Thursday, April 12, 2018

Organic Health Universe 20 mins · Toxins Stored In Your Fat Cells Are Making You Fat And Swollen. Here’s How To Cleanse Them Toxins Stored In Your Fat Cells Are Making You Fat And Swollen. Here’s How To Cleanse Them The environment we live in nowadays is filled with toxins and chemicals which are slowly destroying our body. The unhealthy diet most of us eat only makes matters… ALTERNATIVEMEDICINEHOUSE.COM

HOMEHEALTHToxins Stored In Your Fat Cells Are Making You Fat And Swollen. Here’s How To Cleanse Them HEALTHToxins Stored In Your Fat Cells Are Making You Fat And Swollen. Here’s How To Cleanse Them The environment we live in nowadays is filled with toxins and chemicals which are slowly destroying our body. The unhealthy diet most of us eat only makes matters worse. Toxicity nowadays is almost impossible to avoid and our liver and colon can easily get blocked. The body has a system which cleans the toxins naturally, but with so much work due to the constant attack by toxins, they don’t always function like they’re supposed to. There are 2 types of toxins – fat and water soluble. The water-soluble toxins are eliminated through sweat and urine, but things are not so simple with fat-soluble toxins. In order to eliminate them, these toxins need to be turned to water-soluble compounds which is the liver’s job. Fat-soluble toxins include pesticides, food additives, preservatives, pollutants, heavy metals and plastics. As we said, the liver’s role is to make these toxins into lighter compounds which can then be eliminated. Unfortunately, due to the hard work this vital organ performs every day, it isn’t always able to turn the fat-soluble to water-soluble toxins, which means they can start accumulating in our body. When the liver and digestive tract are blocked, none of them can’t perform their function. The so-called toxic fats need to pass through the digestive system into the small intestine, where small threads called villi sweep them. This process is supported by the body’s Gut Associated Lymphatic System or GALT which surrounds the GI tract and is vital for the elimination of toxins. If the GALT and villi are functioning well, the toxins and chemicals will get eliminated. However, the villi can easily dry out and the GALT system is often blocked due to our diet and the air pollution, resulting in tons of toxins accumulated in our tissues. Bloating, swelling in the breasts, hands and feet, irregular bowel movements, skin irritation, joint stiffness and hypersensitivity are the main symptoms of a congested GALT. Add the dry villi to this problem and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. When the GI tract produces enough mucus, our stool is normal and all the toxins and chemicals can be eliminated. If the mucus is excessive, we will experience diarrhea. If you notice too much mucus in your stool, you should address the problem immediately as it can cause big problems. The villi are crucial for the elimination process. They shouldn’t be too wet or too dry in order to function, but factors such as stress, unhealthy diet, coffee, additives and hyperacidity can harm their function. Proper bile production is also important for proper elimination. The bile is produced by the liver and has the role of processing fats, acting as the immune system of the GI tract. When there’s plenty of fiber in the body, things will be just fine. However, lack of fiber in your diet can cause bile problems and dry the villi, resulting in a congested GALT and a slew of health problems. Liver Congestion When the liver is congested due to a high level of toxins, it will allow fat-soluble toxins into the bloodstream. They will eventually find their way to our fat cells, accumulating in there and causing serious damage. These toxins can even reach the brain and are a potentially life-threatening problem. Eliminate Your Fat To Remove Toxins From Your Body The ancient Ayurveda medicine relied on improving the body’s metabolism in order to melt fat and flush out toxins from the body. There are many ways to burn fat (diet, exercise) and making major lifestyle changes is a big part of the process. It’s also important to learn how good your digestive system is functioning, as a congested liver and GI tract won’t allow you to burn the fat from your body. If you’re noticing too much mucus in your stool or you’re suffering from diarrhea or constipation, it’s a sign that your detox pathways are blocked. In order to unclog them and resolve the problems, you need to follow certain rules. There is a way of decongesting your body naturally – you should eat a healthy diet rich in fiber and anti-inflammatory foods and try the recipe you can see below. Liver Cleansing Recipe Ingredients 1 grapefruit ½ cup olive oil Apple juice 4 tablespoons Epsom salt Directions Add the Epsom salt in 3 cups of water and put the mixture in a jar in the fridge. Start the process by avoiding any food or drinks at 2 PM. Four hours later (6 PM), drink ¾ of the mixture. If the taste is too much for you, add a bit of vitamin C in it. Two hours later at 8 PM, drink the same amount of the mixture. Don’t do anything after this step as the liver flush will start soon. At 9:45 PM, pour olive oil in ½ a cup, squeeze the grapefruit in and put the mixture in a jar. Close it and shake it well, then drink the mixture at 10 PM. Make sure to finish it in a maximum of 5 minutes. Once you get up, drink ¾ of the salty mixture and go to sleep for another few hours. Drink the last dosage of the Epsom salt mixture 2 hours later, then eat some food 2 hours after that. This powerful cleansing recipe will remove all the toxins and fat from your liver and keep your organs functioning as they should. In this way, it will detoxify your body and get your metabolism working again, helping you lose weight. Article and image source:

Pope Francis cancels the Bible and proposes to create a new book

BREAKING NEWS INTERNATIONAL Pope Francis cancels The Bible and proposes to create a new book abril 2, 2018 Sr. Lobo bible, pope Francis Pope Francis has surprised the world today by announcing that The Bible is totally outdated and needs a radical change, so The Bible is officially canceled and it’s announced a meeting between the highest personalities of the church where it will be decided the book that will replace it, its name and its content. Some names are already being considered and the one that has more strength is “Biblia 2000”. “We can not keep trying to talk our public in a totally new world with a book that has thousands years. We are losing followers and we have to go a step further in the search for the modernization of the church. to rewrite the word of God, even if it is only the Old Testament, in which there are certain passages that it is better not to repeat. ” The news has fallen like a bomb among the most conservative, who consider this idea the definitive clue of madness of Pope Francis.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Mastering Shitcoins: The Poor Man’s Guide to Getting Crypto Rich So you missed out on the crypto boom?

Go to the profile of Daniel Jeffries Daniel Jeffries I am an author, futurist and thinker. Dec 21, 2017 Mastering Shitcoins: The Poor Man’s Guide to Getting Crypto Rich So you missed out on the crypto boom? You had dreams of telling your boss where to shove it while you drove off in your shiny new pink Cadillac looking for the meaning of life but it didn’t happen. Rage quit time! Maybe you sat on the sidelines waiting for a good price that never came? These prices are crazy, you thought, they’ve got to come back down! Who would pay $10,000 for a single Bitcoin? It was only $1,000 a month ago. And so the prices kept blowing past you. Or maybe you made all the mistakes in the Cryptocurrency Trading Bible parts one and two? You over traded, chased rallies too late, FOMOed, sold out too fast and in general did a lot worse than the market because you didn’t learn your lessons. The price to becoming a good trader is really, really high. Most people never make it. To get great at trading you have to lose a bunch of money fast and fail to outperform the market before turning it around. If you’re lucky, you learn those lessons and wind up a savvy trader who trades well whether the market is up or down. But the odds are against you. Human nature is against you. Emotions are against you. Everything is against you. And yet there is hope. You didn’t miss the boat. Well not totally. You can still swim out to it if you paddle real hard. It’s not over. A mere 1% of people own crypto. Crypto can solve dozens of previously intractable problems, like digital identities, supply chain integrity, data breaches and many, many more. But it’s going to take awhile. The crypto superhighway is still under construction. They’re paving the roads and pouring the cement. Nobody is living in the McMansions yet. But…but…but bubble. Tulips. It’s all going to crash isn’t it? Yeah. So what? Let me let you in on a little secret. Ready? This is the bubble Amazon and Apple went through during the crash. Those were mountains at the time and now they’re mole hills. I grabbed those screen shots from this amazing article that nails the true value of crypto on so many levels. Go read it right after this one and you’ll see that $5,000 or $10,000 or $25,000 doesn’t begin to reflect the value of Bitcoin. Most people can’t see the future. It’s a total and complete blind spot to them, like staring into a snow crashed TV. As a futurist when I talk to people at parties they know I’m interesting and smart but they can’t hear a word of it. It’s like I’m the teacher in Charlie Brown. While innovators live in the bright light of future possibilities, the rest of the world lives in the here and now. Inventors and futurists are the shaman and medicine men of the global tribe. The rest of the tribe are hunter-gatherers. And hunter-gatherers are 100% focused on the present. They have to be. There is no time for the future when you got to find the next meal. And that’s why to the tribe self-driving cars are not real and will never exist. Virtual reality is joke. Bitcoin is a joke and a bubble and fraud. Another genius predicting the future. To the tribe, the Internet looked like a joke to them only twenty years ago, even though they live on it today. Self-sovereign money and privacy and decentralized blockchain voting are absolute mirages to them now. But if you want to get crypto rich, they better not be mirages to you. So how do you get there? You don’t have time to watch charts all day. And you probably don’t have a lot of spare change to throw around. So you’re screwed right? Nope. No matter what your free cash flow looks like you can invest in cryptocurrencies. Whether you have $500 or $1000 or $50,000 the rules are the same. I know a fellow who started with a $1000 he borrowed and made himself a millionaire. Of course not everyone will have that kind of result. And that’s all right. How about the gal I met who invested $2,000 and turned it into $70,000? Could you use an extra $70,000? Are you patient enough to go through an 85% draw down and the pop of the crypto bubble? Then you too can get crypto rich. Patience and long term vision is the key. Remember, rich is relative. If you never made more than $25,000 a year in your whole life, than $100,000 is a lot of extra money. It pays a lot of bills and delivers a lot of peace of mind. That’s why I am going to give you the simplest path to crypto rich. No trading. No watching charts. Now I don’t recommend you borrow anything to do this and you should only invest what you can afford to lose. Don’t mortgage your house or you deserve everything that is coming to you when the bank comes calling. Do not be an idiot. If you think you’re the exception the percentages say you’re probably not so just put your money in the mattress because it’s a lot safer there. But if you’re willing to have patience and do this the right way, there is a decent chance that you come out ahead in the future. The Amazon of Tomorrow To figure out what to do, you just need to realize that the Amazons and Apples of tomorrow are going to come out of this space. Sure 80% of the projects will fail. So what? The others will go on to change the world. The only problem is, which ones will survive and which ones will go to zero? Ah, now there’s the trick. Nobody has any idea. Anyone who tells you different is lying. Nobody has a crystal ball. But we can make an educated guess. Cryptocurrencies give you the chance to do what venture capitalists do. Up until now it’s been the exclusive right of people with lots and lots of money to invest in early stage companies. But now it’s the little guy’s turn too. The statistics on companies that succeed or fail in a venture capitalist’s portfolio would terrify the average present focused tribe member. 80% fail outright. That’s right. They will be worth zero. The big goose egg. Nothing. If a V.C. put in a million dollars, that million dollars is vaporized. This is the way of the turtle. Slow and steady. But it’s the other 20% where this gets interesting. 10% of the companies do all right. Maybe they’re profitable, so the V.C. gets back his or her money and maybe doubles it. Not bad. But considering he or she just lost 80% of their other investments not so good. That puts them in the red by about 50-70%. Ouch. But it’s the last 10% where all the money is made. Those are the companies that go nova. They go up 10x or 100x. We call those ten baggers or hundred baggers. It’s those home runs that recoup all the losses and then some. So instead of trading you’re going to play micro-V.C. You’re going to buy in with whatever you have to spare and you’re going to split that money up into the projects with the best chance at pulling a moon. So let’s analyze the market here so we can figure out what to buy. The Contenders Right now coins are starting to split up into three major categories: Currency Platform Utility There is a fourth kind of coin: a security token. In a year or two, people will be overrun with companies putting their shares on the blockchain. But that can’t happen until regulators get out of fear mode and start putting together the right rules for it. Delaware, the business center of the known universe, already gave us model legislation, so count on it at the federal level too. They just move slower. Unfortunately, there are no security tokens to trade right now so we’ll have to revisit that in a year. Let’s start with the currencies. These are the simplest coins. They’re programmable money. They’re looking to become a medium of exchange for goods and services. Either that or they’re a store of value like gold or silver. Some are deflationary, some inflationary. Some are meant to move fast and others are meant to hold so you can buy things with it later. The granddaddy of them all is Bitcoin. That’s got to be a part of any stack. Period. It has first mover advantage and a huge lead on the others. It’s also the most expensive and maybe the least innovative. It’s dark horse rival is Bitcoin Cash, a fork of the original project that has its adherents and haters. But regardless of how you feel about this coin, feelings ain’t got nothing to do with it. This is trading and we’re betting on everyone who could pull out a win here, not pretending we can predict the future perfectly. That means Bitcoin Cash should go into your pile as well. Other coins like Dash have good momentum. Dash tends to thrive when Bitcoin is plunging. It steadily gains market and mind share. There’s also long time favorite Litecoin, the “silver” to Bitcoin’s gold. Decred is not a bad bet either, as it has a good distribution model and community. Privacy coins are essential. These work a lot like a digital version of cash, anonymous and agnostic. Monero, Zcash, and Zcoin are good examples, as is PIVX another underappreciated dark horse that started as a fork of DASH but has evolved into its own system and incorporates the Zero Coin protocol. These are all strong contenders to become the cash of the future in a cashless society. Let’s move on to the platforms. This is where things get really interesting. Platform coins are looking to do things that are the sole domain of servers and clouds right now. They want to power decentralized applications, run smart contracts as law and power everything from identities to storage to voting. The platforms have the longest way to go. They have to solve incredibly challenging scaling problems, maintain security, create whole new programming languages and deliver a fantastic user experience. None of this is easy. It will take time. But these platforms are the foundation of the decentralized internet of the future. The biggest and baddest so far is Ethereum. I had a chance to meet with one of the top VCs in the country last week, an early investor in this space, and he told me that 90% of his crypto holdings are in Ethereum. That’s because he sees it as the best chance to become the platform, the one platform to rule them all. They have tremendous momentum, incredible devs and they rapidly incorporate new changes into the system. Ethereum is a must hold for any stack. But they’re not the only contender for the throne. New platforms are coming out every day. There’s bound to be one on a whiteboard somewhere that will blow us all away. But for now we go with what we have here and now. The other major platform choices are QTUM and NEO out of China, MaidSafe, Waves, IOTA, Tezos (which isn’t trading yet and may never if they don’t survive their lawsuits but which you should definitely own if they ever get out of the gate.) Personally I think these idiots should stop suing, because the project is brilliant and these fools are only proving that they’re too stupid to invest and need the nanny state to protect them but I digress. Lastly, there’s EOS, probably the biggest ICO in history. They have a good pitch and they’ve put out a steady stream of code. Not a bad one for your bag. I sold them way too early. Others will certainly join the fold. The last choices are utility coins. These are the hardest to pick. The problem with most utility coins is they have no utility. You’re supposed to use these coins to consume services like identity lookups or decentralized DNS lookups but there is no platform to use these coins yet, so they’re some of the riskiest because they have to survive long enough to service the dominant platforms. By the time that happens those services might already be incorporated into the platforms or get up and running for free. This should be the smallest portion of your bag. Expect utility coins to make up a significant portion of the post dot-com crypto bubble burst list. The battle for the future of money. However one style of utility coin is here to stay: Fintech coins. These are coins that are designed to move money around the world for major institutions like banks. Ripple is the big one here. I don’t love their closed source model and their patents (patents are poison in this space) but their tech appears to work well and it keeps a very steady value, something essential when moving money because you don’t want that money experiencing crazy volatility swings like Bitcoin. If you put $1 million dollars on the wire it should come out a million dollars on the other side not $650,000 or $1.2 million. The only question about Ripple is how much it actually rises in value over time. Hard to say but good to hold onto anyway. A better choice to me is Stellar Lumens which has a fantastic team. They partnered with IBM to provide service to banks and they have some incredible advisors on board, as well as a lot of transparency. They’re also powering the two reward coins that have a good shot at becoming universal reward coins, Kik and MobileCoin, the second in development by the founder of Signal. Omise Go has Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin as an adviser and they’re looking to do much of the same thing that Stellar and Ripple can do but in a more open fashion so they have my vote. All of those coins are buy and holds in any strong portfolio. Outside of Fintech, there are a few choices that are riskier but interesting. PAY is a good bet, if they can get their partnerships with the major credit card creators off the ground. That is a big if because the Visas and Mastercards of the world will likely do their own crypto at one point in an attempt to maintain monopoly control over the credit card terminals. I’d also look for coins that disintermediate businesses like an energy coin or Populous that deals with payroll and carving out costs there, something that will deliver tremendous ROI for companies. SALT is incredibly interesting as well. They propose to do blockchain backed loans, another industry ripe for the picking and something that the IMF will love for micro-loans in third world countries. Last up in Metal. They fit my ultimate pattern for building a universal reward coin and I like what I see out of them. There are a bunch more I could list here but this isn’t about buying every coin on the top 100. This is about understanding who has a real shot at surviving. This is my list. Don’t follow it blindly! Do your own homework. Make your own decisions. It’s your money and you have to live and die with your choices. Don’t come blaming me if this doesn’t work. I am not your financial advisor. This is very risky. High risk, high reward. Making a bunch of money is about taking risks. Don’t come crying if that risk doesn’t pan out. I promise you nothing but the ability to place your bets and hope for the best. That disclaimer aside, I like my chances. I’ve seen this scenario play out time and again in world history. I don’t see any reason it can’t work again. So how do you do you pick your coins? Ask questions and demand good answers. The questions you want to ask are: Does this coin/project have a purpose? If so what? Can they solve a real problem? How good is their team? How long have they been around? How strong is their code base? Do they have a road map? Are they transparent? Every coin on this list has good answers to 70–80% of those questions. But don’t take my word on it. Do your own research.

