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Hope you are having a wonderful week and your book is absolutely amazing! Not 'kissing up to you', the book is amazing!!! :)
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Rainbow Thunderheart @rainbowofrehab
@marshawright Totally right Marsha your book is awesome on point keep it going for the business community!!! :D
Ronald Carter @Portagroom
My comment about service "Secret Collaborative Community" is five stars. Why five because that's the value you deserve in your effort to be remarkable and share what we all want to know to succeed in life to live happier.
Hope you are having a wonderful week and your book is absolutely amazing! Not 'kissing up to you', the book is amazing!!! :)
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Rainbow Thunderheart @rainbowofrehab
@marshawright Totally right Marsha your book is awesome on point keep it going for the business community!!! :D
Ronald Carter @Portagroom
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Where do the online TV shows come from?
Posted on June 10, 2012 , by admin
Hello everyone. If anyone has ever visited or used the service of watching online TV, they would know that online TV shows are online now, but they are open free of charge, but anyhow, you have ever wondered whether or not. When these online TV viewing websites are open for free Do not think this way, he will not lose or because he will be hosting domain names for advertising. Many more miscellaneous You do not have to worry about it anyway. He has no income, certainly not.
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Tuesday, June 27, 2017
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Monday, June 26, 2017
Your Memories on Facebook Oscar, we care about you and the memories you share here. We thought you'd like to look back on this post from 2 years ago. Oscar del Rosario via Wake Up World June 27, 2015 · Healing Cancer With Organic Foods A major revolution in the western healthcare, pharmaceutical and cancer industries is occurring and the movement is reaching the critical mass point. More people now than ever are researching and learning for themselves… THESPIRITSCIENCE.NET
ॐ Collectively Conscious ॐ
Oct 5, 2015
Cancer cannot grow in an alkaline environment. When you eat processed and sugary foods you create an acidic environment where cancer and disease will thrive. Simply eating an organic plant-based diet may be your greatest defense and prevention technique.
Healing Cancer With Organic Foods
Healing Cancer With Organic Foods
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Mark Hale's profile photo
Mark Hale
There's bullshit and there's dangerous bullshit.
Oct 5, 2015
Artemis Ares's profile photo
Artemis Ares
ph level doesn't increase or decrease cancer susceptibility if your blood ph for some magical fucking reason changes then you'll die (blood ph is between 7.3-7.5)
Oct 5, 2015
Artemis Ares's profile photo
Artemis Ares
+Klaus Rosenbjerg you're a dense idiot. Studies have proven that vegans have a increase in cancer rates, general illness, along with mental health conditions. Also your comment alone gave me cancer "just avoid most products with salt, sugar, meat, diary and fat" pure idiotic fucking cancer
Oct 5, 2015
Klaus Rosenbjerg's profile photo
Klaus Rosenbjerg
+Walrus shoe Nobody will force you eating things vegans eat. I guess I should thank you. More raw food for us. I have no need to convince anyone or need of being right. Doctors and scientists worldwide are baffled as to why health testing vegans show so good health results. I have done tons of study on that and I baffle my doctor every time he test me. A dense idiot. Nice use of words, that is however not making every super healthy vegan wrong. Vegans get cancer, you refer to Steve Jobs I assume. He had cancer before trying vegan diet. Please share your links to those studies that proves vegan give cancer. Namaste
Oct 7, 2015
Artemis Ares's profile photo
Artemis Ares
+Klaus Rosenbjerg
mental health
illness rates
All of these studies are done by unbiased scientists that actually have degrees in nutrition rather then the pro vegan biased bro scientists that have no degree.
Oct 7, 2015
Klaus Rosenbjerg's profile photo
Klaus Rosenbjerg
+Walrus shoe nice of you to provide links. All that really proves is that you believe what you choose to believe. I however do not need a PhD gold medal genius to tell me that vegan is wrong. Eat all the meat, candy, cheese you want if that makes you feel good. Reason I know vegan works for me is because I am the living proof, and so are other vegans.
Would you dislike losing 15 kilo and get great skin without doing workout?
That is my reality after just 1 year as vegan. And that's just 2 of a list of advantages.
Indeed it's a free world. Live as you like. But flaming someone for being a vegan is immature.
