearance of help without actually being helpful. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and are not necessarily those of Scientific American. ADVERTISEMENT | REPORT AD ABOUT THE AUTHOR(S) Janet D. Stemwedel Janet D. Stemwedel is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at San José State University. Her explorations of ethics, scientific knowledge-building, and how they are intertwined are informed by her misspent scientific youth as a physical chemist. Recent Articles I’m so glad we’ve had this time together. Pennywise and pound-foolish: misidentified cells and competitive pressures in scientific knowledge-building. Twenty-five years later.

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Home / About Us About Us Over the last 10 years, Enago has helped disseminate knowledge about manuscript preparation, submission, and publication to numerous first-time and experienced researchers from countries such as Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Turkey, and China. In our endeavor to reach out to ESL authors across geographies, we have collaborated with several publishers, scientific societies, and universities. We now intend to further increase this association through the specialized channel of Enago Academy. Under Enago Academy, we offer comprehensive and up-to-date resources for researchers, publishers, editors, and students to learn and share their experience about research and publishing. By collaborating with industry experts on a common platform, we intend to make Enago Academy a forum for active discussion and knowledge sharing. Based on our experience of helping international researchers eliminate language barriers, we wish to create newer avenues by which ideas and challenges can be communicated to a global audience. Adapting to every researcher’s unique requirements, we will create innovative services to help them achieve their goal of publishing. Our Author Workshops are an example of how we have helped multiple researchers from ESL countries gain knowledge about how they can publish manuscripts in high impact factor journals as well as increase their awareness of the publishing industry. What We Do Enago Academy intends to meet the following objectives: about-1 Guide Researchers/Authors To learn more about each stage of the publication cycle To be aware about the trending topics in the research and publishing industry To have first-hand access to industry stalwarts about-1 Help Journals/Publishers Focus on the needs of ESL authors/researchers Realize the challenges faced by authors/researchers Increase information sharing and awareness of the overall industry about-1 Collaborate with Universities/ Academic Institutions By conducting author workshops for first-time authors/researchers By improving the quality of publication from universities by training experienced authors to publish in high impact factor journals By increasing awareness of the scholarly publishing industry among graduate students The Enago Academy team is here to help you to do all this, and more! Please contact us at academy@enago.com

Friday, March 24, 2017

about - Professional Networkers – Where Business is Family! www.professionalnetworkers.com/about.html Professional Networkers is a staff of network marketing professionals, many of ... has allowed his Professional Networkers organization within 4Life to achieve ...

HOME OPPORTUNITY PRODUCTS SCIENCE SUPPORT ABOUT MEMBERS CONTACT JOIN US Second slide imagePreviousNext PROFESSIONAL NETWORKERS OUR TEAMWORK MAKES YOUR DREAM WORK Professional Networkers organization is a phenomenon in network marketing that has never been paralleled anywhere else in the world. Professional Networkers was founded by Mike Akins in 1990 as way to help build, train, and support members of his organization. While many leaders in the network marketing industry concentrate on maximizing personal profits, Mike’s focus has always been on maximizing the potential of his fellow team members and helping them reach their desired level of success. It is this philosophy of support and genuinely caring about the well-being of his team members that Mike Akins, his Professional Networkers staff, and fantastic leaders in the field have been able to create an organization of 450,000+ members and customers in more than 90 countries, which currently generates an astounding $23+ million per month in sales, within a company called 4Life Research. Who is Professional Networkers? Professional Networkers is a staff of network marketing professionals, many of which have worked with Mike for 15, 20, and even 30 years, that Mike Akins has brought together for the sole purpose of helping people just like you achieve the level of success they are looking for. These staff members provide many areas of service, such as IT support, advertising, graphics design, success coaching, research, international support, shipping and logistics, and much more. All Professional Networkers staff members’ support services are FREE of charge; you simply pay for materials and shipping costs, if applicable. Support like this is what Mike Akins believes has allowed his Professional Networkers organization within 4Life to achieve some of the best retention rates in the industry. Proof of this can be seen in the fact that Mike’s Professional Networkers organization within 4Life includes almost 80% of the company’s top leaders (as of September 2016). There are also thousands of other members earning commissions anywhere from a few dollars to more than $170,000 per month. (The earnings of the distributors in this paragraph are not necessarily representative of the income, if any, that a 4Life distributor can or will earn through his or her participation in the 4Life Life Rewards Plan®. These figures should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits. Many networkers just use the product and do not earn anything. You can view 4Life’s income disclosure statement here.) Placeholder image MIKE & MARSHA AKINS Placeholder image 4LIFE RESEARCH® TOGETHER, BUILDING PEOPLE® Who is 4Life Research? 4Life Research is a debt-free nutritional research company that currently generates $321 million in annual sales as of 2015. 4Life introduced a new class of nutritional products to the market in 1998 when they created 4Life Transfer Factor®—a category of products based on what 4Life calls Transferceutical® science. 4Life Transfer Factor products are unique in the industry because they safely transfer the immune system knowledge and intuition from a cow’s and chicken’s immune system to you—the consumer—to help empower your body’s own immune system to become more effective and efficient. 4Life extracts the transfer factor molecules from the colostrum and egg yolk through a patented manufacturing process and incorporates them into many of their products. Humans already have transfer factors in their bodies. Since transfer factors from cows and chickens are structurally identical to human transfer factors, those experiences can be safely transferred cross species. When you consume 4Life Transfer Factor products, you actually transfer the knowledge and experiences from the cows’ and chickens’ immune systems to your own body’s immune system, so it can learn from them. This is why 4Life calls this class of products—Transferceuticals. 4Life manufactures its own products in state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities. These facilities adhere to strict Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) guidelines. 4Life also has its own in-house world-renowned science team and Health Sciences Advisory Board which helps develop new products and further research transfer factors. 4Life Research was founded by David and Bianca Lisonbee. David and Bianca are humanitarians and their humanitarian drive to help improve the quality of life for people is what helped inspire them to launch 4Life Research®. David and Bianca felt passionate about improving the lives of people through health and wellness, while at the same time wanting to offer individuals, regardless of their social class or financial situation, the opportunity to enjoy the success they had always dreamed of. 4Life Research has provided more than five million meals to families and children around the world through their 4Life Fortify® program and they also support orphanages throughout the world, including an orphanage in Africa for children that were born with HIV. David was already a successful businessman who had developed a $200 million per year network marketing company before the founding of 4Life. He sold his share of the partnership to devote his life to research and humanitarian endeavors. During this period of extensive research, David, who has also been a nutritional researcher for over 30 years now, came across a breakthrough nutrient that had been in research for more than 40 years. Technology had finally advanced to the point that transfer factors could be made available to the consumer. David secured the patents and assembled a team of world-renowned scientists to continue the research. Since then, this team of scientists have taken the understanding of transfer factors to a new level. David decided to bring this amazing discovery to the consumer through a network marketing avenue so the consumer could benefit from this exclusive scientific breakthrough. The process, which begins with developing special herds, continues through extracting the transfer factors and manufacturing the actual products, along with continued research, which is very expensive. Generally, a startup company can have an existing manufacturing company just slap a label on its products. Since manufacturing companies have never heard of this breakthrough, 4Life had to begin the process of developing its own manufacturing capability. The Lisonbees were willing to invest personal money into this endeavor and lose money for a few years in order to bring this important discovery to the public. 4Life is now listed in the Direct Selling News’ Global 100 largest companies, is an A+ member of the Better Business Bureau, and is a member of the Direct Selling Association, United Natural Product Alliance, and Direct Selling Education Foundation, among many others. 4Life was also recently rated as a AAA+ opportunity (their highest rating) by BusinessForHome.org. 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Success with any network opportunity is dependent on a variety of factors. To see a potential range of incomes (highs, lows, averages) that are possible with the 4Life opportunity, please view the 4Life income disclosure statement by clicking here. Follow us on facebook logo twitter logo youtube logo vimeo logo instagram logo instagram logo Abet Mariano Follow · March 21 · lamang lahat ng palaging naka tingin sa updates ni upline . 24/7 po ang aimglobal customer service kaya po lahat ng need po add nio lang po ito sa viber laha po pwede itanung o ano ang need

Lifestyle The biggest mistake wannabe Instagrammers are making, according to top blogger Milkywaysblueyes At just 22-years-old, Belgian blogger Claire Marnette is getting calls from YSL and Cartier Kashmira Gander @kashmiragander 23 hours ago