Monday, March 5, 2018

10 Foods You Can Store For 100 Years 1. Raw Honey

10 Foods You Can Store For 100 Years Please Share This Page: 9583 10 Instagram 9 401 11 Google + 4 stumbleupon 3 tumblr 10 reddit 50 10 Foods You Can Store For 100 Years French bread will only last a few days before it goes bad. And canned goods will last you a few years. So all food has an expiration date, right? Wrong! Some foods can last a century. Yes, that’s right. A hundred years! Here are 10 foods that can last (pretty much) forever. In fact, if stored properly, they will never spoil and will stay as fresh as the day you bought them — and will make a great addition to your pantry or emergency food supply. So feel free to use that 10-pound bag of jasmine rice from 1998 that you were saving for Y2K. As long as it was stored correctly, it’s just as good for you as the day you bought it. 1. Raw Honey Shelf-life: Indefinite Honey may crystallize over time, but in terms of safety, this gold liquid is nearly immortal. If it’s stored in a sealed jar, it can last for centuries, according to the National Honey Board. Raw honey has such longevity that it has even been recovered from Egyptian tombs. Honey can sweeten your hot tea, alleviate seasonal allergies, and also can be used to treats wounds and burns. If your honey does crystallize, just place the jar in warm water until the crystals dissolve. 2. Pemmican Shelf-life: Indefinite Pemmican was first made by Native-Americans and later by European fur traders and settlers. It was made from the meat of a large game like buffalo, bison, elk or deer. The lean meat was cut into small pieces and dried by putting it over an open fire. Then it was mixed with fat and pressed into little cakes. Sometimes, berries were tossed in for extra flavor. Pemmican makes a great survival food. In fact, it was given in rations and used by British soldiers during the Second Boer War (1899-1902). Check out the full article: How to make Pemmican – The Ultimate Survival Super-Food 3. Rice Shelf-life: 30 Years to Indefinite Rice is the perfect food for storage. And, like honey, has been found perfectly preserved in Egyptian tombs. White, jasmine, wild, Arborio and basmati rice all have an almost indefinite shelf life. White rice is considered by many to be the ultimate survivalist food to stockpile in order to be ready for a food crisis. But brown rice doesn’t have the same good fortune; its high oil content makes it turn rancid faster. Just be sure to store rice in an airtight container to keep out any bugs. I like to put bay leaves in bulk bags of rice to keep the bugs away. 4. Apple Cider Vinegar Shelf Life: Indefinite You can buy apple cider vinegar and not worry about it going to waste. So stock up on this healthy condiment and use it for salad dressings, marinades or even household cleaning. And if you feel a sore throat or cold coming on, put a tablespoon in a glass of water and drink it; you’ll feel better! Learn more about vinegar here >>> 99 Domestic Uses For The Common Vinegar 5. Salt Shelf Life: Indefinite salt-womenDOTuchealthDOTcom-400x266 Image source: Sea salt is the healthiest salt, but regular table salt is fine. Salt adds taste, preserves meat and helps food keep its texture. And if stored properly, it will never go bad. In the event of a grid failure, salt makes a great way to cure meat. Here is what one source says: “Historically, brining and salting have been used as a method to preserve meat. Some methods were as simple as submerging the meat in a barrel of salt water. The salt solution was judged ready when it would float a raw egg. This solution would require approximately 8 pounds of salt to 5 gallons of water. Cover the meat completely with the solution and leave covered until ready to use. From the amount of salt, it requires you can see that it pays to store a substantial amount.” Read more interesting facts about salt here >>>27 More Reasons To Stock Salt 6. Vanilla Extract Shelf Life: Indefinite Made from dried, cured vanilla beans, the pure vanilla extract has a sweet, rich flavor. And since it’s made from alcohol, the pure vanilla extract will stay fresh and flavorful forever. However, imitation vanilla does not have the same lifespan, so make sure that you buy the more expensive vanilla extract. From cookies to cupcakes, the pure vanilla extract is usually used for baking. But historically, it was used to treat burns, cuts, and wounds. 7. Sugar Shelf Life: Indefinite White, brown and powdered sugar will last forever. If it hardens over time, you can break up the chunks by warming it up and stirring it, just like with honey. Sugar doesn’t support bacterial growth, but don’t forget to store it in an airtight container to keep the bugs and moisture out. And sugar can be used for more than just a sweet treat — it makes a great scrub to use on your face and body. 8. Soy Sauce Shelf Life: Indefinite As long as it’s never opened, soy sauce will last forever. Soy sauce is made from fermented soybeans, salt, wheat, and water. The high sodium content of soy sauce helps to preserve it. But if you’re gluten intolerant, make sure that you buy a soy sauce that is gluten-free. From stir fries to soups, soy sauce is an important ingredient in Asian recipes. My favorite way to eat soy sauce is to make a quick sauce by mixing ¼ cup of honey, ¼ cup of water, and 2 tablespoons of soy sauce. It makes a great stir-fry sauce or glazes for chicken. 9. Bouillon Shelf Life: Indefinite Because bouillon has large amounts of salt, it can last a long time. However, over time, the taste of the bouillon can be altered. So if storing bouillon cubes, it’s best to use a food sealer or seal in Mylar bags. It makes a great survival food used in broth or soup to deliver much-needed electrolytes to the body. I use it often in soups and stews; it’s a great way to save money and keep food costs low. Flu Shot 10. Powdered Milk in nitrogen packed cans Shelf Life: 25 Years to Indefinite In a difficult situation, powdered milk makes an emergency source of calcium and vitamin D for young children. It can last indefinitely in nitrogen-packed cans and can be placed in the freezer. And if the powdered milk develops an odor or turns yellow, it’s time to discard. hide your guns So whether you’re planning for a disaster or simply want to have a pantry stocked with non-perishable food for an unexpected snowstorm, having these 10 food items is important. And if you store these foods properly, they might just last forever. What foods do you keep stocked that will last forever? Write your response in the comments below: By Kimberlee Hertzer PS: Don’t forget about 37 Things You Should Hoard In A Crisis Sturdy Staples: 9 Foods That Can Outlast You