Oct 13, 2015
Add a comment... Healing Cancer With Organic Foods
Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Satyapriya
ArticlesHolistic Health
Source: | Original Post Date: May 3, 2015 –
A major revolution in the western healthcare, pharmaceutical and cancer industries is occurring and the movement is reaching the critical mass point. More people now than ever are researching and learning for themselves how to use nutrition to regain and maintain optimal health. People are realizing that a synthetic pharmaceutical drug, as advocated by many in the western medical field, can biochemically never elicit true health. Questions are being asked and nature’s beautiful cures are being rediscovered.
One man who is helping to spearhead this movement is Ty Bollinger, a best-selling author of seven books on natural health and the creator of a newly released documentary titled The Quest For The Cures…Continues, which interviews twenty-eight medical doctors, eleven scientists and nine cancer survivors who break “the code of silence” and expose the truth about cancer as well as proven methods to treat and eliminate cancer through completely safe, natural and holistic methods.
Why then, are these natural methods not being more widely discussed and promoted by an industry that is claiming to want to help cure and eliminate cancer? The simple answer is money. As Dr. Sunil Pai, M.D. states, “Follow the money. What is the biggest industry right now? It’s the cancer care industry. So the average cancer care for a person from Stage I to Stage IV will range anywhere from $350,000- $1,400,000 by the end of stage IV.” The cancer industry has also created millions of jobs in the form of the American Medical Association, American Cancer Society, Food and Drug Administration, The Rockefeller Institute, The Carnegie Foundation and numerous jobs in medical schools teaching western medicine. Revealing the cost effectiveness and positive results of these holistic methods is not something the western medical establishment wants known as this would very quickly bring an end to many jobs, institutions and above all, profit.The dots are easily connected. The truth has been covered up in the name of greed.
However, it is one thing to know what the issue is and it is another to find and utilize the solutions. One of the best and easiest methods to beating cancer that has been promoted in the documentary as well as by countless doctors of naturopathic medicine, chiropractors, health and wellness advocates and now an ever-growing number of western medicine-trained doctors is the consumption of organically grown and harvested fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices. A common follow-up question that can be asked is if conventionally grown produce, those with pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, can help to eliminate cancer as well. Scientists are finding that although the nutrient content in these foods are beneficial to cellular function, the chemicals found in and on the food itself, as well as in the soil, is very toxic and has been shown to induce and spread cancer throughout the body. These chemicals found in the food and soil are also destroying life-giving and health-promoting nutrients, namely ionic trace minerals.
In 1936, two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling told the 74th Congress of the United States,“Every ailment, every sickness and every disease can be traced back to an organic mineral deficiency. “ Ionic trace minerals are minerals in their nano or Angstrom form and have the ability to transport nutrients into the cell very easily due to their low molecular weight. They also have the ability to bring chemical balance and electrical potential back to the cell.
Through soil that is untouched by synthetic chemicals and left to compost in the natural rhythms of nature, beneficial microbes help to create bio available fulvic acid, humic acid, amino acids and trace minerals that assist the plant absorb these substances to then produce beautiful, healthy plants full of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. When using synthetic chemicals though, the microbes are destroyed and the soil then becomes depleted of many beneficial nutrients and instead laced with harmful substances.
In fact, fulvic acid alone is being used by doctors and patients in the treatment and prevention of cancer as well as a supplement for overall better health. Dr. Daniel Nuzum of Idaho has treated nearly 8,000 patients with fulvic acid and has received only good results from every one of the cases. To date, fulvic acid is the most potent anti-oxidant known, as it has 14 tetra trillion electrons it can donate to neutralize free radicals. That is 14 with twenty-one zeros behind it. It is so small and powerful that it has the ability to work outside of the cell, inside of the cell, and on multiple components of the cell. Fulvic acid can also turn metabolic waste into nutrition, something that is beneficial on many different levels.
Another common question that has been asked is if organic dairy and animals products are safe and if they affect cancer cells to any certain degree. Though not consuming hormones, antibiotics and other chemicals is certainly good for a person’s health, discernment in consuming meat and dairy should be used. In his well-known book, The China Study, Dr. T. Colin Campbell stated that the 35 year study he and his team conducted showed casein, a protein found in animal meat and dairy, promoted every stage of the cancer growth process.