Lifestyle The biggest mistake wannabe Instagrammers are making, according to top blogger Milkywaysblueyes At just 22-years-old, Belgian blogger Claire Marnette is getting calls from YSL and Cartier Kashmira Gander @kashmiragander 23 hours ago0 comments 4 Click to follow Indy Lifestyle Online clairecrop.jpg When Claire Marnette started out as a blogger, mostly her friends and her family followed the 18-year-old’s posts about fashion and style on Milkywaysblueyes. Now, aged just 22, the Belgian law student has over 100,000 followers on her Instagram, over 25,000 likes on Facebook, and was once invited to meet Ed Sheeran. (She couldn’t go because she was sick). “When I reached 10,000 followers I started to be taken seriously by other bloggers and brands. Since then it has grown really fast,” she tells The Independent. READ MORE How old age became a fashion trend A simple snap of Marnette sipping coffee in her hometown of Brussels, or posing on an airplane in a baseball cap, or sitting on a wall will attract thousands of like and reams of adoring comments. “Always perfect!” reads one comment from a photo of Marnette in Madrid. Recently she was called on by Cartier to work on a project, after being contacted by brands including Yves Saint Laurent. Last week, she was flown out to Japan by Finn Air. “I started blogging four years ago,” Marnette says. “Before blogging I was managing some forums about fashion and lifestyle. While I was doing my exams I wanted to do something new beside my forums and so I created Milkywaysblueyes.” “When I start blogging, it was really new in Belgium. It was not yet a job to be a blogger. People were doing it only for fun and no one was earning any money from it. So, when I started, I didn’t know that I could live thanks to my blog, and to have a full time job with it.” READ MORE The blogger sharing before and after pics with a twist While social media is constantly being filled with posts and updates, Marnette says the biggest mistake most wannabe bloggers and social media influencers make is wanting to “have everything too quickly.” “I takes time to create good content, to have a nice image, to have credibility, and finally to get the attention of big brands. I have been doing it for four years, and before that I ran forums for around two or three years. “During the first two years of blogging, I didn't do any collaborations with brands and I almost had no followers or readers on the blog.” The secret to her success is taking everything one step at a time. This starts with finding a style that is distinct. Take Marnette’s photos, which are edited to have high contrast and deep shadows. Fashion blogger Milkyways Blueyes - In pictures 4 show all “The thing that is hard is to find your style, with the right filters and the kind of photos you shoot. It takes a long time to finally find the things that will differentiate you from the others. “Try a lot of filters, play with applications like Lightroom, VSCO, and Afterlight," she suggests. “Take 50 pictures if you need to, create a beautiful setting. Use flowers, magazines, coffee cups. Add content to your picture to create a story behind it. And of course, find the perfect filter to embellish your picture.” This hard work and time she invests into her blog is something she feels critics often forget. “The biggest misconception people have about bloggers is that we only receive free stuff and go on free holidays while doing almost nothing. “It takes a lot of time to create good content. When we are on a trip we do not have time to enjoy it, it’s working. When we receive something for free, it’s because we have to write a blog post about it or to post it on social media.” She adds that the most important part of being a success online is truly caring about the subject, rather than just doing it for freebies. READ MORE Top Instagrammers reveal their seven tips to taking the best photos As the number of followers she has climbs, she adds that the pressure to be a good role model is also building. “I try to show the best out of me. I do not show alcohol on my Snapchat or hard parties or smoking. I try also not to wear fur, even if I have my opinion about it and some in my wardrobe. I don’t want to influence people on that kind of stuff, I want them to create their own opinion.” After collaborating with top fashion brands and being flown across the world, what has been Marnette’s proudest moment? “When I organise an events like closet sales and thousands of girls coming to meet me and have a chat with me. It makes the thing really real, and come out of the internet. That’s the thing I like the most.” More about: BloggingSocial Mediafashioninstagram