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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Will there literally be streets of gold in heaven? - Got Questions Jan 9, 2011 - In fact, there is only one passage of Scripture that references streets of gold and that is in the Holy City, the New Jerusalem: “The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass” (Revelation 21:21). So does this verse tell us that there will literally be streets of gold in heaven? And, if so, what is the importance ... Are there pearly gates in heaven? 9 answers 24 Sep 2016 Will we experience time in heaven? 13 answers 14 May 2015 What is the sea of glass mentioned in Revelation 4:6 ... 2 answers 16 Sep 2012 Do we receive mansions in heaven? 4 answers 16 Oct 2010 More results from

Gamblers in Christ

Comedian Jim Carrey

Comedian Jim Carrey urges people to delete their Facebook accounts and dump the stock Jim Carrey tweeted on Tuesday he was selling his Facebook stock and deleting his page because the company profited from Russian interference during the 2016 U.S. election. "What we need now are activist investors to send a message that responsible oversight is needed," Carrey said to CNBC in a statement. Michelle Castillo | @mishcastillo Published 19 Hours Ago Updated 16 Hours Ago Comedian Jim Carrey urges people to delete their Facebook accounts and dump the stock Comedian Jim Carrey urges people to delete their Facebook accounts and dump the stock 16 Hours Ago | 00:59 Jim Carrey is quitting Facebook and dumping his stock — and is urging everyone else to do so as well. "We must encourage more oversight by the owners of these social media platforms," Jim Carrey said in a statement to CNBC. "This easy access has to be more responsibly handled. What we need now are activist investors to send a message that responsible oversight is needed. What the world needs now is capitalism with a conscience." The comedian tweeted on Tuesday he was selling his Facebook shares and deleting his page because the company profited from Russian interference during the 2016 U.S. election. He asked all "other investors who care about our future to do the same." Carrey did not state how many Facebook shares he owned or sold. He added the hashtag "#unfriendfacebook." View image on Twitter View image on Twitter Jim Carrey ✔ @JimCarrey I’m dumping my @facebook stock and deleting my page because @facebook profited from Russian interference in our elections and they’re still not doing enough to stop it. I encourage all other investors who care about our future to do the same. #unfriendfacebook 3:07 AM - Feb 7, 2018 29.9K 12.9K people are talking about this Twitter Ads info and privacy Facebook has admitted up to 126 million people saw Russian-bought ads intended to sway the 2016 U.S. election. The company has also said its algorithms recommended content created by Russian operatives. Initially CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the idea of Facebook impacting the elections was "crazy," but later apologized for dismissing the real concerns. "For a long time America enjoyed a geographical advantage in the world with oceans on both sides to protect it," Carrey said. "Now, social media has created cyber-bridges over which those who do not have our best interest in mind can cross and we are allowing it. No wall is going to protect us from that." Facebook did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Michelle Castillo CNBC Michelle Castillo Reporter

BUSINESS INFO Founded in April 2011 Mission The Verge's mission is to offer breaking news coverage and in-depth reporting, product information, and community content via a unified, modern platform. CONTACT INFO MORE INFO About The Verge covers life in the future. categories Website · Media/News Company STORY The Verge covers the intersection of technology, science, art, and culture. The Verge is part of the Vox Media family and is joined by, SB Nation, Polygon, Eater, Racked, Curbed, and Re/code. TEAM MEMBERS Tom Warren Casey Newton Andrew Liptak

How Ticketmaster’s Verified Fan program toys with the passions of fandom 4 ‘We hear from incredulous fans all the time. It’s opaque for them’ By Kaitlyn Tiffany Feb 7, 2018, 9:00am EST SHARE Photo by Mark Metcalfe / Getty Images Being a fan is a matter of life and death. The day of Ticketmaster’s presale for Taylor Swift’s upcoming Reputation tour, one fan wrote on Tumblr, “When I die[,] I want Ticketmaster Verified Fan to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time.” It’s a sentiment that was liked or reblogged by more than 1,000 others. Verified Fan is a major piece of fandom outreach by Ticketmaster, once one of the most maligned corporations in the world, and this isn’t exactly the sentiment it’s meant to engender. It’s a recent innovation by the ticket-selling giant, and David Marcus, an executive vice president and the head of music for Ticketmaster, explained it to The Verge in a phone call as “a very simple platform.” Fans register with their email address well in advance of a presale and wait to be offered a code that they can use to get into the sale during a special fans-only window. He calls the engine behind the platform a “behavior predictor,” which offers codes only to people on the list who seem likely to use a ticket rather than resell it. Not everyone who registers is verified as a genuine fan; not everyone who’s verified gets a code; a code doesn’t guarantee a ticket. This internet-age approach is oddly similar to methods used for the first arena shows in the 1970s, when fans mailed in their names to express interest in buying tickets and hoped to be selected via lottery — except there’s a little-understood algorithm involved. “WE DON’T DISCLOSE THAT. WE DON’T TALK ABOUT THAT.” As far as what a fan has to do to come across to the system as a fan, Marcus says, “We don’t disclose that. We don’t talk about that.” If they did, he argues, scalpers would adapt. “We’ve already seen a huge amount of attempted abuse, attempts by bots to create Verified Fan registrations.” (In December of last year, he did tell a PopSugar reporter that her choice to register for a code for every date of Harry Styles’ upcoming arena tour had been a bad idea.) The basic process of verifying fans and offering them codes is always the same, he explains, but artists can opt to add an engagement layer on top of that, which “takes the undifferentiated pool and makes a queue.” The most elaborate (and controversial) example of this so far was Swift’s choice to offer “boosts” that could be procured by buying her album several times (on her website, from Walmart, from Target, from iTunes), buying merchandise, engaging with sponsors on social media, or watching her music videos. The boosts supplement Verified Fan and sort fans into a line, with the most dedicated — measured both in time and money — bumped to the front. This has led, obviously, to some strange new behaviors and discussions bubbling up on fan spaces like Tumblr and Reddit. This is also how Ticketmaster’s Verified Fan has become a new ritual of fandom. “I’ve spent $400 on merch and on 14 preordered Reputation albums and all I really want is for Taylor to see this!!” one fan wrote five weeks before the presale. “If you guys could please please please tag Tayor and reblog! I can do a giveaway for 13 of the albums too! I really want Taylor to see all that I’ve done!” Fans, collaborative even when under duress (one fan wrote a furious open letter to Swift that began, “Dear Taylor, you’ve created the Swiftie hunger games”), shared image macros layering tips and opinions about the new system over pictures of Swift’s face. “I hope others can share their experiences with verified sales through Ticketmaster so we can take everything that people have learned and try to apply it the best we can so we can hopefully all be the lucky ones!” one wrote. Many published email correspondence and transcriptions of phone calls with customer service representatives from Ticketmaster, as well as rumors with notes like “I don’t know how true this is but reblog like crazy.” Once satisfied with their own place in line, some fans saw an opportunity to give away boosts in exchange for follows, likes, and reblogs. Fandom is an activity, one in which demonstrativeness and superstition are the twin pillars of participation. Being a good fan is something that’s done both internally and externally: by achieving tickets to a stadium tour and by helping others to do so, by winning access to an important experience and by having others see that you’ve done so. You’ll use proven tactics and rumored ones. “I’VE NEVER REALLY KNOWN THE PROGRAM TO HAVE ANY TYPE OF METHODOLOGY ASIDE FROM CHOOSING PEOPLE BASED ON DUMB LUCK.” Asked about this economy of information, Marcus says he doesn’t really spend time on Tumblr. “But if people are going to be fans, great. The world is a better place for that. That’s the behavior we all should be trying to reward as much as possible.” Every fan I spoke to for this article shared the same two feelings: that Verified Fan was a great idea (in the end, they all managed to get tickets), and that it was deeply confusing and stressful. “I’ve never really known the program to have any type of methodology aside from choosing people based on dumb luck,” says Ally, a Niall Horan fan who borrowed a code from a friend to get tickets to the former One Direction member’s upcoming tour. But, “I think it’s great that they’ve put forth this initiative, and it’s a great first step.” RELATED Harry Styles fans are trying to beat the Billboard charts with VPNs and mass coordination Ashley Carncross, a 23-year-old Swift fan from Delaware says, “The information we were given about the Verified Fan process was so confusing and vague and we really had no idea what to expect… Even though my call with [Ticketmaster customer service] was seemingly informative, I came to find out, after taking part in the process, that most of the information was wrong.” Yet, she says, “I love the Verified Fan program though. I feel like the tickets actually get into the right hands!” Simi, 21, says she also received confusing information from customer service agents, with some saying that fans’ places in the line would decide when their purchase windows would open and others saying it didn’t really matter. “That kind of conflicting information is bound to cause mass panic and hysteria,” she says. She adds anyway, “Overall, I love the idea of a verified fan system.” Heather, a 21-year-old Swift fan, says she saw some fans using the presale as an opportunity. They would buy four tickets when they only needed two, then sell the extras at a huge markup to pay off their own admission. “You notice that the fans become the scalpers.” Still, she appreciates that Swift’s presale included boosts that were free, which was great for people like her, who couldn’t afford to shell out for merch or extra copies of the album. “Of course,” she adds, “watching 50-plus videos every day can get kind of monotonous. Especially when it sometimes wasn’t clear if my video play boosts were going through.” Image: Swift Secrets / Tumblr The Verified Fan system has been effective, according to Ticketmaster, as about 95 percent of tickets purchased through it are not resold. For the recent presale for Bruce Springsteen’s Broadway residency, Marcus says, the number was 97 percent. This isn’t a negligible improvement: usually, about 30 to 50 percent of tickets for a popular artist’s concert end up on the resale market, where they’re hiked up to astronomical prices. Scalpers and their bots are public enemy number one, to hear Marcus tell it, and he talks about battling them as a “constant arms race,” one that Ticketmaster hopes to end by addressing “the root causes” of the predatory resale market: “Anonymous people buying tickets on a first-come-first-serve basis, at below market value.” “OVERALL, I LOVE THE IDEA OF A VERIFIED FAN SYSTEM.” It’s the anonymity and website-crashing free-for-all that Verified Fan is mostly meant to address, but the issue of “market value” is a thorny one, too. Many of the early reactions to the Swift presale were outrage at pricing for the available seats. Ticketmaster says it has no control over the price point for tickets, nor does Live Nation (though it was just two years ago that Ticketmaster gave away $5 million in ticket vouchers to settle a class action lawsuit over its aggressive service fees). Regardless, it’s clear that someone, at some point in the process, realized that offering tickets to the people who want them the most first was an opportunity to lightly exploit people who are willing to pay as dearly as they can possibly afford for an experience they want very badly, or even feel they need. The other elephant in the room is Ticketmaster itself, which merged with Live Nation in 2010 to form Live Nation Entertainment, a corporation that now controls the vast majority of both tickets and venues in the United States. THOUGH TICKETMASTER HAS SPENT YEARS BATTLING BOTS, IT ALSO SPENT A FAIR AMOUNT OF TIME BATTLING FAN CLUBS U2’s long-running management-operated fan club (which has a $40-per-year membership fee) offered special presales to several of its tours, with some seats for 2017’s Joshua Tree Tour going for as little as $70. But for the upcoming Experience + Innocence tour, they became the first act to sell all available tickets through Verified Fan. The existing fan club had to register again through Verified Fan, and upset fans tweeted about the overly complicated process as well as “exorbitant ticket prices.” (Many of the tweets set the price point at around $300.) Though Ticketmaster has spent years battling bots, it also spent a fair amount of time battling fan clubs. The details of one of these battles became public when fan club ticketing platform Songkick sued Ticketmaster, alleging anti-competitive behavior and antitrust violations, as well as stealing information from company computers. Emails from both companies were made public, revealing a heated conflict around Adele’s 2016 world tour, for which she wanted to reserve batches of tickets to sell through her fan club — in venues owned by Live Nation and in venues with exclusive Ticketmaster contracts. In another spat, Ticketmaster tried to compel Alabama Shakes to reimburse it for fees the company “lost” when the band sold some of its tickets directly to fans through its fan club. Leading up to the lawsuit, emails obtained by Amplify revealed Live Nation and Ticketmaster executives “raising major alarm bells about the loss of market share to upstart fan club ticketing companies,” and worrying about “possible disruption.” Songkick ceased operations in October 2017, and the case was resolved this January in a $110 million settlement that included Ticketmaster acquiring Songkick’s remaining assets — all those that had not been sold off to Warner Music Group in the midst of the lawsuit. Charitably, Verified Fan is an obvious move and a win-win for Ticketmaster and for fans. Slightly less charitably, it’s savvy branding ripped off from the smaller businesses Ticketmaster has happily watched die out. Scalpers are a good choice for a public enemy, but fan club ticketing operations are a good source of secret inspiration. “Scalpers completely abuse artists and fans, not to accomplish anything but a profit,” Marcus says. “If you want to build a successful retail brand, you can’t stand by and watch that happen. You have to change the way you do business.” By mimicking the way your competitors used to do business. Marcus laughs when I ask about the volatility of fandom, how having such a personal stake in something can make people lash out when they’re disappointed. He’s familiar. “We hear from incredulous fans all the time,” he says. “It’s opaque for them. We have to treat people as individual fans and do a better job getting to know them.” But many fans haven’t gotten angry at Ticketmaster, he argues. “We also delighted a lot of people. On Twitter, they were delighted and surprised to be able to pick out the tickets they wanted.” Setting up our interview, his publicist accidentally CC-ed me on an email that said, “I think sending her a variety of positive fan tweets to start would be good.” For the record, it’s true that there are many positive tweets about Verified Fan to be found with a simple search. Verified Fan is not only a successful integration of fan club ticketing practices, it’s a brilliant branding move for Ticketmaster. “We’re in the fans business,” Marcus says. “This is what we do all day. If there are experts, we are those. We don’t enter that space lightly. This is a big deal for us.” TICKETMASTER IS SETTING ITSELF UP AS A NEW FAN OBJECT, TIED INEXTRICABLY TO THE ARTISTS THAT THESE PEOPLE LOVE By speaking to fans in their own language (an email I received while waiting to buy Harry Styles tickets read, “There’s no easy way to say this, tomorrow is going to be tough”) and coming up with dozens of reasons for them to interact with the platform for weeks at a time, Ticketmaster is setting itself up as a new fan object, tied inextricably to the artists that these people love, and demanding a similar intensity of attention. In Superfandom, Zoe Fraade-Blanar and Aaron Glazer’s examination of the commercialization of fandom over the last several decades, they argue that this is not really even “branding,” but rather the providing of “context.” Context is more volatile because fans participate in its creation, but it’s also more durable and ultimately more profitable. “In a sense,” they write, “the purpose of fandom is to project a personal meaning into what would otherwise be a soulless commercial commodity.” At the end of our call, Marcus gets frank. “Live entertainment, music, is emotional, and it’s supposed to be,” he says. “It’s art. It’s supposed to be challenging.” It’s a statement with two possible meanings: either buying a ticket is in itself art (and I doubt this is what he means), or the way that some art challenges people is not by temporarily muddying their minds and hearts, but, rather, by putting their purchasing skills to the test. NEXT UP IN TECH HP’s new Thunderbolt 3 USB-C dock has a modular Bang & Olufsen speaker on top How to turn off iPhone throttling in iOS 11.3 PS4 Pro update will make 4K games look better on 1080p TVs Mobile security firm says it defeated Strava’s privacy feature with simple geometry Twitter is removing face-swapped AI porn from its platform, too Amazon’s Echo Look style assistant gets a little bit smarter NOW TRENDING Elon Musk’s Tesla overshot Mars’ orbit and is headed to the asteroid belt The middle booster of SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket failed to land on its drone ship Ride along with the dummy driving Elon Musk’s Tesla to Mars Sending a Tesla into space wasn’t such a dumb idea SpaceX successfully launches the world’s most powerful rocket COMMAND LINE Command Line delivers daily updates from the near-future. email address... SUBSCRIBE By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Policy and European users agree to the data transfer policy. RECOMMENDED Private Island off of Connecticut Returns to the Market Asking $8.7M Private Island off of Connecticut Returns to the Market Asking $8.7M Mansion Global New Energy savings! 50% down in Electricity Rate ! New Energy savings! 50% down in Electricity Rate ! Smart Cities Make It Easier to Live Your Life: See How Smart Cities Make It Easier to Live Your Life: See How Social Innovation Hub : Hitachi Sonos One smart speaker sale, Fire TV discounts and the best Valentine’s Day tech deals Sonos One smart speaker sale, Fire TV discounts and the best Valentine’s Day tech deals Elon Musk’s Tesla overshot Mars’ orbit and is headed to the asteroid belt Elon Musk’s Tesla overshot Mars’ orbit and is headed to the asteroid belt How Blue Planet II captured never-before-seen views of the ocean How Blue Planet II captured never-before-seen views of the ocean Recommended by THERE ARE 4 COMMENTS. thisistomok The ticketing industry is hell, and ticketmaster are the devil. Posted on Feb 7, 2018 | 9:31 AM mdave Allowing Live Nation and Ticketmaster to merge was a big mistake by regulators. Took two monsters and merged them into Godzilla. Posted on Feb 7, 2018 | 9:41 AM GoodTroll Ugh. I don’t know why this is so hard. We need states to step in and outlaw scalping (resale at face value should obviously remain legal) and actually enforce it. Make the penalties high enough that it’s just not worth it for the scalpers. It won’t completely go away, but it would stop the bots as there would be no incentive. Posted on Feb 7, 2018 | 9:50 AM eastbayrae So it’s RNG inside RNG with an RNG wrapper? Are these guys owned by EA? Posted on Feb 7, 2018 | 10:12 AM Something to say? Log in or sign up THE LATEST HP’s new Thunderbolt 3 USB-C dock has a modular Bang & Olufsen speaker on top By Chaim Gartenberg How to turn off iPhone throttling in iOS 11.3 By Sam Byford Watch the latest trailer for Deadpool 2 By Megan Farokhmanesh PS4 Pro update will make 4K games look better on 1080p TVs By Thuy Ong 3 comments Strava’s key privacy feature really isn’t private, mobile security firm says By Lauren Goode 2 comments Twitter is removing face-swapped AI porn from its platform, too By James Vincent