The return to organically grown food as nutrition is happening in our world today at an ever-increasing speed. Doctors are once again promoting the usage of organic fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices as medicine, scientists are separating truth from fiction, people are discovering what really heals and the light is shining down on the shady politics involved in cancer care and related industries. It is everyone’s right to be healthy, happy and free. Its also everyone’s right to have access to unbiased knowledge and information that can help create the health, happiness and freedom we are all seeking.
For those interested, further research can be conducted on information regarding Fulvic Ionic Minerals, The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr. Douglas Graham, Herbal Medicine, Healing, Cancer by Donald Yance, the work of Dr. George Merkl as well as flower essence therapy, hydrochromotherapy and phototherapy.
Written by Lance Schuttler of
About the Author
Lance Schuttler graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Health Science and is Director of Creative Health Non-Profits for Personable Media. He is passionate about holistic and naturopathic medicine as well as helping to bring awareness to an efficient, sustainable and health-promoting transition that our world’s current socio-economic model is rapidly undergoing.
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The entire process of training the mind unfolds through Ten Stages. Each Stage of meditation has its own distinct characteristics, challenges to overcome, and specific techniques for working through those challenges.
The stages mark gradual improvements in your abilities. As you make progress, there will also be Four Milestone Achievements that divide the Ten Stages of meditation into four distinct parts. These are especially significant transition points in your practice where mastery of certain skills takes your meditation to a whole new level.
The Stages and Milestones, considered together, form a broad map to help you figure out where you are and how best to continue. Yet, because each person is unique, the route your spiritual journey takes will always be at least slightly different from that of somebody else. For this reason, we will also talk about how the process unfolds, how fast or slow you may experience progress, and about what kind of attitude to have. The point isn’t to force your experience to match something you have read. Instead, use this article as a guide for working with and understanding your own experiences—no matter what forms they take.
This article outlines the general arc of the practice. It will be helpful to revisit it from time to time to keep the big picture fresh in your mind. The more clearly you understand the Stages of meditation, and why they happen in the order that they do, the quicker and more enjoyably you will walk the path toward happiness and freedom.
How the Process Unfolds
Each of the Ten Stages on the path to becoming an adept meditator is defined in terms of certain skills that you have to master. Only when you have mastered the skills of a particular Stage of meditation will you be able to master the next Stage. This is because your abilities as a meditator gradually build on each other. Just as you have to learn to walk before you can run, you must move through the Stages in order, without skipping any of them. To make progress, you should correctly determine your current Stage, work diligently with the techniques you’re given, and move on only when you have achieved mastery. Mastery of one Stage is a requirement for the mastery of the next, and none can be skipped. Taking “shortcuts” just creates problems and ultimately prolongs the process—so they’re not really shortcuts. Diligence is all you need to make the fastest progress possible.
However, even though the Stages of meditation are presented as a linear path of progress, the practice doesn’t actually unfold in such a straightforward manner. For example, a beginning meditator will be working on Stages One and Two at the same time. As your practice progresses, you will frequently find yourself navigating several Stages at the same time, moving back and forth between them over weeks, days, or even during a single session. This is perfectly normal. You can also expect to have times when you seem to have jumped to a more advanced Stage, as well as days where you seem to have gone backward. In every case, the important thing is to practice according to whatever is happening in your meditation in the present. Don’t get ahead of what is actually happening. On the other hand, once you have overcome the obstacles for a given Stage even temporarily, then you can work with the obstacles for the next Stage.
You will also notice that many of the techniques are similar in several different Stages of meditation. A meditator at Stage Three, for instance, uses similar techniques as a meditator at Stage Four. The same is true for Stages Five and Six. However, the goals for each Stage are always different.
The secret to progress is working with the specific obstacles and goals appropriate to your current skill level. It’s like learning to skate: you have to learn the basics before you can start doing triple-axels. The earlier Stages of meditation take longer to master. However, because the Stages build on one another, the methods overlap, and the skills you develop in one Stage are used in the next, you start making faster and faster progress. Advancing from Stage Three to Four might take a long time, but progressing from Four to Five usually happens more quickly, and so on.
Progression through the stages of meditation is not linear: expect to be moving between stages over several sits or even during a single sit.