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


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What's more, with access to 1-on-1 investor meetings, corporate and mentor office hours, as well as workshops and round tables – our startup programs also offer the richest experience. After submitting your startup we'll schedule a call to learn more about your company and the team behind it. From then on, we select the best companies on a rolling basis. Prices vary per program (€899 - €1499). SUBMIT YOUR STARTUP Bootstrap Bootstrap Designed to give 50 very early-stage startups the opportunity to present their work to a broad audience. 1 Day Demo Booth 3 Conference Tickets Access to Matchmaking Boost Boost Built for 100 growth-stage startups that are ready to boost their access to capital and customers. 1 Day Demo Booth 3 Conference Tickets Access to Matchmaking Chance to pitch in Arena Scale Scale Our program for 50 late-stage startups that already have significant traction in the market. 1 Day Demo Booth 4 Conference Tickets Access to Matchmaking Chance to pitch in Arena Impact Impact Impact shines a spotlight on 50 companies solving the world’s most difficult problems. 1 Day Demo Booth 3 Conference Tickets Access to Matchmaking Chance to pitch in Arena INVESTOR MATCHMAKING LOOKING FOR INVESTMENT? You're in the right place. Last year, participating startups pre-booked 1439 meetings and raised over €14 million in funding. This year we're set to blow these numbers away. With a brand new matchmaking platform designed to put innovative startups at the table with the right investors, a dedicated investor relations team and more than 250 investors already confirmed, it will be easier than ever to raise funding. SEE ATTENDING INVESTORS Connect, Raise, Grow Aside from being the most affordable way to be part of TNW Conference, our startup programs come with some incredible perks. EXHIBIT — Get a one day, high quality demo booth to connect with press, investors & early-adopters CONFERENCE TICKETS — Each program comes with 2-4 full conference passes INVESTOR MATCHMAKING — Get matched to investors by our team and schedule 1-on-1 meetings with investors through our matchmaking platform. PITCHING OPPORTUNITIES — The chance to be selected for stage time in our custom-built, three-floor pitching arena! CORPORATE & MENTOR OFFICE HOURS — The chance to meet with awesome corporate partners, as well as handpicked mentors CURATION IS KEY QUALITY OVER QUANTITY The level of the startups that make it into our programs is remarkably high compared to all other tech events out there. Why? Our event is focused on matchmaking, so we only select the startups that will benefit from the platform we provide. And with limited space, curating for quality over quantity becomes key. We love startups, but TNW Conference is not for every company. We select, we curate and when we don't see a fit, we don't hesitate to say no. In case you are taking part of the conference, get in the mood and watch the aftermovie. WATCH THE 2016 AFTERMOVIE CLASS OF 2017 SHADOW.COM Scale 2017Raised $3M Shadow sums up what people say on topics like people, products and services to give you the needed insight to make decisions fast. Get the… VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX VICTHORIOUS E-CommerceInfrastructure Boost 2017Founded in 1970Raised $1.2M11 employees VicThorious is a multi-cloud PaaS, enabling enterprises to build and distribute applications across any cloud in a secure and reliable way. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX YEARN RecruitingMarketplacesHuman ResourcesClean Technology Boost 2017Founded in 2015Raised $719.3k16 employees Yearn makes companies great at talent sourcing via an on-demand platform. Hand-picked “Superconnectors” refer the best talent for your job. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX GEOZILLA Machine LearningGpsArtificial IntelligenceInternet of Things Impact 2017Founded in 2015Raised $600k14 employees Open IoT Platform for Family Safety that enables users and their family members to connect IoT devices via smartphone VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX SWEEPBRIGHT Real EstateSaaSProductivity SoftwareProperty Management Scale 2017Founded in 2016Raised $543.5k4 employees SweepBright is a bold new approach for managing real estate sales transactions. Its native mobile design and features can dramatically simplify this process… VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX FAVOROUTE TravelTravel & Tourism Boost 2017Founded in 2013Raised $536.3k9 employees Favoroute is an online platform for digital travel guides written by local experts. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX BRAINGINEERS Predictive AnalyticsUsabilityMarketingUser Testing Scale 2017Founded in 2014Raised $397.7k12 employees Neuromarketing insights VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX AIRDATES MobileOnline DatingSocial NetworkDating Bootstrap 2017Founded in 2015Raised $250k7 employees #buckleup... Sit tight we are improving soon...Inflight Dating App! Chat between Passenger without Internet! VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX CHORDIFY MusicE-learning Boost 2017Founded in 2013Raised $226.3k5 employees Chordify is your #1 platform for chords. We help musicians of all levels to learn and play the music they love. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX KIDSLOX ParentingChild CareApp Boost 2017Founded in 2014Raised $211.6k12 employees Giving parents the power to control the amount of time and the type of content children consume via their devices. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX TUBBBER Peer-to-PeerTravelTravel & TourismSharing Economy Boost 2017Founded in 2015Raised $185.2k8 employees The main goal of the Tubbber is to enable charterers and boat owners to rent boats, both technically and financially secured. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX SENDPULSE SMSMessagingEmail Marketing Scale 2017Founded in 2015Raised $130k40 employees Increase newsletter open rate automatically with SendPulse AI platform. 15,000 e-mails are free every month. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX LETZ.DO Productivity Software Boost 2017Founded in 2016Raised $111.1k15 employees Multiplatform productivity app that strives to make your life easier and make you enjoy productivity. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX PORTJOIN NetworkingE-CommerceBrand MarketingTransportation Bootstrap 2017Founded in 2017Raised $25k3 employees Connecting the Maritime Industry VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX ILOST HotelsPublic TransportationTravel & TourismGovernments Boost 2017Founded in 2013Raised $20k8 employees iLost disrupts the lost & found services from Hassle to Happiness. Because Honest People exist! VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX RECRUITEE SaaSRecruiting Scale 2017Founded in 201516 employees Recruitee is a collaborative hiring software for fast-growing SME’s & tight VC portfolio networks with more than 2000 customers worldwide. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX DEMOUP E-CommerceVideoBrand MarketingE-Commerce PlatformsContent Delivery Boost 2017Founded in 201411 employees Automatically embed Product Videos on your Online Store. #ecommercevideo VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX INFLUENTIALS NETWORK SaaSSocial Media MarketingInfluencer RelationsMarketing Intelligence Boost 2017Founded in 20158 employees The number one platform for influencer marketing. Manage your campaigns in one place. Easily connect with influencers in our network to… VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX URBANGUIDE Travel & TourismLocalization Boost 2017Founded in 20164 employees When visiting a city, it are not the big monuments that make you fall in love with the city. It are the little things that can turn a city into a magical experience. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX POPIT Personal HealthMedical Boost 2017Founded in 20155 employees Stop forgetting pills and make sure your meds work as they should! Popit Sense automatically detects when you take a pill. First for birth control pills. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX EGGBUN EDUCATION EducationLanguage LearningEdTech Boost 2017Founded in 201610 employees Eggbun is building a digitalized tutor to help beginners achieve conversational fluency VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX SUSTAINABODY Personal HealthNutritionLifestyleFood Bootstrap 2017Founded in 2017 Get your vitamins & minerals from food. Lose weight sustainably. Prevent potential nutrient deficiencies. Go beyond calories today! https://appsto.re/i67V92J VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX POLLOCK TECHNOLOGIES EducationSocial GamesEdTechE-learning Bootstrap 2017Founded in 2016 Go Pollock is a solution for educators that complements live teaching with immediate feedback on students’ level of understanding. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX BRIXEL Bootstrap 2017Founded in 20122 employees Hackerspace Hasselt VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX KUTUMBITA Enterprise SoftwareEnterprise MobilityMobile Applications Impact 2017Founded in 20165 employees Communication for the factory workforce solving the inequality that exists between workers and managers VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX HUMBOT EducationEdTechLearning Bootstrap 2017Founded in 20172 employees Humbot is Duolingo for science education. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX RIDDLES.IO GamesArtificial Intelligence Boost 2017Founded in 20166 employees Creating compelling AI game competitions for software engineers VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX ILOOP Boost 2017Founded in 2015 If you are ready to transform your life, let iLoop’s automated and efficient technology help you organize and manage your time better, so… VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX BIEN&BON MessagingReviews and RecommendationsNatural Language ProcessingRestaurants Bootstrap 2017Founded in 20162 employees Bien&Bon is a recommendation chatbot. Our users interact naturally with the bot and get restaurant recommendations based on… VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX MYMANU® Consumer ElectronicsApplication Platforms Boost 2017Founded in 20142 employees The World’s first smart, wireless earbuds with live voice translation in 37 languages from manufacturer of consumer electronics that… VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX COMPANYMATCH SaaSRecruitingHuman ResourcesPredictive Analytics Scale 2017Founded in 200810 employees @companymatch Which employer is the best match for you? #CulturalFit #recruiting #HR #talent VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX SPONTANA MessagingChatDating Boost 2017Founded in 20155 employees Find out how good you look, rate images of others and communicate with users you liked. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX GRAKN.AI Open SourceDatabasesBig DataArtificial Intelligence Scale 2017Founded in 201517 employees GRAKN.AI is a knowledge graph data platform for AI applications VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX LUNA.AI Natural Language ProcessingMobile CommerceArtificial Intelligence Boost 2017Founded in 201510 employees Chatbots and voice mobile commerce platform, connecting companies with customers through messaging, driving sales and boosting customer care VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX OOLIPO Content CreatorsContent Marketing Boost 2017Founded in 201510 employees oolipo is the bandcamp for storytelling...with the recording studio built inside the app. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX ATTO SaaSProductivity SoftwareArtificial IntelligenceApp Boost 2017Founded in 20168 employees Timesheets on autopilot. The simplest time clock app for teams, automatically generating timesheets ready for payroll. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX BRUSHIES Personal HealthKidsGamificationChild Care Bootstrap 2017Founded in 20166 employees We make tooth brushing fun! VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX COÖPERATIE WEHELPEN CommunitiesPeer-to-PeerSocial Impact 2017Founded in 20122 employees VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX INSUREAPP LifestyleInsurance Bootstrap 2017Founded in 20165 employees The world's first lifestyle-based insurance VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX FLEXPAT TravelEmploymentHuman ResourcesFreelancers Bootstrap 2017Founded in 20179 employees Flexpat is an online platform that connects skilled Flexpats (digital nomads) and fast-growing businesses around the world by taking away the… VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX 4SUITES B.V. HotelsReal EstateSecurityLeisure Boost 2017Founded in 20169 employees Creating magical moments, even after opening doors 2.0 VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX OYSTERX Bootstrap 2017 Explore Your World VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX ARTSTAQ Big Data Scale 2017Founded in 201511 employees Automated Rating & Trading Standard for Art Quotation VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX VAINU.IO Lead Generation Scale 2017Founded in 201490 employees Vainu helps companies sell smarter with analysis and predictions form open data. By connecting hundreds of thousands of data sources we know who… VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX STYR LABS INC. FitnessNutritionWearables Scale 2017Founded in 201430 employees Customized Nutrition Using Connected Devices VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX SPRINGSYPLE CrowdsourcingRecruiting Bootstrap 2017Founded in 20164 employees Imagine AirBnb / Uber applied to recruitment! With Springsyple everyone can be a headhunter for companies and get paid (financial reward)… VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX TRIPPICKER TravelSocial CommerceSocial BuyingTravel & Tourism Bootstrap 2017Founded in 20172 employees Trippicker is a simple but sophisticated tool that helps groups selecting an accommodation for their groupholiday VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX KATALYSIS Blockchain Boost 2017Founded in 20163 employees Katalysis is aiming to bridge the gap between Smart contracts Blockchains and Mobile devices. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX TRAXO.BRAND Social MediaMusic Services Bootstrap 2017Founded in 20153 employees Traxo is a platform for musicians and bands that offers the possibility for them to participate in song projects independently in terms of time… VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX SCEDULE NetworkingScheduling Bootstrap 2017Founded in 20162 employees VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX TECHNOVATOR Boost 2017 Wireless Charging Tower for iPhone VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX MEDZAPP MessagingMobileHealth Boost 20178 employees Creating a unique level of communication with big gains for medical doctors and patients. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX SIMPLYEDIT Web CMSWeb Apps Bootstrap 2017Founded in 20167 employees Easy web content editing.Every content, any platform! VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX SQUIB Boost 2017Founded in 2015 Squib is a technology platform that provides brands with innovative advertising methods based around a community of riders. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX UPUNDIT Open SourceKnowledge ManagementCollegesEdTech Bootstrap 2017Founded in 20156 employees uPundit is a knowledge hub that’ll transform how students conduct research and to connect them globally to broaden their academic horizons. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX ROANUZ Big DataNatural Language ProcessingArtificial Intelligence Boost 2017Founded in 201214 employees Making applications and services using practical artificial intelligence. Developing in-house AI framework, using a completely out-of-box technique. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX BIDHAA SASA RetailFinanceClean EnergyHumanitarian Impact 2017Founded in 201613 employees We sell on credit life-improving goods to families in rural Kenya using an innovative women-to-women distribution model VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX ONRECRUIT Enterprise SoftwareRecruitingMarketing AutomationDigital Marketing Boost 2017Founded in 20108 employees Accountable & Automated Recruitment Marketing. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX JOBYLON SaaSRecruitingSocial RecruitingApplication Platforms Bootstrap 2017Founded in 20114 employees Jobylon aims to provide the easiest way for companies to create and share beautiful job ads, manage candidates and hire the right person! VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX WHOOZY MusicMusic ServicesApp Bootstrap 2017Founded in 20165 employees PLAY DIFFERENT NOISE | It's Music Discovery powered by Independents VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX INBUDGET MobileFinancePersonal Finance Bootstrap 2017Founded in 20152 employees Want to learn how to manage your money better? We’re going to show you how #personalFinance #publicBudgeting VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX KLUP Social Network Impact 2017Founded in 20152 employees Klup is dé App om met mensen uit je eigen buurt in contact te komen en leuke dingen te ondernemen. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX SELLIFY CrowdsourcingSocial CommerceSocial Media MarketingE-Commerce Platforms Bootstrap 2017Founded in 20155 employees Share what you love, and get rewarded VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX BLUTV Video StreamingEntertainmentProduction Scale 2017Founded in 201416 employees Although founded just over a year ago, BluTV (subsidiary of Dogan TV Holding) is currently the leading SVOD service in Turkey. BluTV now… VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX GAIKU Professional ServicesTelecommunicationsBusiness Development Bootstrap 2017Founded in 20168 employees Gaiku: your single meeting assistant. The tool that makes your meetings more fun and effective. Work better together! VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX BIDDI MarketplacesConsumer Goods Boost 2017Founded in 201610 employees The Marketplace of interesting things VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX AUTHENTIQ SecurityIdentity ManagementIdentityEnterprise Mobility Boost 2017Founded in 20155 employees Strong authentication, without the passwords. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX ​A DECADE OF STARTUPS Since 2006, the startups that have participated in our startup programs have raised over 2 billion dollars from top-tier VC funds. YAMMER NetworkingSocial MediaWeb DevelopmentTwitter ApplicationsEnterprise SoftwareEnterprises Founded in 2008Raised $142M400 employees Changing the way companies connect, communicate and collaborate - one Enterprise Social Network at a time. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX PREZI PresentationsSales Enablement Founded in 2009Raised $71.3M220 employees Resonate, motivate, and be remembered with Prezi, presentation software reimagined VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX WAZE NavigationTransportation Founded in 2007Raised $67M110 employees Waze is a free social traffic, navigation and gas app that uses real-time road reports from drivers nearby to improve your daily commute. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX TILE Internet of Things Founded in 2012Raised $36.8M80 employees Tile is a tiny tracker device that will help you never lose anything again! VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX X.AI Machine LearningArtificial IntelligenceMeeting Software Founded in 2014Raised $34.3M71 employees x.ai is a personal assistant who schedules meetings for you VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX GITLAB Open SourceWeb ToolsWeb DevelopmentSaaSCollaborationSoftwareDeveloper Tools Founded in 2014Raised $25.6M100 employees GitLab is open source software to collaborate on code. Used by more than 100,000 organizations, GitLab is the solution to manage git repositories on-premises. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX NEXMO SMSMessagingMobileDeveloper APIs Founded in 2010Raised $22.8M83 employees We provide innovative communication APIs that enable applications & enterprises to easily connect to customers via SMS &… VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX AMINO MarketplacesHealth CareSoftware Founded in 2013Raised $19.4M41 employees Choose care with confidence. We analyze data on nearly every doctor in America to match their experience with your needs. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX TYPEFORM SaaSSurveysResearch Founded in 2013Raised $17.2M155 employees There is a lack of empathy in the way businesses ask people for information at scale. Typeform solves this by making data collection conversational VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX TEAMLEADER Web ToolsEnterprise SoftwareCRMProject Management Founded in 2012Raised $14.9M CRM, invoicing and project planning in one single tool. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX SPOTTED Location Based ServicesDating Founded in 2013Raised $14.5M2 employees Spotted is the first app that helps you to get in touch with your missed conenctions. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX WHAT3WORDS Information TechnologyRetail Founded in 2013Raised $13.5M10 employees A new global addressing system. The whole world divided into 57 trillion 3mx3m squares. Each addresed with just 3 words from the dictionary. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX TRIPIT Social MediaTravel Founded in 2006Raised $13.1M63 employees Organize your travel plans in one place with TripIt, your all-in-one travel itinerary and trip organizer. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX ONAVO Mobile Founded in 2010Raised $13M40 employees Onavo helps you gain control over your mobile life. Our free iOS and Android apps (Extend, Count & Protect) will give you peace of mind as… VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX XPENDITURE SaaSFinancial ServicesPersonal FinanceSoftwareBusiness Productivity Founded in 2011Raised $9.5M50 employees A mobile and web-based expense management system that automates the Expense Management process from receipt to accounting. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX SHUTL E-CommercePostal and Courier ServicesRetailServicesEntrepreneurSaaSLogistics Founded in 2009Raised $8.7M10 employees Shutl delivers in minutes or at a convenient time of your choice. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX CRATEIO Databases Founded in 2013Raised $8.2M11 employees Crate, scalable SQL database, easy-to-use, native full-text search, support for semi-structured records and BLOBs. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX SENTIANCE MobileInternet of ThingsPredictive AnalyticsData ScienceSmart Home Founded in 2014Raised $8.1M30 employees Add behavioral profiling services and context-aware capabilities to your apps and create meaningful profiles and contextual awareness using… VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX AUGMENT MobileAugmented RealityArchitecture3D Technology Founded in 2011Raised $7.5M41 employees Augment is a free augmented reality app that lets you visualize 3D products in your real world, in real time and size, through your device. #Ar VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX PEERBY CrowdsourcingPeer-to-PeerOnline RentalCurated Web Founded in 2011Raised $4.7M10 employees Borrow and rent the things you need from people in your neigborhood! Save money, live green and meet awesome people - https://peerby.com… VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX HWTREK Consumer Electronics Founded in 2013Raised $4M11 employees The world's platform for bringing hardware to life VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX SILK Data Visualization Founded in 2010Raised $3.7M12 employees Silk is a place to publish your data. Each Silk contains data on specific topics. You can browse a Silk to explore data and create… VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX ALUGHA VideoVideo Editing Founded in 2014Raised $3.6M22 employees Everyone's Language. Easily add multiple languages to your videos to make them multilingual. With alugha we also support surround sound! VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX WELLO Medical Devices Founded in 2011Raised $3M Wello is a fast, accurate and simple health monitoring device that measures your heart and lung functions. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX ZEEF.COM SearchCrowdsourcingOpinionsReviews and Recommendations Founded in 2013Raised $2.1M17 employees Filtering the world's information - We use crowdsourced content curation to improve search and advertising VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX RECOMMEND SearchReviews and RecommendationsCurated WebSocial Founded in 2012Raised $1.7M7 employees Powered by trust, Recommend enables you to find the best recommendations from people you know, save your own… VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX FLY LABS Photo EditingApps Founded in 2011Raised $1.5M Get creative with video. VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX RAPPORTIVE EmailMessaging Founded in 2010Raised $1M4 employees Rapportive shows everything about your contacts right inside your inbox. Let's make email a better place! VIEW THIS COMPANY ON INDEX