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The Verge April 21, 2017 · Watch this all-electric ‘flying car’ take its first test flight. 25M Views Oscar del Rosario Like Show more reactions Comment Share Top Comments 183K183K 583,010 Shares 10K Comments Comments Oscar del Rosario Add to the conversation... Sebastian Addams Sebastian Addams Hopefully the governments of the world will start planning where these aerocars can land and take off from, licenses, autopilots and all other general legislative requirements before the technology is perfected. There's nothing worse then have great tech that is ready and being held back by lagging governments who fail to plan! 1K Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w 94 Replies Jack Bruce Jack Bruce Am I the only one who noticed that Vertical Take Off and Landing spells VTOL not VLOT? Or is it just a new version Ive not heard of before? 225 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w 53 Replies Peter Abdis Peter Abdis Unless you live where all of your electricity is supplied by solar, calling this vehicle "zero-emission" is a misnomer. All it does is defer the emissions to the electric company. And that doesn't count whatever emissions were created during the manufacture. 186 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w · Edited 43 Replies Voo Abraham Bernard Voo Abraham Bernard I hope the government are starting to plan the rules on flying these machines otherwise I could imagine the number of accidents and illegal border crossing going up. 152 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w 43 Replies Daniel Friis Daniel Friis A big reason why batteries are not a good way to fly long distances is their energy/kg. The more weight you have on the aircraft the more enegy you need to keep it up. Diesel holds about 8 times more energy per kilogram. You need to use more energy lif...See More 87 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w 54 Replies Darren Li Darren Li So why's this not referred as a personal aircraft but a flying car? It just flies with limited ability to drive on ground, like any planes or helos. 98 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w 12 Replies Anthony Wohler Anthony Wohler Not feasable in any way. If i have a fault on my car the engine dies i loose all power i just roll to a stop. If you have a fault 300ft up you drop like a stone into the nearest school/hospital/shopping center as you hit the ground the lipo battery...See More 74 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w 47 Replies Lois Angelu Saro Lois Angelu Saro This may be the prototype that will change the world a few decades now. Remember when only a few rich people owned cars? And the first models were horrible? Remember the first models of planes? Look at us now. Give it some time, then it will take over the world as we know it. 60 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w 13 Replies Blair Atwell Blair Atwell If you stop the video, showing the internal ducting, it looks like it has a foam construction. It seems easily possible to make a lightweight RC prototype, but increased weight of production model plus the passenger/s, bigger battery, avionics, etc. might make this harder than it seams. So, how much did this prototype weigh?πŸ˜‰ 48 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w · Edited 14 Replies Rico Khan Rico Khan An elitist solution to another pervasive problem. Typical. Go in a flying car to evade and escape traffic congestion in the cities. Path of least resistance. Good bye, plebes. Too bad you rabble are stuck on the ground still using old fashioned wh...See More 106 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 24w · Edited 54 Replies Rossana Villena Rossana Villena I have been waiting for an invention like this... a car that is able to fly or some kind of transportation that can be used individually and halt the destruction of natural environments, especially forests!!🌲 I hope this is a step forward to it and hav...See More 54 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w 30 Replies Zar Raz Zar Raz These would have to be controlled solely by artificial intelligence autopilot and gps navigation that communicates with other aircraft aswell as being fitted with multiple parachutes as a standard. 30 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w 5 Replies Dave George Dave George This technology will only work if it's fully automated... people can barely drive on the ground; the last thing we need are people blindly flying in all directions at will. 18 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 10w · Edited 3 Replies Craig Stewart Craig Stewart I cannot wait until these become an every day reality for us. Two years in we can expect the ' hold the phone, weve fucked it again people, these electric jet motors exhale nox gas, causing cancer, pubic crabs and gonorrhea . switch back to diesel or we'll thump you for some kind of unjustified tax' 16 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w 2 Replies Philip Chaaya Philip Chaaya They should start using this for ambulances and rescue teams first. I don't think ppl are ready to fly yet, some still can't drive properly. Regardless, even if it was made accessible for the public, the insurance alone would cost a fortune. ...See More 15 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w 4 Replies Kristoph Jong Mathers Kristoph Jong Mathers I may be wrong but I think the intention is to have them completely computer controlled, we wouldn't be letting any yahoo steer them. If they were computer controlled and networked it would be pretty trivial to keep them from running in to each other. 12 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w 11 Replies Majed Elshaar Majed Elshaar People would need to basically be pilots with flight school training to be able to pilot these. Most people who drive can't drive well. Everyday I'm shocked at how terrible people are at driving. Those same people flying would be a nightmare. 12 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w Steve Shon Steve Shon People can barely drive a car, pilots are showing up to work drunk. The last thing people need is this. Very cool but people don't deserve this because they'll just ruin it. This is why we can't have cool things. 11 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w 3 Replies Eric Baumann Eric Baumann 'They say it can mitigate traffic issues in congested cities' I'm gonna call bullshit there. No intelligent city is going to allow these things to fly between buildings like Star Wars or some sci fi movie. What happens if the thing stalls, either by engine or some aerodynamic issue? It falls to the ground, possibly killing a bunch of people on the sidewalk? 10 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w 8 Replies Dennis Layag Javelosa Dennis Layag Javelosa A lot of liability issue , it will increase the mortality rate of private transport . I imagine this thing flying in the path of bigger air transport vehicles putting a lot people endanger for one sole purpose to go one place faster by 10-30 minutes . It not going to happen unless there is highway or virtual road up in the sky to give this technology a safe reason to have. 10 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 38w 10 Replies Gary Morris Gary Morris Brilliant πŸ‘πŸ‘ Never gonna happen , as said before it's not a car , legislation,license, etc .why not just buy a helicopter,there available now if you hadn't noticed.Saying that good job πŸ‘ 10 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w 2 Replies Ross Gremillion Ross Gremillion April Letard this will help with your road rage lol 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 23w 2 Replies Erskine Dale Erskine Dale looks cool, but whoever made the video has very little experience with aircraft. VTOL vs VLOT. A flying car can drive on the road and fly. Calling the many ducted fans turbines is a stretch. 6 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w Rex Anthony Knight Rex Anthony Knight Given the number of spatially unaware incompetents who currently struggle to handle two dimensional ( actually three, when we include that vital one, time ) space yet manage to obtain driving licences, the potential for collisions will increase expon...See More 5 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w Esteban Ceniceros Esteban Ceniceros With all the 9/11 scares by the globalist Lizards and increased security measures at every possible checkpoint and then some, the Lizards want to bring this out??? And can you imagine that, say, 1 million citizens of NYC flying around in these things??? If these ever get released, only a privileged few (like the financiers of this project) could ever afford one. In the meantime, I'll keep walking with my own feet. 5 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 8w 3 Replies Valentin Botev Valentin Botev No, that can't be used as a car but it can easily replace cars after a hundred years. This "flying car" may be environmentally friendly but 1st of all it will probably cost a fortune for the average person,secondly, people need time to get used to these "cars". In this video there is basically a car my grandchildren will drive(fly) :D. 4 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w 1 Reply Dean Reed Dean Reed I understand they are preparing for a test in my home state of Texas. To put this puppy to the ultimate test, our state will have it piloted by a drunk twenty five year old high school dropout and an 87 year old deaf and legally blind convict who was scheduled for execution but received a last minute stay of execution because the state penal system ran low on drugs normally utilized to facilitate legal executions. 4 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w Justin Wilkes Justin Wilkes We already have flying cars. They are called aircraft and you're still going to need a pilot's licence and you're still going to have to follow Fly Zone restrictions for public safety and noise pollution. 4 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w Bob Brown Bob Brown Once again...we can never fly this in public. Just imagine millions of them in your neighborhood, all over your head and streets at the same time running out of power...36 engine malfunctions....the occupants texting or messing with their children. The chaos and carnage will be insane. Good recreational vehicle in a controlled circumstance and that's all! 6 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 22w · Edited 3 Replies Colm MacGabhann Colm MacGabhann These sound neat. But even if they prove feasible, I imagine they would be subject to the same flight restrictions in cities as helicopters... and therefore not something everyone could just call in wherever. 3 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w · Edited A Train A Train Why... why do people bother trying to make flying cars? This is not a new idea. People have been creating successful flying cars for decades but very few people buy them. Why? The answer is simple. Here in the USA (and probably everywhere else in ...See More 2 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 9w 1 Reply Ashu Srivastava Ashu Srivastava I think flying cars would really be a chaotic idea. Imagine a sky with no lanes, turning points, traffic lights, just flying cars flying in a random way with no ATC or similar thing. This is so hypothetical concept in my opinion. What do u think guys?? 2 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w 19 Replies Richard K. Hopkins Richard K. Hopkins Y'all are all talking about regulations and I'm figuring that the FAA will just go with standard aircraft regulations, because that's what these are. My questions revolve around things like, what's the battery life? How fast does it go once you're in ...See More 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w Jose XZx Jose XZx Think I'll stick to my car.. When something stops working on that it just slow down to a stop.. I'm all good with randomly falling out the sky because my wife forgot to have the god damn oil changed last fucking weekend.. Bravo Jasmine BRAVO.. 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2w · Edited 1 Reply Eduardo Diaz Rivera Eduardo Diaz Rivera Great, one more "smart" flying device of many more to come. BUT, what about air traffic??? That's the main problem, still unsolved, even for jet airliners is still a very complex and risky problem. Imagine lots of those unsafe (for grounders) flying wh...See More 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w 1 Reply Mike Weindl Mike Weindl I'm sure everyone realizes that this will only be transportation for the filthy rich. Unless you're paying big bucks for it don't count yourself in for flying in one of these. at least not for a long time. 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 9w 2 Replies John Day John Day So, experimental car. What is the difference between an experimental car and an experimental airplane, answer none. John Denver flew an experimental airplane and look where it got him. So now we’re going to have airplane crashes all over the earth on a...See More 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 8w · Edited 2 Replies Jack Hubbard Jack Hubbard That is REALLY cool, BUT.. when are inventors going to stop using propeller driven vehicles and figure out how to use magnetic or some other form of propulsion. This is really neat, but an airplane by any other name is still just that.. an airplane 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w Brett Northey Brett Northey I think it's great that people are advancing ideas like this - but this concept is limited by the propulsion system IMO- this is where the boffins need to concentrate their collective minds- the next generation of energy technology - not just the propulsion system needs to be developed- otherwise it's just tech-gimmick. 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 40w 2 Replies Stephen Stewart Stephen Stewart These concepts have been around for years. This one looks to be the least developed and most dangerous of them all. The VTOL design is very problematic and can only be flown by the most skilled pilot. The Oprey and F35 have shown us that even with bill...See More 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 31w Joel West Joel West Fear not Eric, this is not an ET. It is just the next version of Uber-like transportation. Imagine the confusion if one of these flew near the desert conference near 29 Palms. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€ͺ 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2w Orly Yousef Flores Orly Yousef Flores Development in all field of sciences could not and should not be curtailed as it is inherent right for man kind....But legislators and other law making bodies should be quick enough to realized adoption of relevant rules to govern such developments to avoid misuse of such but only for the good of mankind..... 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 31w 2 Replies Glenn Ireland Glenn Ireland Yeah I don’t think flying cars you’re ever going to really take off in the market because think about it you’re out in your front lawn and all of a sudden you get hit with a McDonald’s bag from a flying car can imagine all the trash people will be thro...See More Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2w Sam Grant Sam Grant Sam Barnes love how they are marketing this as a car. By any standards it is just a personal plane with vtol capability. Interested to see the numbers behind it as well 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w Giuliano Scappini-Perier Giuliano Scappini-Perier People are still more concerned at the fact that you can crash it into a building or perform bad acts but anyone who has that idea is going to do it regardless of the technology they have on them and obviously you'll need a pilots license not everyone will be driving one of these 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w James Bunce James Bunce Ok, do you actually BELIEVE they will just let anyone fly a car capable of 300kmh - 186mph- anywhere near an airport like JFK, LAX or anyother major airport? NO! In Fact, the restrictions on even getting a License to fly it will be so full of Red Tape...See More Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 16w 1 Reply Ralph Myers Ralph Myers How is it a "flying car"? There doesn't appear to be any form of steerage so that it can be driven on the highway. Just some kind of dolly system to roll it to the take-off point. And, the wings don't appear to fold or retract. Just an aircraft, not a car! Or, am I just missing something? πŸ€“ 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 22w Joe Lounsbury Joe Lounsbury The reason why batteries weigh so much is they contain all their oxidizer and don’t spit out their burnt fuel. The advantage of a battery is when it goes higher in altitude it won’t lose power like a naturally aspirated piston engine. So these planes ...See More Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 8w Alberto Cano Alberto Cano ... And whats the fligt time for the plane? Because if its 10 minutes then It's not viable. And it looks like it does not pack too much batteries... So I call bs. 2 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w · Edited 5 Replies Dave Guz Dave Guz Should come equipped with parachutes with max load of 3k pounds incase of inflight hiccupa or loss of power id feel better and so would passengers they have safety features along with airbags for inflight accodents 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 41w View more comments