It’s common to have occasional or even frequent meditation experiences that correspond to more advanced Stages. Even a beginning meditator at Stage Two may have experiences that resemble those of advanced Stages. When this happens, you might overestimate your abilities and try to replicate that experience instead of working to master the skills for your current Stage. Such experiences have no real significance in terms of your progress, although they do show you what is possible. Use them as inspiration, while continuing to work toward mastering your current Stage of meditation. Isolated meditation experiences can happen at any time, but if they can’t be repeated, consistently and intentionally, they are of little value. Once your practice matures, you will have the knowledge and skills to consistently create these kinds of experiences.
The Rate of Progress through the Ten Stages
Some books give the impression that it takes many, many years or even decades to become an adept meditator. This simply isn’t true! For householders who practice properly, it’s possible to master the Ten Stages of meditation within a few months or years. What you need is a regular daily sitting practice of one to two hours per day in combination with some of the supplemental practices described in the appendices. Meditation retreats are quite helpful, but ones lasting months or years are certainly not necessary. Diligent daily meditation, combined with occasional longer periods of practice, will be enough for success.
That said, there are several factors that determine how fast we make progress through the stages of meditation. Some of them we can influence, others we can’t. To start with, different people have different natural abilities for working with attention and awareness. Some lifestyles and career paths are more conducive to developing these skills. Also, some people are better able to discipline themselves to practice regularly and diligently. Regardless of your natural abilities, you absolutely must master Stage One, “Establishing a Practice,” to make progress.
Life factors and stressful events can also affect the process. Losing your job, the death of a spouse, or a health problem can set even an advanced meditator back to the earliest Stages of meditation. In fact, almost anything that happens outside of meditation can potentially have this effect. This just serves as another reminder that meditative accomplishments, like everything else, depend on certain conditions, and can therefore be influenced by worldly events.
Another factor that affects your progress is the problem of compartmentalization. We have a common tendency to separate meditation practice from the rest of our life. If the skills and insights we learn on the cushion don’t infuse our daily life, progress through the stages of meditation will be quite slow. It’s like filling a leaky bucket. This may be one reason why some people consider long retreats the only way to make real progress. Retreats are certainly wonderful and can help bring your practice to a whole new level. Yet, we can only experience the full benefits if the wisdom we acquire permeates every facet of our life, and that takes work. Otherwise, long retreats are like filling an even bigger leaky bucket.
The most important factor for improving quickly is a clear understanding of each Stage of meditation. That means recognizing the mental faculties you need to cultivate, as well as the correct methods to overcome specific obstacles. It also means not getting ahead of yourself. Be systematic and practice at the appropriate level. Just as a scalpel is more effective for surgery than a large knife, skillful means and positive reinforcement are much better for pacifying the mind than blind, stubborn persistence. Finesse and patience pay off.
The Ten Stages of Meditative Training
Here, I briefly describe each Stage’s distinct characteristics, goals, challenges, and the techniques for achieving those goals and working through those challenges. Four particularly significant achievements divide the Ten Stages of meditation into four distinct parts: One through Three are the Stages of a novice; Four through Six are the Stages of a skilled meditator; Seven is a transition Stage; and Eight through Ten are the Stages of an adept. It is helpful to think of each Stage in terms of the Milestone that lies ahead. You will also notice a number of bold and italicized key terms. Don’t worry if you don’t know what the terms mean or can’t remember everything being presented here.
The Ten Stages and Four Milestones
The Novice Meditator
Stage One: Establishing a Practice
Stage Two: Interrupted Attention and Overcoming Mind-Wandering
Stage Three: Extended Attention and Overcoming Forgetting
Milestone One: Continuous Attention to the Meditation Object
The Skilled Meditator
Stage Four: Continuous Attention and Overcoming Gross Distraction and Strong Dullness
Stage Five: Overcoming Subtle Dullness and Increasing Mindfulness
Stage Six: Subduing Subtle Distraction
Milestone Two: Sustained Exclusive Focus of Attention
The Transition
Stage Seven: Exclusive Attention and Unifying the Mind
Milestone Three: Effortless Stability of Attention
The Adept Meditator
Stage Eight: Mental Pliancy and Pacifying the Senses
Stage Nine: Mental and Physical Pliancy and Calming the Intensity of Meditative Joy
Stage Ten: Tranquility and Equanimity
Milestone Four: Persistence of the Mental Qualities of an Adept
Diagram of The Ten Stages of Meditation. The monk is the meditator. The rope he holds represents vigilant, alert mindfulness. The goad in his other hand represents strong intention and firm resolve. The elephant represents the mind. The black color of the elephant represents the Five Hindrances and the Seven Problems they give rise to. The monkey represents scattering of attention, and the black color represents subtle and gross distraction, forgetting, and mind-wandering. The rabbit represents subtle dullness. The flames represent vigilance and effort, and when effort is no longer required, the flames disappear. The length of the road between successive Stages indicates the relative time required to progress from one Stage to the next. The Stages come closer together until Stage Seven, then they begin to stretch out again. Because the road folds back, it is possible to jump up to higher Stages or fall back to lower ones.