Facebook makes it easy for Pages to go live from a desktop

Facebook makes it easy for Pages to go live from a desktop by NAPIER LOPEZ — 10 weeks ago in FACEBOOK Facebook makes it easy for Pages to go live from a desktop 15 664 SHARES https://tnw.to/2jwk2Av You no longer need to be on a smartphone or tablet to go live on Facebook, (or a complicated setup via the Live API). Starting today, Pages can go live right from the Web. To be clear, this only applies to Pages, not everyday Facebook users. Still, it should benefit businesses and prominent Facebook users who don’t want to go to the trouble or have the capacity to go live through Facebook’s API on a desktop or laptop. Win a trip to Amsterdam! We've teamed up with Product Hunt to offer you the chance to win an all expense paid trip to TNW Conference 2017! CHECK IT OUT This should mean higher quality live videos, as more users and brands move away from filming on their phones and towards recording with professional equipment. The bulk of users will continue to use their smartphones, of course, but it helps Facebook live feel more like a legitimate video platform than a goofy thing you do in your free time. The update is part of a push to make Live a more powerful tool for publishers. In the same vein, Facebook is also announcing it will allow you to set up Live ‘Contributors’ so that you pages easily assign team members to go Live without giving them the full control of an Admin. That will immediately be useful to journalists, who will be able to go live with breaking stories without setting up admin rights. To set it up, you simply need to open up your Page’s settings and set up a name or email as a Live contributor under the ‘Page Roles’ section. Contributors then simply need to click on the ‘Go Live’ button on the Page they work with. You can read more on the feature here. A few more features in today’s update: Facebook is also providing more metrics for video performance – live or regular – including “total minutes viewed, total number of views, and total engagement (reactions, comments and shares).” You’ll also be able to see aggregated insights over 7, 30, or 60 days. Pages will now be able to pin live comments to the bottom of a broadcast, should someone say something particularly interesting. It could also be useful during Q&A sessions, to let viewers know which question is currently being answered. Pages finally have a permalink for their videos at ‘facebook.com/’pagename’/videos.’ Ongoing live videos will be pinned to the top, making it a quick and easy way to direct users towards you page during a broadcast, and to let recurring visitors know where to go. You can read up more on today’s changes at Facebook’s blog, linked below. You might also want to check out the ‘Facebook Journalism Project,’ a series of new updates on its Journalistic standards and efforts to work more closely with newsrooms. Live Updates for Publishers on Facebook Media Blog Read next: Trump is trying to redefine 'fake news' -- we can't let him APPSFACEBOOK

TNW CONFERENCE WHERE STARTUPS DO BUSINESS TNW Conference is designed to give startups at all stages a unique opportunity to showcase their business to 15k decision makers, executives and investors from the tech community. In 2016, more than 1400 funded and bootstrapped startups joined TNW Conference to look for funding, customers, media exposure and/or mentoring.