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Great Big Minds January 20 at 9:55pm · 10 Life Changing Lessons From Confucius. 1M Views

We Are Travel Girls is a global travel community created to inspire, connect, educate and empower female travellers around the world. Founded by Becky van Dijk and Vanessa Rivers in 2016, We Are Travel Girls connects women online here at and shares daily travel inspiration on our popular Instagram @WeAreTravelGirls. An integral part of our community is also bringing women together offline by hosting We Are Travel Girls Meet Ups and Travel Girls Getaways around the world. Who is a travel girl? Travel girls are women of all ages. They are women of every colour and ethnicity, from every walk of life, mothers and daughters, sisters and friends. They are women from all over the world wanting to connect through travel – women looking for inspiration to have the courage to chase their dreams. It’s women just like you. JOIN THE WE ARE TRAVEL GIRLS COMMUNITY Meet The Founders Becky and Vanessa met during a swimwear design course at London College of Fashion and bonded over their mutual love for travel and bikinis. Soon after, Becky started the Instagram page @WeAreTravelGirls, which quickly attracted thousands of female travel writers from across the globe, looking to feature their photos and stories. It soon became apparent that there was a striking number of amazing travel blogs, but there wasn’t a proper site that could showcase their unique stories to the world. And so the idea of We Are Travel Girls was born. We now publish five new stories per week from girls in our community bringing you travel inspiration, travel tips and travel advice. We recently launched the interview series Ladies We Love, where we interview inspirational women around the world, and to bring this community together offline we regularly host meet-ups and events where you can connect with other female travellers. And this year we are excited to introduce Travel Girls Getaways where you can travel with the founders, and other travel-loving women. Thank you for being part of our travel community! Our Team Becky van Dijk Becky van Dijk Founder/Editor Becky van Dijk grew up in London. After university, she took a 6-month trip through South East Asia that ignited her passion for travel. Becky went on to have a successful career in finance, but soon her feet were restless and she left for another adventure – an 18-month trip through South America as well as Italy, Spain, Canada, Alaska and California. Having explored over 50 countries, Becky soon realised that building a life and career around travel was her dream and so to make that happen she began sharing her travels on and here on We Are Travel Girls. Read Becky’s Travel Articles Here Vanessa Rivers Co-Founder/Editor Vanessa Rivers grew up on a ranch on the Central Coast of California and attended college at UC Santa Barbara, where she fell in love with surfing. Surfing led Vanessa around the world and it was on one of these trips that she decided to combine her love of the ocean and nature to create an eco-friendly swimwear line, SUMMERLOVE SWIM. Vanessa is currently based out of London, lives part-time in California, and spends much of her time traveling, documenting her adventures on her blog,, and here on We Are Travel Girls. Vanessa is also a proud new mom to a little travel girl in the making called Sadie. Read Vanessa’s Travel Articles Here Charlotte Louise Charlotte Louise Senior Contributor Charlotte is half English half French, and was born and raised in London before spending her teenage years in Ibiza. She went to university in Madrid for five years, moved back to London for a few years, and is now currently living in Paris. After traveling to nearly all continents and having lived in different countries, Charlotte started her travel blog last year to share her amazing travel experiences around the world. She’s a curious person by nature and, when it comes to travelling, Charlotte takes every opportunity to explore the world and discover new gems. She’s fascinated by the beautiful world we live in and nothing makes her happier than escaping somewhere new. In addition to being a true wanderluster, she’s very sporty, a passionate foodie, an animal lover, sun chaser and amateur photographer. Read Charlotte’s Travel Articles Here Rebecca Louise Rebecca Louise Senior Contributor – Travel & Fitness Rebecca-Louise is a fitness trainer who films workout videos all over the world. She travels to a new country or city each month to bring people an exciting way to workout as well as broaden their horizon when it comes to travel. Rebecca-Louise lives a healthy active lifestyle and advocates all round wellness. She is also well known for her inspirational videos that have helped people in all continents re-train their mindset, showing them they are capable of more and believing in each individual’s full potential. Rebecca-Louise has a great deal of drive, work ethic and determination. Originally from the UK now living in Southern California where she moved at 23 to get her commercial pilot’s license. Read Rebecca’s Travel Articles Here Shannon Boselli Shannon Boselli Social Media & Marketing Intern Shannon graduated from Santa Clara University in June 2016 and quickly embarked on a 4 month journey through South East Asia. Fuelled by a excitement for travelling and passion to explore new cultures, she quickly fell in love with everything Asia had to offer. She has now travelled to 8 countries and 26 cities during her time in Asia. She is currently living in Bali and working for We Are Travel Girls, hoping to help gain more exposure for the company during her time as an intern. Read Shannon’s Travel Articles Here Leah Sullivan Leah Sylvia Sullivan Graphic Design Intern Leah is a graphic design graduate from Auckland New Zealand who’s excited to be living her dream, travelling the world. Her creative and outgoing nature gives her a deep passion for exploring, taking photos, writing and designing. In July 2016, after saving up her pennies, she jet-setted off to Europe (boyfriend in tow) in search of new adventures. Throughout her travels, she’s continued to work as a freelance graphic designer, and started a travel blog, which aims to give people the inspiration and information to do it all themselves. Travelling has given Leah the spark to keep her design career alive, while at the same time enjoying everything Europe has to offer. Ariana Haddy Ariana Haddy Marketing Management & SEO Intern Ariana is a passionate traveler who loves to discover those less frequented corners of the world. She loves photography and enjoys learning new tips and tricks to take beautiful photos. She also enjoys being in nature (the beach or the mountains) and cuddling with her dog on a rainy day with a cup of tea and a good book. Ariana is fluent in Spanish and studied in Madrid. She is currently working toward a Master’s degree in International Marketing Management. She would love to one day own her own business, work as a wedding photographer, or open a B&B in the countryside. Her dream is to live in many different parts of the world throughout her life to truly experience distinct cultures. Anny Wooldridge We Are Travel Girls Anny Wooldridge Intern Anny Wooldridge was born and raised in a small town in Norfolk, England. She is a passionate traveller and has visited over 28 countries as well as living and working in Greece, France, USA and Colombia. Her travel inspiration came from her father who inspired her to fulfil her travel dreams after graduating from University in 2013. She started a travel blog inspiring others to travel and has pursued her passion for writing ever since as a freelance travel writer and editor. She is currently living, working and travelling around Colombia discovering the beauty the country has to offer. In addition to her love for travel she is a competition water skier and has been participating in the sport since the age of 12. Ryan Rappeport Ryan Rappeport Web Developer Don’t be alarmed, there is a guy on the We Are Travel Girls team too! Ryan is the web developer for We Are Travel Girls, taking care of the website and all of the technology going on behind the scenes. Growing up in Los Angeles, Ryan has always been an avid world traveler, particularly to warmer climates. After graduating from Loyola Law School and working for Deloitte’s Analytic and Forensic Technology group, Ryan now runs his own website development company at Salty Collective. Join The Team Are you interested in becoming a regular contributor or working for We Are Travel Girls? To hear when we are hiring you can check our Role Opportunities page and Subscribe. You can find all the information to join our Ambassador Programme and become a regular contributor here. SUBSCRIBE NOW! Enter your email to subscribe to new We Are Travel Girls posts and be the first to know about our events! Email Address Email Address Subscribe EXPLORE ACTIVITIES DESTINATIONS LIFESTYLE EVENTS SHOP CONTRIBUTE ABOUT ABOUT US PRESS COLLABORATIONS TESTIMONIALS CONTACT TERMS OF SERVICE DISCLOSURES FACEBOOK TWITTER INSTAGRAM PINTEREST YOUTUBE LINKEDIN