The Novice—Stages One through Three
Stage One: Establishing a Practice
This Stage of meditation is about developing a consistent and diligent meditation practice. Being consistent means setting a clear daily schedule for when you’re going to meditate, and sticking to it except when there are circumstances beyond your control. Diligence means engaging whole-heartedly in the practice rather than spending your time on the cushion planning or daydreaming.
Goals: Develop a regular meditation practice.
Obstacles: Resistance, procrastination, fatigue, impatience, boredom, lack of motivation.
Skills: Creating practice routines, setting specific practice goals, generating strong motivation, cultivating discipline and diligence.
Mastery: Never missing a daily practice session.
Stage Two: Interrupted Attention and Overcoming Mind-Wandering
Stage Two of meditation involves the simple practice of keeping your attention on the breath. This is easier said than done. You will discover that attention is easily captured by a distraction, making you forget that you’re supposed to be paying attention to the breath. Forgetting quickly leads to mind-wandering, which can last a few seconds, several minutes, or the entire meditation session. This sequence is so important it’s worth committing to memory—the untrained mind produces distractions that lead to forgetting, which results in mind-wandering. In Stage Two, you only work with the last event—mind-wandering.
Goals: Shorten the periods of mind-wandering and extend the periods of sustained attention to the meditation object.
Obstacles: Mind-wandering, monkey-mind, and impatience.
Skills: Reinforcing spontaneous introspective awareness and learning to sustain attention on the meditation object. Spontaneous introspective awareness is the “aha” moment when you suddenly realize there’s a disconnect between what you wanted to do (watch the breath) and what you’re actually doing (thinking about something else). Appreciating this moment causes it to happen faster and faster, so the periods of mind-wandering get shorter and shorter.
Mastery: You can sustain attention on the meditation object for minutes, while most periods of mind-wandering last only a few seconds.
Stage Three: Extended Attention and Overcoming Forgetting
Stages Two and Three are similar, but mind-wandering gets shorter and shorter until it stops altogether. The biggest challenge during this Stage of meditation is forgetting, but sleepiness often becomes a problem as well.
Goals: Overcome forgetting and falling asleep.
Obstacles: Distractions, forgetting, mind-wandering, and sleepiness.
Skills: Use the techniques of following the breath and connecting to extend the periods of uninterrupted attention, and become familiar with how forgetting happens. Cultivate introspective awareness through the practices of labeling and checking in. These techniques allow you to catch distractions before they lead to forgetting.
Mastery: Rarely forgetting the breath or falling asleep.
Milestone One: Continuous Attention to the Meditation Object
The first Milestone is continuous attention to the meditation object, which you achieve at the end of Stage Three. Before this, you’re a beginner—a person who meditates, rather than a skilled meditator. When you reach this Milestone, you’re no longer a novice, prone to forgetting, mind-wandering, or dozing off. By mastering Stages One through Three, you have acquired the basic, first level skills on the way to stable attention. You can now do something that no ordinary, untrained person can. You will build on this initial skillset over the course of the next three Stages of meditation to become a truly skilled meditator.
The Skilled Meditator—Stages Four through Six
Stage Four: Continuous Attention and Overcoming Gross Distraction and Strong Dullness
You can stay focused on the breath more or less continuously, but attention still shifts rapidly back and forth between the breath and various distractions. Whenever a distraction becomes the primary focus of your attention, it pushes the meditation object into the background. This is called gross distraction. But when the mind grows calm, there tends to be another problem, strong dullness. To deal with both of these challenges, you develop continuous introspective awareness to alert you to their presence.
Goal: Overcome gross distraction and strong dullness.
Obstacles: Distractions, pain and discomfort, intellectual insights, emotionally charged visions and memories.