4 STARTUP PROGRAMS For twelve years TNW Conference has provided a platform for the world's most promising startups to present their products to international leaders of the technology industry. Whether you go for a co-founder ticket package (€599) or choose to exhibit and fight for a stage spot in our 450-capacity, gladiator style, three-floor pitching arena, our startup programs are always the most economical way to attend the event. What's more, with access to 1-on-1 investor meetings, corporate and mentor office hours, as well as workshops and round tables – our startup programs also offer the richest experience. After submitting your startup we'll schedule a call to learn more about your company and the team behind it. From then on, we select the best companies on a rolling basis. Prices vary per program (€899 - €1499). SUBMIT YOUR STARTUP Bootstrap Bootstrap Designed to give 50 very early-stage startups the opportunity to present their work to a broad audience. 1 Day Demo Booth 3 Conference Tickets Access to Matchmaking Boost Boost Built for 100 growth-stage startups that are ready to boost their access to capital and customers. 1 Day Demo Booth 3 Conference Tickets Access to Matchmaking Chance to pitch in Arena Scale Scale Our program for 50 late-stage startups that already have significant traction in the market. 1 Day Demo Booth 4 Conference Tickets Access to Matchmaking Chance to pitch in Arena Impact Impact Impact shines a spotlight on 50 companies solving the world’s most difficult problems. 1 Day Demo Booth 3 Conference Tickets Access to Matchmaking Chance to pitch in Arena

Facebook now lets anyone go Live from a desktop

After bringing live streaming to mobile and quickly dominating the space, Facebook is now doing the same for desktops and laptops. Starting today, anyone can stream through Facebook’s web interface. The feature has actually been available on Pages for some time, but I’m sure plenty of everyday users want to stream whatever mundane thing they’re doing at their desks as well. “We're hunting for awesome startups” Run an early-stage company? We're inviting 250 to exhibit at TNW Conference and pitch on stage!

Mark Zuckerberg

https://cdn1.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2016/02/BbTwWd2CQAAH8gz.jpg https://cdn1.tnwcdn.com/#.tnw_629QHfjs Facebook now lets anyone go Live from a desktop

Today we're launching new tools to help people who may be thinking of suicide, and for friends and family who want to help.

Mark Zuckerberg Follow · March 2 near Palo Alto, CA, United States · Today we're launching new tools to help people who may be thinking of suicide, and for friends and family who want to help. I wrote a letter on building global community a couple weeks ago, and one of the pillars of community I discussed was keeping people safe. These tools are an example of how we can help keep each other safe. Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for 15-29 year olds. Pre... See More LikeShow more reactionsCommentShare Top Comments 145K Chris Cox, 張允曦小8 and 145K others 17,375 shares 4.7K Comments Comments Jesse Stay Jesse Stay My daughter attempted suicide twice last year. This is such a HUGE development. Thank you, Mark, for putting your focus on this - it does make a difference! Like · Reply · 1,842 · March 2 at 1:46am 103 Replies Stuart Duncan Stuart Duncan Since I started working closely with children that have autism in the last 4 years, primarily those that experience bullying, I've talked to an average of 2 children per week that are at their breaking point... ready to commit suicide. Whether it's th...See More Like · Reply · 1,029 · March 2 at 1:45am 44 Replies Devraj Singh Mayanglambam Devraj Singh Mayanglambam This is why i believe our future will be very great with AI and also because of generous people like you. Suicide is a very important issue for which we need special attention and an automatic response from this will help a lot. Thanks for building and enhancing this. Like · Reply · 206 · March 2 at 1:46am 8 Replies Zahoor Afridi Zahoor Afridi That's goot Like · Reply · 1,504 · March 10 at 11:46pm · Edited 101 Replies Aadesh Mishra Aadesh Mishra Well.. Its great that you are thinking to stop or prevent suicides but do u think why people feel lonely because they spent their time on here in virtual world rather than enjoying in real world. So i would request you Mark Zuckerberg to wrote a lette...See More Like · Reply · 240 · March 2 at 1:52am 23 Replies Rebecca Hoover Rebecca Hoover Sure, but you deleted pages that were for mental illness and support, never even bothering to respond to the page owners who helped fans on your platform for years. But congrats :) Like · Reply · 121 · March 2 at 1:41am 7 Replies 6 of 4,783 View more comments Oscar del Rosario Write a comment... Choose File

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Monday, March 13, 2017


Squarespace Engineering FEB 15 Building the Future of Squarespace Templates GEORGE ZHANG Squarespace Templates are powerful tools used by millions of people every day to build their websites without writing code. Today, we’re excited to announce that we’ve released two of our newest consumer templates—Endeavor and Wright—on GitHub. JAN 13 Implementing HTTP/2 for Squarespace Websites FRANKLIN ANGULO At Squarespace, we strive to provide our customers and their visitors with fast and responsive browsing experiences. Today, we proudly announce HTTP/2 support for all Squarespace sites with TLS enabled. DEC 20 SaaS: Screenshots as a Service MIKE WRIGHTON As part of our ongoing efforts to improve user experience on the Squarespace platform, we added a feature to display thumbnail previews of all of your account’s sites in the account picker. Since we didn’t have any existing functionality around screenshot generation, this was something we had to build from scratch. In this post we’ll talk about the screenshots microservice solution we came up with. NOV 23 Forum Fronting JACOB ANGEL Every other Wednesday, the Frontend Engineers at Squarespace convene in a large room to hash out these issues. We discuss and shop around new technologies and patterns. We decide which haircuts to give our yaks, and what shade of gray looks best on our bike shed. NOV 1 Functional Reactive Programming on Mobile: A Rosetta Stone NICK TINSLEY One of the newer programming paradigms we have been enthusiastic to adopt is functional reactive programming, which combines functional programming and reactive programming. OCT 24 Implementing SSL/TLS for All Squarespace Sites FRANKLIN ANGULO At Squarespace, we believe we are responsible for providing a platform on which customers and their visitors can be assured a secure browsing experience. Today, we’re proudly announcing completely free Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) for all custom domains on our platform. OCT 3 The Squarespace Template Compiler PATRICK HENSLEY In early 2013, we began constructing a replacement template compiler in Java, Squarespace's main development language. The new compiler, now open sourced, was designed and implemented from scratch, which enabled several improvements to be made. SEP 1 Turbocharging Our UI Tests MIKE WRIGHTON Automated UI tests are a crucial part of our QA process. Before going to production, we run a set of smoke tests which navigate around parts of the UI, recording screenshots and comparing them against a set of golden images. If a significant mismatch occurs, we consider the test failed and halt deploys while we investigate the issue. AUG 4 The Developer Platform Gets Local COLE KRUMBHOLZ Today, we’re announcing a new developer tool called the Squarespace Local Development Server. With it, developers can preview changes to template code locally (on their computer) before pushing them to a live website. JUL 22 Data Traceability and Lineage MATT SOLOMON Data scientists, business operations, finance, and marketing teams are all working off our curated data stores to make critical decisions about the direction of the business, and there will inevitably come a time when somebody looks at a report and asks: "How do we know these numbers are correct?" JUL 22 Building an eCommerce Tax Engine JULIAN APPLEBAUM As a DIY platform, the approach Squarespace takes with taxes is to let merchants enter in the rates they need to collect, then provide a calculator that can apply those rates to a shopping cart. Squarespace’s role is thus not to know the exact details of a given tax system, but rather, to provide a tool that can effectively model the most common ones. JUL 22 Introducing the Squarespace Engineering Blog FRANKLIN ANGULO At Squarespace, our mission is to provide creative tools that help anyone bring their ideas to life. In this blog you'll learn about the ups and downs of our engineering endeavors.

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Friday, March 10, 2017

Airbus took the wraps off its futuristic flying car, and it’s pretty insane Digital Trends Trevor Mogg Digital TrendsMarch 9, 2017

Airbus took the wraps off its futuristic flying car, and it’s pretty insane Digital Trends Trevor Mogg Digital TrendsMarch 9, 2017 Airbus/Italdesign If you rolled your eyes and uttered a cynical “yeah, right” last year when you read about Airbus’s plan for a futuristic flying car, then you’ll be surprised at what showed up at the Geneva Motor Show this week. The aerospace giant unveiled a wickedly cool design for its ambitious “Pop.Up” transportation system, an autonomous concept comprising three separate modules. Developed in partnership with design and engineering firm Italdesign, the modules include a pod for two passengers, a set of wheels to which the pod connects, and — here’s the really awesome part — a giant autonomous quadcopter that carries the pod between different sets of wheels. Lifted into the air by a giant drone It works like this: Say you’re at home and you need to head across town for an appointment. First, you summon a vehicle via the system’s app. Within minutes, the self-driving vehicle arrives at your door. You climb inside and it takes you toward the city. But instead of heading into busy traffic, the pod parks before being lifted into the air by a giant drone that carries you over the city to another set of wheels located on quieter roads. After setting you safely down, the pod drives you off to your final destination while the drone whizzes off to assist another user. What do you mean, “yeah, right”? As you can guess, you wouldn’t own any of the modules. Instead, this is more like a futuristic ridesharing service where multiple vehicles are shared across a city by numerous users. Hang on a minute, isn’t Uber also looking at the same kind of idea? Airbus says the technology would also incorporate an AI platform to determine the best travel routes according to user habits and current traffic data. “The urban sky is under-utilized” In a video announcing the zero-emission system, Mathias Thomson, general manager of Airbus Urban Air Mobility, says Pop.Up “allows passengers a seamless and faster way of getting from A to B using the city sky … it’s a partnership between the airspace and the automotive sector, two powerful sectors that come together to develop new technology, new concepts for the future of smart cities.” Thomson continues: “Right now, the urban sky is under-utilized and that’s exactly the proposition — the grid-like layout of road doesn’t actually do it for us. We think that by combining air and ground we’ll get a much better use of the space that we have in our cities.” More: Bold idea gets off the ground — first flying car available for pre-order The vehicle in Geneva sure looks impressive, and though Airbus isn’t quite ready to hit the “on” switch on any of the electric motors that power the technology, it says it aims to fully demonstrate the equipment by the end of this year. Airbus CEO Tom Enders is backing this astonishing project all the way, telling an audience at a conference in 2016: “One hundred years ago, urban transport went underground, now we have the technological wherewithal to go above ground. We are in an experimentation phase, we take this development very seriously. With flying, you don’t need to pour billions into concrete bridges and roads.” Airbus says that while for now the project is a concept, it wants to have a ready-for-service design in place within 7 to 10 years. Of course, if it does manage to reach its goal in such a short space of time, there’ll be the small matter of aviation regulators to deal with. But the fact that Airbus is pushing ahead with the idea shows it’s serious about developing solutions for pressing problems, hopefully changing our minds from “yeah right” to “I can’t believe they’ve gone and done it.” Wheels? Where BMW’s Hover Ride Concept bike is going, we don’t need wheels Airbus intends to test flying car before the end of the year, CEO says Singapore plans geofencing, remote pilot stations make drone flight safer