We Are Travel Girls @wertravelgirls Global Female Community Sharing YOUR Travel Stories! Daily Travel Inspo … Contribute your travel storyπŸ‘‡πŸΌ Joined January 2016


We Are Travel Girls is a global travel community created to inspire, connect, educate and empower female travellers around the world. Founded by Becky van Dijk and Vanessa Rivers in 2016, We Are Travel Girls connects women online here at and shares daily travel inspiration on our popular Instagram @WeAreTravelGirls. An integral part of our community is also bringing women together offline by hosting We Are Travel Girls Meet Ups and Travel Girls Getaways around the world. Who is a travel girl? Travel girls are women of all ages. They are women of every colour and ethnicity, from every walk of life, mothers and daughters, sisters and friends. They are women from all over the world wanting to connect through travel – women looking for inspiration to have the courage to chase their dreams. It’s women just like you. JOIN THE WE ARE TRAVEL GIRLS COMMUNITY Meet The Founders Becky and Vanessa met during a swimwear design course at London College of Fashion and bonded over their mutual love for travel and bikinis. Soon after, Becky started the Instagram page @WeAreTravelGirls, which quickly attracted thousands of female travel writers from across the globe, looking to feature their photos and stories. It soon became apparent that there was a striking number of amazing travel blogs, but there wasn’t a proper site that could showcase their unique stories to the world. And so the idea of We Are Travel Girls was born. We now publish five new stories per week from girls in our community bringing you travel inspiration, travel tips and travel advice. We recently launched the interview series Ladies We Love, where we interview inspirational women around the world, and to bring this community together offline we regularly host meet-ups and events where you can connect with other female travellers. And this year we are excited to introduce Travel Girls Getaways where you can travel with the founders, and other travel-loving women. Thank you for being part of our travel community! Our Team Becky van Dijk Becky van Dijk Founder/Editor Becky van Dijk grew up in London. After university, she took a 6-month trip through South East Asia that ignited her passion for travel. Becky went on to have a successful career in finance, but soon her feet were restless and she left for another adventure – an 18-month trip through South America as well as Italy, Spain, Canada, Alaska and California. Having explored over 50 countries, Becky soon realised that building a life and career around travel was her dream and so to make that happen she began sharing her travels on and here on We Are Travel Girls. Read Becky’s Travel Articles Here Vanessa Rivers Co-Founder/Editor Vanessa Rivers grew up on a ranch on the Central Coast of California and attended college at UC Santa Barbara, where she fell in love with surfing. Surfing led Vanessa around the world and it was on one of these trips that she decided to combine her love of the ocean and nature to create an eco-friendly swimwear line, SUMMERLOVE SWIM. Vanessa is currently based out of London, lives part-time in California, and spends much of her time traveling, documenting her adventures on her blog,, and here on We Are Travel Girls. Vanessa is also a proud new mom to a little travel girl in the making called Sadie. Read Vanessa’s Travel Articles Here Charlotte Louise Charlotte Louise Senior Contributor Charlotte is half English half French, and was born and raised in London before spending her teenage years in Ibiza. She went to university in Madrid for five years, moved back to London for a few years, and is now currently living in Paris. After traveling to nearly all continents and having lived in different countries, Charlotte started her travel blog last year to share her amazing travel experiences around the world. She’s a curious person by nature and, when it comes to travelling, Charlotte takes every opportunity to explore the world and discover new gems. She’s fascinated by the beautiful world we live in and nothing makes her happier than escaping somewhere new. In addition to being a true wanderluster, she’s very sporty, a passionate foodie, an animal lover, sun chaser and amateur photographer. Read Charlotte’s Travel Articles Here Rebecca Louise Rebecca Louise Senior Contributor – Travel & Fitness Rebecca-Louise is a fitness trainer who films workout videos all over the world. She travels to a new country or city each month to bring people an exciting way to workout as well as broaden their horizon when it comes to travel. Rebecca-Louise lives a healthy active lifestyle and advocates all round wellness. She is also well known for her inspirational videos that have helped people in all continents re-train their mindset, showing them they are capable of more and believing in each individual’s full potential. Rebecca-Louise has a great deal of drive, work ethic and determination. Originally from the UK now living in Southern California where she moved at 23 to get her commercial pilot’s license. Read Rebecca’s Travel Articles Here Shannon Boselli Shannon Boselli Social Media & Marketing Intern Shannon graduated from Santa Clara University in June 2016 and quickly embarked on a 4 month journey through South East Asia. Fuelled by a excitement for travelling and passion to explore new cultures, she quickly fell in love with everything Asia had to offer. She has now travelled to 8 countries and 26 cities during her time in Asia. She is currently living in Bali and working for We Are Travel Girls, hoping to help gain more exposure for the company during her time as an intern. Read Shannon’s Travel Articles Here Leah Sullivan Leah Sylvia Sullivan Graphic Design Intern Leah is a graphic design graduate from Auckland New Zealand who’s excited to be living her dream, travelling the world. Her creative and outgoing nature gives her a deep passion for exploring, taking photos, writing and designing. In July 2016, after saving up her pennies, she jet-setted off to Europe (boyfriend in tow) in search of new adventures. Throughout her travels, she’s continued to work as a freelance graphic designer, and started a travel blog, which aims to give people the inspiration and information to do it all themselves. Travelling has given Leah the spark to keep her design career alive, while at the same time enjoying everything Europe has to offer. Ariana Haddy Ariana Haddy Marketing Management & SEO Intern Ariana is a passionate traveler who loves to discover those less frequented corners of the world. She loves photography and enjoys learning new tips and tricks to take beautiful photos. She also enjoys being in nature (the beach or the mountains) and cuddling with her dog on a rainy day with a cup of tea and a good book. Ariana is fluent in Spanish and studied in Madrid. She is currently working toward a Master’s degree in International Marketing Management. She would love to one day own her own business, work as a wedding photographer, or open a B&B in the countryside. Her dream is to live in many different parts of the world throughout her life to truly experience distinct cultures. Anny Wooldridge We Are Travel Girls Anny Wooldridge Intern Anny Wooldridge was born and raised in a small town in Norfolk, England. She is a passionate traveller and has visited over 28 countries as well as living and working in Greece, France, USA and Colombia. Her travel inspiration came from her father who inspired her to fulfil her travel dreams after graduating from University in 2013. She started a travel blog inspiring others to travel and has pursued her passion for writing ever since as a freelance travel writer and editor. She is currently living, working and travelling around Colombia discovering the beauty the country has to offer. In addition to her love for travel she is a competition water skier and has been participating in the sport since the age of 12. Ryan Rappeport Ryan Rappeport Web Developer Don’t be alarmed, there is a guy on the We Are Travel Girls team too! Ryan is the web developer for We Are Travel Girls, taking care of the website and all of the technology going on behind the scenes. Growing up in Los Angeles, Ryan has always been an avid world traveler, particularly to warmer climates. After graduating from Loyola Law School and working for Deloitte’s Analytic and Forensic Technology group, Ryan now runs his own website development company at Salty Collective. Join The Team Are you interested in becoming a regular contributor or working for We Are Travel Girls? To hear when we are hiring you can check our Role Opportunities page and Subscribe. You can find all the information to join our Ambassador Programme and become a regular contributor here.

Project Pilipinas

Description Vision: Investing in people's destiny. Project Pilipinas is a fun, tight-knit, exclusive community of dynamic free thinkers and driven individuals that aims to make the Philippines a first world country and give value and enrich the lives of every member by sharing creative ideas with each other in the field of personality development, social dynamics, relationships, business, finance, career, health, dating, sports, music, movies, current events and spirituality. In order for things to change, YOU have to change. We can't change others; we can only change ourselves. However, when WE change, it changes everything. And in doing so, you truly can be the change you want to see in the world. Changing our nation, one person at a time. Our Mission is to impart our core values to every Filipino by giving them empowering training sessions which are very complex in its simplicity that they can apply in their everyday lives and make a lasting change without them even noticing. Our Core Values : I - image L - leadership I - integity K - kindness E - empowerment The five powerful principles which are essential ingredients in creating this thing we call "Culture". We are not after your ability, we are after your availability. A servant heart is better than a brilliant mind without action. BE PART OF THE EXCITING WORLD OF PROJECT PILIPINAS! JOIN US NOW! Members · 1,824

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Imagine the world without the Philippines

5 Things You Can't Recover In Life David Wolfe 13 hours ago ·

5 Things You Can't Recover In Life David Wolfe 13 hours ago · from 020718


CreapillsLike Page January 16 at 3:15am · Creativity for mobility πŸ’‘ More creative ideas on >> Creapills