Skills: Developing continuous introspective awareness allows you to make corrections before subtle distractions become gross distractions, and before subtle dullness becomes strong dullness. Learning to work with pain. Purifying the mind of past trauma and unwholesome conditioning.
Mastery: Gross distractions no longer push the breath into the background, and breath sensations don’t fade or become distorted due to strong dullness.
Stage Five: Overcoming Subtle Dullness and Increasing Mindfulness
You have overcome gross distractions and strong dullness, but there is a tendency to slip into stable subtle dullness. This makes the breath sensations less vivid and causes peripheral awareness to fade. Unrecognized, subtle dullness can lead you to overestimate your abilities and move on to the next Stage of meditation prematurely, which leads to concentration with dullness. You will experience only a shallow facsimile of the later Stages, and your practice will come to a dead end. To overcome subtle dullness, you must sharpen your faculties of attention and awareness.
Goal: To overcome subtle dullness and increase the power of mindfulness.
Obstacles: Subtle dullness is difficult to recognize, creates an illusion of stable attention, and is seductively pleasant.
Skills: Cultivating even stronger and more continuous introspective awareness to detect and correct for subtle dullness. Learning a new body scanning technique to help you increase the power of your mindfulness.
Mastery: You can sustain or even increase the power of your mindfulness during each meditation session.
Stage Six: Subduing Subtle Distraction
Attention is fairly stable but still alternates between the meditation object and subtle distractions in the background. You’re now ready to bring your faculty of attention to a whole new level where subtle distractions fall away completely. You will achieve exclusive attention to the meditation object, also called single-pointed attention.
Goal: To subdue subtle distractions and develop metacognitive introspective awareness.
Obstacles: The tendency for attention to alternate to the continuous stream of distracting thoughts and other mental objects in peripheral awareness.
Skills: Defining your scope of attention more precisely than before, and ignoring everything outside that scope until subtle distractions fade away. Developing a much more refined and selective awareness of the mind itself, called metacognitive introspective awareness. You will also use a method called “experiencing the whole body with the breath” to further subdue potential distractions.
Mastery: Subtle distractions have almost entirely disappeared, and you have unwavering exclusive attention together with vivid mindfulness.
Milestone Two: Sustained Exclusive Focus of Attention
With mastery of Stages of meditation Four through Six, your attention no longer alternates back and forth from the breath to distractions in the background. You can focus on the meditation object to the exclusion of everything else, and your scope of attention is also stable. Dullness has completely disappeared, and mindfulness takes the form of a powerful metacognitive introspective awareness. That is, you’re now aware of your state of mind in every moment, even as you focus on the breath. You have accomplished the two major objectives of meditative training: stable attention and powerful mindfulness. With these abilities you’re now a skilled meditator, and have achieved the second Milestone.
The Transition—Stage Seven
Stage Seven: Exclusive Attention and Unifying the Mind
You can now investigate any object with however broad or narrow a focus you choose. But you have to stay vigilant and make a continuous effort to keep subtle distractions and subtle dullness at bay.
Goal: Effortlessly sustained exclusive attention and powerful mindfulness.
Obstacles: Distractions and dullness will return if you stop exerting effort. You must keep sustaining effort until exclusive attention and mindfulness become automatic, then effort will no longer be necessary. Boredom, restlessness, and doubt tend to arise during this time. Also, bizarre sensations and involuntary body movements can distract you from your practice. Knowing when to drop all effort is the next obstacle. But making effort has become a habit, so it’s hard to stop.
Methods: Practicing patiently and diligently will bring you to the threshold of effortlessness. It will get you past all the boredom and doubt, as well as the bizarre sensations and movements. Purposely relaxing your effort from time to time will let you know when effort and vigilance are no longer necessary. Then you can work on letting go of the need to be in control. Various Insight and jhāna practices add variety at this Stage of meditation.
Mastery: You can drop all effort, and the mind still maintains an unprecedented degree of stability and clarity.
Milestone Three: Effortless Stability of Attention
The third Milestone is marked by effortlessly sustained exclusive attention together with powerful mindfulness. This state is called mental pliancy, and occurs because of the complete pacification of the discriminating mind, meaning mental chatter and discursive analysis have stopped. Different parts of the mind are no longer so resistant or preoccupied with other things, and diverse mental processes begin to coalesce around a single purpose. This unification of mind means that, rather than struggling against itself, the mind functions more as a coherent, harmonious whole. You have completed the transition from being a skilled meditator to an adept meditator at this point in your journey through the stages of meditation.