How to Make Money with Instagram in LESS THAN 24 HOURS!!! GoldenGato GoldenGato

How to Make Money with Instagram in LESS THAN 24 HOURS!!! GoldenGato GoldenGato Subscribed24,273 Add to Share More 245,677 views 2,973 750 ShareEmbedEmail https://youtu.be/zTe24f7LyTg Start at: 1:13 Published on Dec 30, 2016 How to Make Money with Instagram 2017 details how to make money with instagram in 2017. There are two steps to easily accomplish this goal. The first step is to build and develop a strong instagram account with a large number of loyal followers. I will show you exactly how to do this in the video! The next step is to promote a product, either yours directly or the product of another individual (called an affiliate product). Then, you must do something I call active interaction, in which you like and comment on smaller instagram accounts. This will help to answer the question: How to Make Money with Instagram 2017 Music credit: "The Jazz Piano" from Bensound.com Category Howto & Style License Standard YouTube License SHOW LESS COMMENTS • 337 Oscar del Rosario Add a public comment... Top comments deandere Pinned by GoldenGato deandere1 month ago started my account at 11:00, at the end of the video i got 10 followers!! Reply 64 View all 12 replies adil vlogs adil vlogs37 minutes ago Mr. Dan Gaming a Reply Nazmul Hasan Nazmul Hasan1 month ago time wasting Reply 69 View all 2 replies Sandra Walters Sandra Walters2 weeks ago This website will show you a quick and easy method for earning over 85 dollars/day online: HootCash. com Reply 4 Levy Freeman Levy Freeman2 weeks ago Yo...I'll teach you how to make money online. Visit 👉 ezmoneyonline.site Reply 30 View all 27 replies HELLBIC HELLBIC2 days ago the silence killer try it its very profitable Reply the silence killer the silence killer2 days ago HELLBIC: it says the website is not available Reply Berrios ballard Berrios ballard1 month ago Are you still fighting to make money online? (Go and search google) Mike Make Money System Reply 46 View all 13 replies James Peterson James Peterson6 days ago Wanna make some good and legit cash, contact codelordexx@gmail.com Reply GoldenGato GoldenGato1 month ago Just in case anyone is confused, I used this model as an example, and have changed the IG handle for business purposes. Good luck! Reply 30 View all 9 replies DavidDoesYoutube DavidDoesYoutube2 weeks ago GoldenGato great video Reply OfficialG33kz OfficialG33kz1 day ago GoldenGato i currently run a business in the U.K. based in London but How Can I Get only London based followers to interact with my business? Reply KillerAstroidz KillerAstroidz1 month ago how much money have you made from this Reply 20 Quinn Richards Quinn Richards1 month ago Here is a super quick way to make over 80 dollars each day online: JoxMoney. com Reply 1 Zulima Tristancho Zulima Tristancho2 months ago Hearing you breathe and swallow so.loud really made me cringe. Maybe you're talking too close to the phone or camera. Reply 23 View all 4 replies GoldenGato GoldenGato2 months ago I appreciate all input (positive or negative), as long as it is constructive. Reply 23 Alex Hardon Alex Hardon1 month ago I actually like it, its calming hahaha :) Reply 7 Arty Arson Arty Arson1 month ago People aren't that stupid, they know how to tell genuine users from spammers just like that. Reply 18 View all 3 replies LiL Mace LiL Mace1 month ago ever seen those giftcard accounts? they make people shout them out thinking they are going to get a gift card but its just a spam account racking followers. Reply 2 GStarHD GStarHD2 weeks ago LiL Mace yh they fool so many Reply 1 Tony 167 Tony 1671 month ago and how do u get the Money ??? Reply 15 Henry Shawn Henry Shawn1 month ago Hello guys, It's An Another Great site for best ways to make money online. Just Search Google "Mojo Make Money System" for more info. Reply 16 View all 7 replies Jaberley Jaberley2 weeks ago seems legit. why don't you just post the link here? scammer Reply 6 diego verdugo diego verdugo1 month ago Kind of pointless showing us a profile without any pics or actual Dm interactions..but hey atleast you tried Reply 9 View all 6 replies Ethan Jordan Ethan Jordan2 weeks ago GoldenGato he's right it looks pretty fake when you just show a account with 8k subs and nothing on it could of just bought the followers for the video he has a point. Reply 3 krazzysu krazzysu1 week ago at least* Reply 1 DiggityTheOG DiggityTheOG1 month ago fake ass fuck Reply 7 Jed Car Jed Car1 month ago Nice vid, ties into the New Rich idea of 4 hour work week and similar books nicely. The video could have been a bit more concise and summed up, but the content was really great Reply 6 GoldenGato GoldenGato1 month ago I appreciate it Reply 4 Chuck NoRrIs Chuck NoRrIs1 month ago in my first week using instagram i got 581 followers XDDD most from friends :p and i got only 1 post only Reply 4 View all 4 replies Kameko Romero Kameko Romero2 weeks ago Chuck NoRrIs Same Reply imjustavlogger imjustavlogger1 month ago Guys I swear I just got free.$2200.paypal.money from this amazing website: (just type in g00gle)=> freepplcash xyz Reply 4 View all 7 replies Brian Pattison Brian Pattison2 weeks ago Don't hold back will you. ha Reply Make Money Online Without Investment Make Money Online Without Investment1 month ago Discover how you can Increase your income while at home. Check out; Just Search Google "Jestifa Easy System" for more info. Reply 3 MineVidz Skateboy MineVidz Skateboy3 weeks ago i have nearly 12k on Instagram @noahjwt and i get about 2k likes and 5 - 10k reach, how can i actually make money without having my own product, can you please DM me on insta? Reply 4 Ethan Jordan Ethan Jordan2 weeks ago MineVidz Skateboy yea I have an account with about 40k followers and all these videos that say how to make money typically just show you how to grow your IG which I've already done for me I've used this app called FameBit it's not the greatest but every now and then there's a good product to advertise I'd try that! Reply Cole Simpson Cole Simpson1 week ago Ethan Jordan fame bit does not include Instagram anymore? Reply Show more Autoplay Up next How to Make MONEY on Youtube WITHOUT any Subscribers! ViralWhirl 2,026,429 views 6:18 HOW TO MAKE $150 A DAY JUST BY TYPING!!! {BEST WEBSITE!} GoldenGato 51,522 views 22:37 HOW TO GET FAMOUS ON INSTAGRAM FAST (INSTA HACKS YOU NEED TO KNOW) ally hardesty 183,627 views 8:26 10 Ways to Increase Dopamine Levels DarkMA tter Recommended for you 7:57 How to Make $1000 a Day! JUST Smartphone Apps! GoldenGato 148,228 views 11:35 How to Escape from Zip ties Taras Kul Recommended for you 2:46 10 Ways To Make Money Online Selling Your Photos Justin Bryant 13,075 views 19:22 How to Make $180 a Day with the BEST WEBSITE!!! GoldenGato 549 viewsNEW 9:21 Hash Brown Breakfast Cups Recipe Demonstration - Joyofbaking.com Joy of Baking Recommended for you 17:52 Mango Plant Grafting Methods Manoj Patel Recommended for you 4:41 ATM FREE MONEY TRICK (Life Hacks) LispyJimmy Recommended for you 12:55 How to grow Rosemary HomeHandyHints Recommended for you 2:26 Double or Triple Your Internet Speed - This Method Actually Works! LinusTechTips Recommended for you 10:20 How to Find Any WiFi Password (very easy) Geeks Tutorial Recommended for you 4:40 How to Make Money Online in 2017 (100% Proven) Brendan Mace 17,591 views 19:38 How to Make Money Without Working ThioJoe 1,499,804 views 6:28 How to make money on Instagram Alfie's Business Tips 6,450 views 20:28 How to Make $200 a Day on Facebook! GoldenGato 15,626 views 10:50 How to Make $7 a Day with One App! (EASY WAY) GoldenGato 23,987 views 10:51 How to make money on instagram in 5 steps Online Market 9,653 views 8:05 SHOW MORE Language: English Content location: Philippines Restricted Mode: Off History Help About Press Copyright Creators Advertise Developers +YouTube Terms Privacy Policy & Safety Send feedback Test new features