Ideas Insights Services Reports Dashboard Books Assessment Keynotes Events Why Attend? Experience Content Workshops Media & Sponsorship Brochure Buy Tickets "THE BEST INNOVATION CONFERENCE" Join Starbucks, Netflix, Samsung, Red Bull, Lego & MTV to experience the future. 97% rate it higher than any other innovation conference. Best Innovation Conference Innovation Keynote Speaker Jeremy Gutsche Trend Hunter's Future Festival is specifically designed to be the world's best innovation conference — a place for the world's top innovators to prototype their future. 97% rate it the best innovation conference ever with a stunning 85% rating it the best business event in all categories. You'll experience next year's trends from the #1 trend firm, while prototyping 5 - 10 disruptive ideas using the same award-winning innovation workshops we've used to help NASA prototype the journey to Mars." – Jeremy Gutsche, CEO & NY Times Bestselling Author Brochure Buy Tickets Custom - Any Time Orlando - Sold Out Seattle - Mar 12 San Francisco - Mar 14 Los Angeles - Mar 15 Minneapolis - Apr 9 Cincinnati - Apr 11 Dallas - Apr 13 Boston - May 14 NYC - May 16-17 London - Jul 5 Detroit - Jul 16 Atlanta - Jul 17 Philadelphia - Jul 18 Chicago - Jul 19 Toronto - Sep 18-20 Insight Conference Insight Conference Future Festival Trailer 100,000 views Better and Faster Innovation Keynote Video Keynote Speaker Jeremy Gutsche 7,000,000 views Malcolm Gladwell Keynote Video Keynote Speaker Malcolm Gladwell (Toronto Only) Trend-Driven Innovation Conference Our Megatrend Framework 2,500,000 views future festival attendee universal "The best, most engaging and most relevant business event I have ever attended." – Chief Strategy Officer & SVP of Marketing future festival attendee honda "The best event I've ever attended, and we go to motorcycle races." – Head of Sensing and R&D future festival attendee recommendation "Future Festival is a concentrated dose of inspiration and insights. This event is a must-attend!" – Associate Brand Manager innovation conference attendee "No service out there captures Consumer Behavior as well as Trend Hunter" – Creative Development Manager, Ideation future festival attendee paramount "An incredible experience that left me fueled and supported with new tools." – Creative and Business Development future festival attendee chicago tribune "Future Festival created opportunities for our team and expanded our people's thinking." – CEO future festival attendee aflac "Undoubtedly the most meaningful conference I've ever attended." – VP of Sales future festival attendee budweiser "Any senior executive would benefit hugely from taking a couple of days and attending Future Festival." – Global VP of Innovation WHY ATTEND? 97% rate it higher than any other innovation conference 85% rate it the best business event they've ever attended INC calls it one of the best innovation conferences to inspire your team ... and the last 9 events were 100% sold out. Here's why: For context, Trend Hunter is the #1 trend firm & this is our EPIC innovation conferenceBest Trend Research Company We accelerate innovation for 500 brands, billionaires, CEOs & NASA #1 Most Popular Trend Site = 3 billion pageviews & BIG DATA from 150,000,000 people #1 Largest Trendspotting Network by 15x - an army of 200,000 hunters Founded by NY Times Bestseller Jeremy Gutsche, a top innovation keynote speaker FREE 2018 Trend Report WHAT'S DIFFERENT? Unlike other conferences, the Festival is a highly choreographed, takeaway-focused immersion insight conference safari leaders EXPERIENCE THE FUTURE vs. PASSIVELY LISTENING 100+ DATA-DRIVEN INSIGHTS vs. OUTDATED MATERIAL ENERGETIC & ACTIONABLE vs. RANDOM & OUTDATED WORKSHOPS WITH YOUR TEAM vs. LIMITED TAKEAWAYS DOWNLOADABLE PRESENTATIONS vs. TAKE-YOUR-OWN NOTES INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENTS vs. GENERIC CONTENT ONE-ON-ONE ADVISOR TIME vs. LACK OF FOLLOW-UP CULTURAL SAFARIS vs. VENDORS Download a Brochure 3-Day World Summit (Toronto) 2-Day Immersion (NYC) 1-Day Conference (13 Cities) DAY 1 OF 3: EXPERIENCE THE FUTURE 7:30am - ARRIVALS & COLLISION You'll join the world's top innovators (no vendors) to experience the future before it happensinsight conference networking Insight Conference Innovation Brands 8:30am - KICKOFF KEYNOTE (or SECRET event for returning guests) Kick off with Jeremy Gutsche, one of the world's top innovation keynote speakersInnovation Keynote speaker Jeremy Gutsche Our CEO, Jeremy Gutsche, is a New York Times bestselling author who has become an advisor to over 500 brands, billionaires, CEOs & NASA. As one of the world's top innovation keynote speakers, he'll kick-off the event with an unparalleled level of energy. Learn how to innovate through chaos, uncertainty and periods of rapid change. By the end of this decade, only 40% of the Fortune 500 will still exist in a meaningful way. Jeremy dissects 'why' to give you a series of methods you can use to make change happen, setting the innovation conference mindset. In TWO keynotes, he will reveal learnings from his New York Times Bestseller, client best practices and NEXT book, summarized into repeatable tactics, frameworks & workshop questions that will make you a higher performance innovator. Video Highlights = 7,000,000 VIEWS! 9:30am - KICKOFF KEYNOTE 2 (TORONTO ONLY) Provoke your thinking with Malcolm Gladwell, one of the top thinkers of our timeKeynote speaker Malcolm Gladwell One of the world's most provocative thinkers, Malcolm Gladwell is the author of five New York Times Bestsellers. To our audience of innovators and insights specialists, he is a man who needs no introduction. Malcolm will join us to help shape your thinking as you prepare to imagine your potential throughout your Future Festival experience. As a special secret, Malcolm Gladwell's best seller, The Tipping Point, and his 1997 article The Coolhunt, were early sources of inspiration leading to the creation of Trend Hunter. Today, he is one of the world's top keynote speakers with an astounding ability to be both entertaining and challenging. Special Lunch with Malcolm and Jeremy - If you send a team to Future Festival, you will automatically get one ticket upgraded to VIP, which will be your invite to a special lunch, photosession and book signing with Malcolm Gladwell and Jeremy Gutsche. Learn how to innovate through chaos, uncertainty and periods of rapid change. 2pm - 5pm - SAFARIS Choose from 30+ innovation experiences, each paired with trend research & networkingInnovation Conference Trend Conference Safaris Innovation Conference Trend Conference Safaris DAY 2: THE CONTENT SUPER SESSION Agenda & Topics Trends & Innovation Conference Agenda PRE-WORK: Innovation Assessment 7:30 - Registration, Breakfast & Networking 8:30 - Innovation & Megatrend Framework - Jeremy Gutsche, Innovation Keynote Speaker 9:30 - Generational Trends - Boomers, Millennials, Xs, Zs 10:30 - Networking 11:00 - Future of Leisure 11:30 - Future of Retail 12:00 - Networking Lunch 1:00 - Future of Life 1:30 - Future of Work 2:00 - Business Model Innovation 2:30 - Innovators in Business 3:00 - Networking 3:30 - Future Tech 4:00 - The Super Future with Jeremy Gutsche 4:30 - Takeaway Workshop 5:30 - After-Party With Networking, Apps & An Open Bar DAY AFTER - 1:1 Meetings TAKEAWAYS - 2018 Trend Report, Frameworks, Homework & "What I Learned" PPT Download a Brochure ALL DAY - FUTURE FESTIVAL BOOK Follow along with our 200-page Future Book, app & frameworks, designed to maximize takeawaysinnovation conference curriculum insights You'll love our 2018 Future Festival book because it includes all sorts of takeaways to maximize your experience and allow you to focus on your ideas, not taking notes: Future Book Highlights • Takeaways Notes, Frameworks and Key Insights from Each Speaker • The Top 20 Trends in 2018 • The 2018 Megatrends Framework • Workshop Exercises and Homework Questions • Details for Trend Safaris & Future Party Technologies • Our Curation of 100 Must-See Toronto Experiences • Download details for the Future Festival App & Powerpoints 7:00pm+ - THE FUTURE PARTY Decompress over experimental drinks, robots, AR, VR, drones and nanotech at our Future PartyInnovation Keynote speaker Jeremy Gutsche After a decade of operating our own private bar, we have perfected the art of throwing a party. We can't reveal all of our tricks, but last year's party included the following: • VR, AR, drones, holograph machines & mind-readers • A Robot Petting Zoo • The world's first IBM Watson connected toy • Exploratory cocktails & and flavor experimentation • Secret VIP room with the world champion Whiskey mixologist (Thanks Beam Suntory!) • Big data visualization and Trend Hunter's inner workings DAY 3/3: INNOVATION WORKSHOPS INNOVATION WORKSHOPS Develop 5-10 disruptive ideas using the same workshops we've used to help NASA prototype the Journey to Mars (87% left with 10+ ideas)innovation workshops Turn insights into action on this remarkable day. You'll learn: • High Performance Innovation Methods for Your Brand • How to Get Better & Faster • How to Find Overlooked Ideas Using Patterns & Megatrends Important: Here's why most people attend in teams of 6+: • Focus All Exercises on YOUR Company at a Private Table • Develop 5-10 Company Specific Innovation Ideas & 20+ Next Steps • Get a Group Innovation Assessment to See Strengths, Gaps & Opportunities Innovators Who Send Teams: Starbucks, Disney, Visa, Adidas, Domino's, Aflac, Staples, Netflix, Microsoft, Hasbro, Red Bull, Universal, Target, Pepsi, VW, Walmart, Bayer, Honda 2:00pm - 5:00pm - BONUS EXPERIENCES (OPTIONAL) Catch an early flight home OR join us for a couple more trend safaris of your choosing Innovation Conference Safaris "I invite you to come with your team. I wish I'd asked more people to join me. If you experience [Future Festival] as a group, you can create a culture around it and that culture can be contagious around the whole company." - CEO, Club Monaco "Thoroughly engaging, thought provoking, game-changing!" – CEO, Strategic Objectives "Definitely worth the 6,824 miles of travel." – Product Development Dir, Mamas and Papas YOUR PERSONALIZED EXPERIENCE FREE: INNOVATION ASSESSMENT Supercharge your leadership development with 7-10 pages of personalized recommendationsInnovation Assessment Get a personalized innovation experience with 5-10 pages of custom insight about your innovation archetype, how you innovate, your strengths and your blindspots. The innovation conference keynotes will dive deeper into what this means, but you'll leave the conference with personalized insight and if you bring a team to the event, you can get an organizational assessment to compare your team's behaviours and compision to the world's top innovators. The end result is to make this more than just a conference on innovation, but rather a training program with a remarkable level of personalization. FREE 1:1 ADVISORY MEETINGS Explore your assessment or favorite topics in a one-on-one with our research advisorsTrend Reports Custom Research and Consumer Insights Before and after the innovation conference, you'll meet with your brand's dedicated advisor or one of our innovation experts to chat about your latest projects or tap our brains for other ways we can help you to inspire your next big idea. If you send a team, you can also use this time to chat about your team's innovation assessment. (Note: one consultation per brand) FREE: 1 YEAR OF LEARNING CONTENT Return home with actionable takeaways and $4k in tools, research and presentation materialsinnovation conference learning materials innovation conference takeaways OPTIONAL EPIC WEEKEND OPTIONAL WEEKEND Optionally, stay to experience 100+ innovations & a 1,000,000 person all-night modern art party Canadian Toronto Innovation Conference TORONTO - Stay the weekend to enjoy Nuit Blanche, a 1,000,000 person all-night art festival where our epic metropolis is transformed by modern artists. PLUS, our Trend Hunter team curates a list of 100+ unique self-guided experiences in categories like retail innovation, technology, sports, flavor and fashion. This experience will reinforce the innovation conference concepts. CHOOSE A CITY: Custom Training Custom Training Orlando Orlando Sold Out Seattle Seattle March 12 San Francisco San Francisco March 14 Los Angeles Los Angeles March 15 Minneapolis Minneapolis April 9 Cincinnati Cincinnati April 11 Dallas Dallas April 13 Boston Boston May 14 London London July 5 Detroit Detroit July 16 Atlanta Atlanta July 17 Philadelphia Philadelphia July 18 Chicago Chicago July 19 New York New York May 16-17 2-Day Event Toronto Toronto September 18-20 3-Day World Summit + 2019 Content Contact Us Media & Sponsorship Info Download a Brochure