The Adept Meditator—Stages Eight through Ten
Stage Eight: Mental Pliancy and Pacifying the Senses
With mental pliancy, you can effortlessly sustain exclusive attention and mindfulness, but physical pain and discomfort still limit how long you can sit. The bizarre sensations and involuntary movements that began in Stage Seven not only continue, but may intensify. With continuing unification of mind and complete pacification of the senses, physical pliancy arises, and these problems disappear. Pacifying the senses doesn’t imply going into some trance. It just means that the five physical senses, as well as the mind sense, temporarily grow quiet while you meditate.
Goal: Complete pacification of the senses and the full arising of meditative joy.
Obstacles: The primary challenge is not to be distracted or distressed by the variety of extraordinary experiences during this Stage of meditation: unusual, and often unpleasant, sensations, involuntary movements, feelings of strong energy currents in the body, and intense joy. Simply let them be.
Method: Practicing effortless attention and introspective awareness will naturally lead to continued unification, pacification of the senses, and the arising of meditative joy. Jhāna and other Insight practices are very productive as part of this process.
Mastery: When the eyes perceive only an inner light, the ears perceive only an inner sound, the body is suffused with a sense of pleasure and comfort, and your mental state is one of intense joy. With this mental and physical pliancy, you can sit for hours without dullness, distraction, or physical discomfort.
Stage Nine: Mental and Physical Pliancy and Calming the Intensity of Meditative Joy
With mental and physical pliancy comes meditative joy, a unique state of mind that brings great happiness and physical pleasure.
Goal: The maturation of meditative joy, producing tranquility and equanimity.
Obstacles: The intensity of meditative joy can perturb the mind, becoming a distraction and disrupting your practice.
Method: Becoming familiar with meditative joy through continued practice until the excitement fades, replaced by tranquility and equanimity.
Mastery: Consistently evoking mental and physical pliancy, accompanied by profound tranquility and equanimity.
Stage Ten: Tranquility and Equanimity
You enter Stage Ten with all the qualities of samatha: effortlessly stable attention, mindfulness, joy, tranquility, and equanimity. At first these qualities immediately fade after the meditation has ended. But as you continue to practice, they persist longer and longer between meditation sessions. Eventually they become the normal condition of the mind. Because the characteristics of samatha never disappear entirely, whenever you sit on the cushion, you quickly regain a fully developed meditative state. You have mastered this Stage of meditation when the qualities of samatha persist for many hours after you rise from the cushion. Once Stage Ten is mastered, the mind is described as unsurpassable.
Milestone Four: Persistence of the Mental Qualities of an Adept
When you have mastered the final Stage of meditation, the many positive mental qualities you experience during meditation are strongly present even between meditation sessions, so your daily life is imbued with effortlessly stable attention, mindfulness, joy, tranquility, and equanimity. This is the fourth and final Milestone and marks the culmination of an adept meditator’s training.
Cultivating The Right Attitude and Setting Clear Intentions
We naturally tend to think of ourselves as the agent responsible for producing results through will and effort. Certain words we can’t avoid using when we talk about meditation, such as “achieve” and “master,” only reinforce this idea. We often believe we should be in control, the masters of our own minds. But that belief only creates problems for your practice. It will lead you to try to willfully force the mind into submission. When that inevitably fails, you will tend to get discouraged and blame yourself. This can turn into a habit unless you realize there is no “self” in charge of the mind, and therefore nobody to blame. As you continue to move through the stages of meditation, this fact of “no-Self” becomes increasingly clear, but you can’t afford to wait for that Insight. For the sake of making progress, it’s best to drop this notion, at least at an intellectual level, as soon as possible.
In reality, all we’re “doing” in meditation is forming and holding specific conscious intentions—nothing more. In fact, while it may not be obvious, all our achievements originate from intentions. Consider learning to play catch. As a child, you may have wanted to play catch, but at first your arm and hand just didn’t move in quite the right way. However, by sustaining the intention to catch the ball, after much practice, your arm and hand eventually performed the task whenever you wanted. “You” don’t play catch. Instead, you just intend to catch the ball, and the rest follows. “You” intend, and the body acts.