How To Get Your First 10,000 Real Instagram Followers - 11 Free Ways Justin Bryant Justin Bryant

How To Get Your First 10,000 Real Instagram Followers - 11 Free Ways Justin Bryant Justin Bryant Subscribed32,249 Add to Share More 21,097 views 349 19 ShareEmbedEmail https://youtu.be/eRxd0U-7K7o Start at: 0:22 Published on Nov 23, 2016 How to get your first 10,000 real Instagram followers using 11 free ways. - http://selfmadesuccess.com Let's Connect! Twitter - https://twitter.com/MrJustinBryant Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/justinbryant... Google+ - https://plus.google.com/+JustinBryant... In this video, you will learn how to get your first 10,000 real Instagram followers using 11 free strategies. These methods will not only get you more new followers but also more comments, likes and even website traffic. I'll show you the best strategies, the data that backs it up and where to go to get started. Enjoy the video! Category People & Blogs License Standard YouTube License SHOW LESS COMMENTS • 30 Oscar del Rosario Add a public comment... Top comments lion king lion king2 months ago Add a background music and your videos will be GOLD! Good job. Reply 8 View all 3 replies Shelley Cole Shelley Cole3 weeks ago My sister has nearly 60,000 followers on Instagram she just uses : CHEAPFOLLOWS. COM Reply Maria Ladner Maria Ladner5 days ago The easiest way to get a lot of new followers on IG is just to use - CHEAPFOLLOWS. COM Reply Vajrasen Natarajan Vajrasen Natarajan3 weeks ago (edited) The latest and working glitch for getting instant instagram followers - https://sites.google.com/site/instafollowersmadness2017/ Reply 255 Kai Liu Kai Liu1 month ago based on my insight showing. the best time to post is at 12pm noon. Reply 2 Meya Clark Meya Clark1 month ago (edited) Thx I got 5k in two weeks Reply 3 Nick badger Nick badger2 months ago thanks for the advice! Reply 1 Sums Siyam Sums Siyam1 month ago i love https://twitter.com/cb5eaeee2abbc35f8/status/754920953293922305 it's best site for real likes followers ooоon instagram... How To Get Your First 10 000 Reeal Instagram Folloowers 11 Freeеe Ways Reply tess florio tess florio2 months ago great advice and tips. Thank you for all the help! I started a small Home Decor Business on ETSY and IG under The Clever Venue and this definitely helps in the correct way to promote thank you !!! Reply 1 Loraine at total-lifechange Loraine at total-lifechange3 months ago Great strategies thanks for sharing your knowledge. Reply 1 Kiran R Kiran R3 months ago Hey Justin, I love all your videos! Could you do your next video about content creation. Cheers man! You're great! Reply 1 Tom Cardenas Tom Cardenas2 days ago Great job. Enjoyed the video. Reply Tammay Morton Tammay Morton1 week ago This is great i am just starting on Instagram, thank you Reply Jesse Santamaria Jesse Santamaria2 weeks ago follow my ig @ jesse_sincere Reply Andy Jug Andy Jug3 weeks ago Just subed! Really informative, thanks for sharing real valuel, not the usual hype. Smooth delivery as well. Took a full page worth of notes, glad I found you! Reply Jayced Up Jayced Up1 month ago How many IG followers do you need to start making money? Reply Daniel Shannon Daniel Shannon1 month ago Liked and subscribed, thanks for the tips - great videos 😎 Reply elfacker7676 elfacker76761 month ago Hey guys!! Learn how to earn many followers on instagram by watching my last video! It's easy, you don’t have to pay, and the followers are not boots. I have just earn 90 followers in 2 days, and still working!!It's my first video :D Reply Hassan Thompson Hassan Thompson1 month ago Thanks for the video. Great info!! Reply Kai Liu Kai Liu1 month ago good information. thanks. Reply Hilaire Agnama Hilaire Agnama1 month ago Great video. thank you for sharing Reply Essther Essther2 months ago Make money here for free http://MyCashTable.com/?ref=82641 Reply Show more Autoplay Up next How To Get Instagram Followers hard tricks BoosterMinds 28,213 views 3:10 7 Weird Ways to Earn Extra Money Online Justin Bryant 3,994 viewsNEW 20:00 DOCS: Superhuman - Geniuses Barcroft TV Recommended for you 46:08 HOW TO GET FAMOUS ON INSTAGRAM FAST (INSTA HACKS YOU NEED TO KNOW) ally hardesty 183,627 views 8:26 Nitric acid + salt = gold Interesting Facts Recommended for you 18:15 11 Things You Didn't Know The Use For! Factnomenal Recommended for you 5:45 The Secret/How To Manifest ANYTHING Instantly/Tesla Code Secrets/Wealth/Success/Joy/Job Formula+Book Tesla Code Recommended for you 32:28 RETRAIN YOUR MIND - NEW Motivational Video (very powerful) Be Inspired Recommended for you 10:34 AIM Global Marketing Plan / Opportunity Plan Presentation Ritch Manansala Recommended for you 15:48 FREE INTERNET LIFETIME ANY SIM WORLDWIDE !! UNLIMITED !! TEST COMPARISONS Recommended for you 22:49 How to Make a Social Media Post Go Viral in 10 Steps Justin Bryant 4,179 views 27:37 10 Things You Should Do If You Win The Lottery Top Lists Recommended for you 5:36 12 Skills Millionaires Master and Tools to Use Justin Bryant 3,258 views 32:46 10 Ways To Make Money Online Selling Your Photos Justin Bryant 13,075 views 19:22 Instagram Followers - How to Get Free Instagram Followers Sloane Pierc 204,935 views 5:37 How to Make Money on Facebook Pages 2017 - 10 Ways Justin Bryant 4,500 views 23:33 How to Make Money with Instagram in LESS THAN 24 HOURS!!! GoldenGato 244,669 views 24:26 How to Gain THOUSANDS of Instagram Followers for FREE (2 Methods) ViralWhirl 1,161,113 views 5:13 How to Make Passive Income Like Top Brands Ep. 1: Smart Passive Income Justin Bryant 1,424 viewsNEW 31:14 How to Make Money Without Working in 2017 - 10 Best Ways Justin Bryant 16,547 views 24:43