Sunday, January 28, 2018


Karen Diane Jackson I waited over 30 years for my blessing and for God to hear my plea. And it was definitely worth the wait,even though I was in a horrible relationship he managed to turn my entire life around. I never gave up,or did I ever dream of the blessings he would bestow upon me. Feeling so blessed,I definitely learned to praise him in the storm. I stood in faith and it all worked out for the greater good. 200 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w · Edited 23 Replies Debra Louise Walker Spear Debra Louise Walker Spear Amen, I have prayed many prayers for my oldest son, been back and forth in trouble with the law, he was homeless for a little while, my husband wasn't having it him coming back into our home, but you know a mother will never give up on our children. I ...See More 378 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w · Edited 99 Replies · 3 hrs Cory Fisher Cory Fisher I've been struggling with this lately. I have to keep reminding myself that it's on His time frame and not on mine. 112 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w 9 Replies Nanette Reyna Nanette Reyna A few days ago Jesus answered a prayer from thirty years ago that I had well forgotten about. God loves his children and gives them the best in his time. 67 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w 2 Replies Catherine Vanderford Catherine Vanderford I have waited 40 years for a good man. Still haven’t found one. Just lying ,abusive, stealing cheats in my life. So I will stay single! I have always took care of myself . These days I choose ME !!! 60 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w 16 Replies · 8 hrs Lisa Carter Lisa Carter If only I’d been reminded before taking things into my own hands. Feeling so stupid right now...Heavenly Father please forgive me! 59 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w 11 Replies Loretta Fleury Loretta Fleury I guess I am in the best company for I am waiting for God to show me the way to on. I am so lost without my tom. He took him home almost a year ago but I am still waiting to know what is my future without him. Say a prayer for me. Thank you. 53 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w 27 Replies · 9 hrs Josie Veronas Josie Veronas Lord i need your holy miracle and the divine healing pls.heal my children 😭😭 they are my everything even u give me that illnes i receive it but pls.not my kids.Amen 65 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w · Edited 20 Replies Denise Crymes Denise Crymes Patience builds character!!! Keep trusting the Lord. He is faithful!!! Keep a positive attitude while you wait & build your hope! We will never be ashamed when our faith is in God! My family has been restored after 16 years!!!! PTL!!!! 70 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w 4 Replies Sue Murray Sue Murray I was married in 1970 , was in a bad marriage from day one but continued to live with him , after 2 miscarriages and 1 baby girl passing of 2 months and 4 sons later praying every day for God to help m e get a better life , it happened after 16 yrs. Now im living for the lord and loving life . Amen 67 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w Paula Hagan Paula Hagan God will never desert those who love him. Our prayers may not be answered in the way we expect but always in a way that is better for us. Keep praying and trusting and you will have the answers. God bless all who are suffering in any way. 31 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w 4 Replies · 9 hrs Myra Desmond Myra Desmond Amen. It's been a lot of years and I prayed for a lot of things now I'm praying for health for me and my family and friends I'm putting my life in the hands of God and I know he'll take care of me. I thank you for all you've done for me so far in the name of my Lord and Savior your son Jesus Christ. 17 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w 1 Reply Leane Woods Leane Woods Thank you Jesus I often tell myself God knows the perfect timing for my life. He know what’s best for his children. 19 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w Gloretta Cain Gloretta Cain Amen a blessing is a gift so you receive it when its Gods time to give it ...its not a must have its a reward πŸ™ stay strong stay humble and greatful and faithful and your blessings will come. Trust in the lord he is the true provider. 16 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w 1 Reply Helen Newman Helen Newman I have been praying my entire life for a God-fearing loving, respectful kind hearted man to become my husband! I finally after many years prayed faithfully for this and last year GOD answered my prayers for me and my kids and my husband says answered ...See More 14 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w · Edited Susan Head Susan Head Lord Jesus I am praying I don't have to wait much longer for my daughter and grandchildren to have a better life and find true love 14 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w Donna Hawkes Schaeffer Donna Hawkes Schaeffer Waiting has been a major part of my life. Almost like God has had me in a training program for waiting. I am really grateful for these lessons, as it has produced endurance, patience, and tolerance in my life. THANK YOU, FATHER....IN JESUS' NAME. 15 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w · Edited Brenda Steele Brenda Steele Thank you for posting this. In our society we have been programmed not to have patience. Everything is expected so quickly. Obey God's law and there will be redemption. Have faith, keep bowing your head in heartfelt prayer, allow the higher power to guide you through the seemly impossible...ask only for God's help in your search 10 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w Merlyn Granados Merlyn Granados I waited my blessing for 50 i am 63 it was worth the kids are all grown up..with good paying job abroad..its definitely worth the wait. 11 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w 1 Reply Jenny Jeffrey Jenny Jeffrey Thank you lord for everything and blessings and listening to my prayers my son needs you now to sort his life out with work and financially and depression and anxiety please lord can you help help my son he needs you now in the name Jesus amen πŸ™πŸ½ in the blood of Jesus amen πŸ™πŸ½ 9 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w 2 Replies Blanca Espinoza Blanca Espinoza Keep the Faith I have learned to praise him in the storm and I believe it will all work out in his timing...Amen Amen Amen πŸ™ 11 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w 1 Reply Coleen Abalos Coleen Abalos God im praying for my husband and to my kids,give me a perfect life.pls help my family peace of mine to each waiting for your help jesus! Thanks god for being strong even its hard. 8 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w Nhu Pham Nhu Pham I believed God are walking with me through my life; when I'm struggling he's walk with me & you're hold my life in your hands...Thanks God πŸ™ 10 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w Vicky Khotkar Vicky Khotkar Lord you know what is my need today 😭😭😭please help me lord jesus thy word says those who call upon your name will😭😭😭😭not be ashamed 😭😭😭lord please do something for me 😭😭today 8 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w Sue Ngit Ramos Sue Ngit Ramos Lord you know what im praying praying for my especial them to take all what troubles they are facing now.i know Lord you will help him coz your the one who knows him well.Amen 4 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 4d Lorraine Mendoza Lorraine Mendoza Karma is real, I ruined a relationship with a great guy,because I’m impatient & have anger issues. It’s almost a year. I still miss him & im trying to forgive myself but karma is real. πŸ˜₯ I pray everyday. God help me πŸ™πŸΌ 4 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w · Edited 4 Replies Ken Dotts Ken Dotts So many times I should of left this earth. Yet here I am turning 67, sober, checking with my Lord if he has the right person. It is God's plan. Was talking to a co-worker today about people being put in the right place at the right time to fill Gods' will. Sit on edge of my bed everynight asking for the strength to continue his will for me. 3 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 3d Any Shilon Any Shilon oh ye.... I am already waiting for many many years... more than 30.... but I didn't lost hope. One day my dream will become true, my prayer will be answered. Here is the source of my power. 4 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w Jenny Ritter Jenny Ritter Victoria Epps I know it can be exhausting tiring tested when we have to wait but God has a reason and he didn’t leave you here by yourself and he doesn’t want misery for you he wants the best for you and sometimes we have to wait until the timing is perfect 4 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w Shellie Vick Shellie Vick I lost my husband after 48 years 2017 and I am asking God to put me back on the right direction because I took the wrong direction I don’t need to go through 2018 because I trust in God. Thank you Jesue for being my Heavenly Father and for our Salvation.This relationships is not working Father God I will wait on you. Amen 3 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w Mila Cabalar DE Guzman Mila Cabalar DE Guzman I know that god get a special gift for me in the right time I have faith in him just keep praying and ask for his guidance amen 5 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w Edwin Toledo Edwin Toledo Yes because I'm always in good company I believe he's always with me no matter what I do I feel his presence I love my lord... living is such a struggle we are always hustling we are always trying to get more I believe there is more to this I believe t...See More 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2d David Ward David Ward God knows the end from the beginning, so he gives us what we need, when we need give the most possible blessings, to the largest number of believers, for the longest possible time. But whether you are stuck in traffic, stuck in a dead end job, ...See More 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 17h Gilda Parreno Gilda Parreno Oh , those were the people in the bible that inspired me to be still , calm and be at peace as God said so. God has its ways far far different from man. I have gained patience and peace just as Jesus would want us; focus on things pleasing him the mos...See More 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w Amy Andrews Amy Andrews Davianna Hudson ... This is my Story and I have finally be Blessed all the way around... sure everyday isn’t perfect but they are far from what they were. Just keep your Faith in Him and all will happen when the time Is right! HE will let you know when. ...See More 2 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d Joseph Duarte Joseph Duarte I keep myself going forward in my becoming of manhood which began on my 21 bless god given year. Answering my prayer in my search of the One female friend who too was searching for the same state of going forward into her womanhood as me my manhood. Bo...See More 2 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w Cindy Terry Hamlett Cindy Terry Hamlett Jesus I ask you to put my daughter in your hand. You are what she is going through. Please take the desire of drugs away from her & keep her safe out there. I know you love her more than I do. I'm sorry for worrying so much cause I KNOW you will take care of her. Thank you for watching over my 4 g.daughters. I know you know what's best for all of us. In Jesus Name Amen. 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 4d Tamara Bean-Jackson Tamara Bean-Jackson I️ being praying every day and night that the Lord turn my son life around free him drugs and alcohol and know Lord has something better for him .I️ keep praying trusting and believing God Is bring him back to the person he created his child my child to be ..Keep positive attitude good faith keep on praying πŸ™πŸ½ for a blessing 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d · Edited Leilani Castillo Pinili Leilani Castillo Pinili Yes amen I believe, thank you God! for making me stronger and courage to wait for the right time pursue and to finish my working contract soon. Lord you are great! you are all that we need amen!! 1 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w Maria Teresa Moeller Maria Teresa Moeller amen....all the waiting, God is processing us to be like HIm and to hv a position that will last for His glory and honor. God is good in bad and good times! Just hv faith, hope n love.... 2 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w Rosalee Cozart Rosalee Cozart God turned my life around and gave me the best husband in the world i love him so much I'm talking about God and my husband 3 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1w Angela Christensen Angela Christensen I had to wait for specific times before the Lord blessed me with my last 2 children. The Lord always knows the right time if we will accept his decisions for our lives and our well being. He never will lead us in a wrong path---He will make a way for...See More Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 6d Gener Escudero Gener Escudero I have waited 33years and still disappointed. I gave-up. I do not pray anymore for what i have been dreamed in my life because he don’t like me. I have to work and believe myself alone. Because ever since i am alone. 3 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 5d · Edited Robert Lee Johnson Jr. Robert Lee Johnson Jr. The race is not given to the Swift nor the battle to the strong but to he that endureth to the end the battle is not ours it's the Lord's greatest thing I ever learned was to let my peace be still amen thank you Jesus 2 Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 3d Michael Gerald Hulla Michael Gerald Hulla Amen God has plans for us all he is with me and helping my mind heart body and soul understand the true value of me so I can help all those who are struggling with there hardships in life. Without God I would not be the true person I am today and even ...See More Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 6h Elizabeth Shelton Elizabeth Shelton I know that I am on God's time not mine. Some times I have to slow down and remember He wrote my life's plan; He knew the beginning, the middle, and the home going......I can not change it. God bless you all that are on this journey with me. We have some work left to do. Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 11h Janet Birchall Janet Birchall As I am waiting I am learning more about how faithful He is. As my life changes He doesn't! The same God who led all the great saints of old is my God too. So no worries. He gave me life and I just hand it back to Him and wait! Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 4d Annette Lopez Annette Lopez God has something special for me he has answered my prayers I have a Lung disease that I have been struggling for the past 3 yrs that requires me to use Oxygen 24/7 and had to face many many trials in my Life. I have found my new partner that despite m...See More Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 3d 3 Replies Wanda Daniels Wanda Daniels There is always reasons for God making us wait! He does know what our future holds for us. I truly know how inpatient we are as Humans because I am one! We have our Faith in God but when everything is going so terrible wrong in our life we all have reason to just give up. So Hard to keep going on. Just when there seems to be nothing left to hold on to God Some how sends Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 6d Elda Elijio Elda Elijio Amen. I waited 18 years for my blessing that I wanted so badly. And when I finally received it, it definitely was worth the wait. I still wake up in the morning and be amazed and elated about it. Thank you God. And the best is yet to come. Manage LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1h View more comments