10 Shocking Secrets About Apple Alltime10s Alltime10s

10 Shocking Secrets About Apple Alltime10s Alltime10s Subscribed4,891,489 Add to Share More 225,882 views 6,097 351 ShareEmbedEmail https://youtu.be/CGZQCNeLinc Start at: 1:18 Published on Mar 5, 2017 Apple is one of the biggest companies in the world, raking in a global net income of $45.69 billion every year. But, behind all that success, dark secrets lurk. From heartless factory conditions to dodgy collection of user data... this is 10 Shocking Secrets About Apple. Check out the video in the end card Does Smoking Weed Make You Smarter? - 10 News Stories You Missed This Week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2c-C... Music = Resolution by Duncan Pittock Click to Subscribe.. http://bit.ly/WTVC4x Check out the best of Alltime10s - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Where else to find All Time 10s... Facebook: http://ow.ly/3FNFR Twitter: http://ow.ly/3FNMk Category Education License Standard YouTube License SHOW LESS COMMENTS • 919 Oscar del Rosario Add a public comment... Top comments Kim Jung Un Kim Jung Un5 days ago I got a samsung ad before this video... Reply 197 View all 17 replies Lone Wolf Lone Wolf5 hours ago okay x3 rises with new flag and starts saying speeches against U.S. goverment to make a dictatorship myself yesss! im in da power! Reply Andy Urrutia Andy Urrutia3 hours ago Kim Jung Un you fucking Chinese person Reply Idrees MMA Idrees MMA5 days ago poor Chinese people get fucked over so that ignorant people in the west can enjoy themselves Reply 95 View all 23 replies thepieofalifetime custardpieton thepieofalifetime custardpieton1 day ago ... Reply Nick Kouts Nick Kouts9 minutes ago Idrees MMA faggot Reply NuclearPotato19 NuclearPotato195 days ago This comment will get lost in the comment section. If it doesn't though..I will eat a spoon of nutella. Reply 140 View all 11 replies NuclearPotato19 NuclearPotato195 days ago Yeah with or without the likes I was still gonna take a huge spoon of nutella if I'm being honest.I had like 4 spoonfuls of the stuff ;) #nutellaaddiction Reply 3 kitte97inatree kitte97inatree4 days ago How about a spoon of go Fudge Yourself. Haha. Get it? x3 Reply 2 krabby kakes krabby kakes5 days ago who's watching this on an apple device? Reply 214 View all 58 replies Zahid Shabir Zahid Shabir8 hours ago +jacky yo what are you on about look at people doing benchmarks and opening and using apps simultaneously the note 7 gets beaten by the iPhone 6s the main type of tests were opening apps and using them then switching apps such as opening messages app and sending a link then opening photoshop and rendering the same image then opening an intensive game and see how long it takes to load and the note 7 was beaten also my 5s is not even bad at those tasks granted the difference would be in milliseconds (for opening most apps) Read more Reply Miyali Salguero Miyali Salguero7 hours ago krabby kakes. me on my ipod Reply Robert Martinez Robert Martinez5 days ago Apple is the greediest fucking company. Underpaying workers and selling products 4 times more than they're worth. Only "improving" their devices quickly but slightly every year with minor changes so idiots can just keep on buying. It's 2017 and their phone's aren't even waterproof. Because it's bad business. Why create the perfect phone? when you can just make it slimmer and re-sell the same bullshit the next year ammirite? It's actually smart business tbh. Read more Reply 123 View all 18 replies Atheist Capitalist Atheist Capitalist9 hours ago Apple products are designed to appeal to people in the range of 85-100 in IQ score. Those are the only customers stupid enough to buy their shit. Reply 1 Zahid Shabir Zahid Shabir8 hours ago (edited) +Athiest Capitalist you sir are wrong i can tell you now I was good in science and engineering back in school i build computers as a hobby and i own an iPhone and if you think apple customers are stupid only those who want it to feel rich or whatever can be included as by the way you talk about it it is as if you think they have inferior hardware and bad security as well as overpriced apple is leading the market in terms of CPU performance/efficiency look it up i have seen numerous videos comparing the note 7 to the iPhone 6s and in most everyday usage they were neck and neck and with intensive apps (apps which are on both IOS/android) they beat the samsung i have even seen videos on android channels saying that iPhone software compared with hardware has some really good optimisations such as in efficiency and ram management also you probably liked your own comment to make yourself feel special and if i get a like you could say the same thing but how do you or i know Read more Reply 4 Dirk Groovy Dirk Groovy5 days ago I hate how people hail Steve Jobs as some sort of hero.... when in reality he was a fucking monster.. Reply 163 View all 21 replies yassir 560 yassir 5601 day ago Steve jobs:the hitler of technology Reply 2 Team Pottsy72 Team Pottsy725 days ago "Does apple spy on you?" No because I don't buy useless pieces of shit like what Apple sells. Reply 59 View all 9 replies Daniel Bykov Daniel Bykov3 days ago Team Pottsy72 Samsung ftw Reply 1 Mari Mari1 day ago Not sure what country you're in, but if you're in the US, just wait until our government provides free and accessible wifi all over the country.... that's going to make spying on us Americans even easier no matter what brand of technology we use. Reply 1 Sleep- Over-Everything Sleep- Over-Everything5 days ago (edited) Apple is a cult Reply 101 View all 15 replies Sonata Dusk Sonata Dusk4 days ago Sleep- Over-Everything Android is also a cult And so does Nokia Reply kitte97inatree kitte97inatree4 days ago xD #DeathIsApple there killing us by taking our money and making us bankrupt. Reply Nick Clay Nick Clay5 days ago Video: 10'minutes long Uploaded: 58 seconds ago 1 dislike Reply 453 View all 18 replies Seth_Gaming P01N3R Seth_Gaming P01N3R1 day ago (says in chinese accent) can a da anyone speak a da engerish here?! Doesnt look like it Reply J Dur J Dur1 day ago Seth_Gaming P01N3R u rascist wanker Reply Loathsome Lockdown Loathsome Lockdown5 days ago The rotten Apple has a worm in it. Reply 27 ARythemB ARythemB5 days ago Loathsome Lockdown its poisoned too Reply 3 Stefano Lucchetta Afra Stefano Lucchetta Afra4 days ago Loathsome Lockdown it could be the start of a dystopian novel or a movie featuring an apple-like corporation... nice idea! Reply 1 Ahzini Khazuki Ahzini Khazuki5 days ago (edited) I've never liked apple, I love the fruit, but the company makes crappy stuff, you better off buying a Samsung Galaxy, they are actually good In my house any apple products are known as 'crapple'. Reply 52 View all 15 replies TechFrank TechFrank8 hours ago +Slightly Biased Kevin Durant Fan what's her name? Reply comment mccommentface comment mccommentface8 hours ago Ahzini Khazuki madoka from the orange road anime Reply Dimitrelos300 Dimitrelos3005 days ago Foxconn also makes ps4 and nintendk switch, not only apple products. Reply 24 View all 4 replies gruntdetonators gruntdetonators5 days ago Dimitrelos300 is correct.... They do also make products for Sony and Nintendo.... Reply 1 kitte97inatree kitte97inatree4 days ago Nooo!I have Nintendo... Now if i look up something on he web on there they will be spying ;-; Reply 1 W.D Gaster W.D Gaster5 days ago this is why i never buy apple products Reply 19 View all 4 replies EirikXL EirikXL4 days ago Not because it's overpriced as fuck? Don't flatter yourself. Reply TechFrank TechFrank3 days ago Same Reply Mark Anthony Mark Anthony5 days ago im watching this on a Samsung Reply 14 View all 13 replies Mooky Nuke Mooky Nuke3 days ago So am I lel Reply TechFrank TechFrank3 days ago Same Reply SmallTown Swimmer SmallTown Swimmer5 days ago This is another reason why I have a Droid. (Please don't hate me.) Reply 16 View all 4 replies Abner Chilson Abner Chilson2 days ago SmallTown Swimmer We're not like the android fans who'll judge you and call you names for the type of phone you use. Reply 2 SmallTown Swimmer SmallTown Swimmer2 days ago +Abner Chilson Aww. Thanks.😊 Reply 1 FRIES KILLER FRIES KILLER5 days ago I love when we all agree on one thing.....100% Reply 13 Mr. Elecentric Mr. Elecentric5 days ago FRIES KILLER agree on.... what? Reply 1 Carman E Carman E5 days ago Mr. Elecentric agreeing to agree on things we haven't agreed upon Reply 2 Twenty ™ Twenty ™5 days ago Well atleast they didnt make explosives phones Reply 12 View all 5 replies jacky yo jacky yo4 days ago Twenty ™ acturalling they made more explosive phones then samsung Reply 1 twee3 twee34 days ago actually yeah, as someone who works for apple customer service, people call often with their phone exploding while charging. overheating, or otherwise multiple exchanges because of touch disease etc. apple is not perfect either. Reply 1 YOUNGLA FLAME YOUNGLA FLAME5 days ago Not secret now🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ Reply 6 Mr. Elecentric Mr. Elecentric5 days ago YOUNGLA FLAME none of these were secrets really... Reply 1 Mr X Mr X5 days ago Fuck Apple! I am proud that i never supported their shit company. Reply 6 View all 4 replies Jordan Robles Jordan Robles5 days ago Mrllamacow / "Can't afford" Lmao if I were gonna get a phone I would get something more expensive with even better hardware. Stop acting like you are better because you can afford an overpriced piece of aluminum. Read more Reply 1 Mr X Mr X3 days ago Haha wow that really "shut me up" XD I actually can afford it i just don't want an apple product especially not an Iphone. Please compare the technical specification with Android phones in the same price class and explain to me why i would want to buy an Iphone when there is other phones that are better. And then i haven't even mentioned what assholes Apple is for making it so you have to buy all extra adapters and shit that you don't need for android phones. Read more Reply 1 THE LESBIANEST NO LEGGED SOCCER MOM IN THE EAST THE LESBIANEST NO LEGGED SOCCER MOM IN THE EAST5 days ago I have a 6s Plus and it sucks, I had a Samsung galaxy mega and it was much better Reply 5 Mrllamacow / Mrllamacow /5 days ago THE LESBIANEST NO LEGGED SOCCER MOM IN THE EAST sure u did 👍 Reply 3 kitte97inatree kitte97inatree4 days ago THE LESBIANEST NO LEGGED SOCCER MOM IN THE EAST Oh cool x3 Reply Show more Autoplay Up next 10 Dark Secrets Brands Don't Want You To Know Alltime10s 772,407 views 10:44 10 Places That Will Disappear In Your Lifetime Alltime10s 103,134 viewsNEW 9:46 DOCS: Superhuman - Geniuses Barcroft TV Recommended for you 46:08 The Secret/How To Manifest ANYTHING Instantly/Tesla Code Secrets/Wealth/Success/Joy/Job Formula+Book Tesla Code Recommended for you 32:28 10 Unsolved Air Crash Disasters Alltime10s 73,397 viewsNEW 11:47 How To Get Your First 10,000 Real Instagram Followers - 11 Free Ways Justin Bryant Recommended for you 24:52 11 Things You Didn't Know The Use For! 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