In exactly the same way, we can use intention to profoundly transform how the mind behaves. Intention, provided it is correctly formulated and sustained, is what creates the causes and conditions for stable attention and mindfulness. Intentions repeatedly sustained over the course of many meditation sessions give rise to frequently repeated mental acts, which eventually become habits of the mind.
At every Stage of meditation, all “you” really do is patiently and persistently hold intentions to respond in specific ways to whatever happens during your meditation. Setting and holding the right intentions is what’s essential. If your intention is strong, the appropriate responses will occur, and the practice will unfold in a very natural and predictable way. Once again, repeatedly sustained intentions lead to repeated mental actions, which become mental habits—the habits of mind that lead to joy, equanimity, and Insight. The exquisite simplicity of this process isn’t so obvious in the early Stages of meditation. However, by the time you reach Stage Eight and your meditations become completely effortless, it will be clear.
While useful, the lists of goals, obstacles, skills, and mastery provided above can obscure just how simple the underlying process really is: intentions lead to mental actions, and repeated mental actions become mental habits. This simple formula is at the heart of every Stage. Therefore, here’s a brief recap of the Ten Stages of meditation, presented in a completely different way that puts the emphasis entirely on how intention works in each Stage. Refer to the earlier outline when you need to orient yourself within the context of the Stages as a whole, but look at the outline below whenever working through the individual Stages begins to feel like a struggle.
Stage One
Put all your effort into forming and holding a conscious intention to sit down and meditate for a set period every day, and to practice diligently for the duration of the sit. When your intentions are clear and strong, the appropriate actions naturally follow, and you’ll find yourself regularly sitting down to meditate. If this doesn’t happen, instead of chastising yourself and trying to force yourself to practice, work on strengthening your motivation and intentions.
Stage Two
Willpower can’t prevent the mind from forgetting the breath. Nor can you force yourself to become aware that the mind is wandering. Instead, just hold the intention to appreciate the “aha” moment that recognizes mind-wandering, while gently but firmly redirecting attention back to the breath. Then, intend to engage with the breath as fully as possible without losing peripheral awareness. In time, the simple actions flowing from these three intentions will become mental habits. Periods of mind-wandering will become shorter, periods of attention to the breath will grow longer, and you’ll have achieved your goal.
Stage Three
Set your intention to invoke introspective attention frequently, before you’ve forgotten the breath or fallen asleep, and make corrections as soon as you notice distractions or dullness. Also, intend to sustain peripheral awareness while engaging with the breath as fully as possible. These three intentions and the actions they produce are simply elaborations of those from the previous Stage of medtiation. Once they become habits, you’ll rarely forget the breath.
Stages Four through Six
Set and hold the intention to be vigilant so that introspective awareness becomes continuous, and notice and immediately correct for dullness and distraction. These intentions will mature into the highly developed skills of stable attention and mindfulness as you move through later stages of meditation. You overcome every type of dullness and distraction, achieving both exclusive, single-pointed attention and metacognitive introspective awareness.
Stage Seven
Everything becomes even simpler at this stage of meditation. With the conscious intention to continuously guard against dullness and distraction, the mind becomes completely accustomed to effortlessly sustaining attention and mindfulness.
Stages Eight through Ten
Your intention is simply to keep practicing, using skills that are now completely effortless. In Stage Eight, effortlessly sustained exclusive attention produces mental and physical pliancy, pleasure, and joy. In Stage Nine, simply abiding in the state of meditative joy causes profound tranquility and equanimity to arise. In Stage Ten, just by continuing to practice regularly, the profound joy and happiness, tranquility, and equanimity you experience in meditation persists between meditation sessions, infusing your daily life as well.
As with planting seeds, at each Stage of meditation you sow the appropriate intentions in the soil of the mind. Water these intentions with the diligence of regular practice, and protect them from the destructive pests of procrastination, doubt, desire, aversion, and agitation. These intentions will naturally flower into a specific series of mental events that mature to produce the fruits of our practice. Will a seed sprout more quickly if you keep digging it up and replanting it? No. Therefore, don’t let impatience or frustration stop you from practicing or convince you that you need to seek out a “better” or “easier” practice. Getting annoyed with every instance of mind-wandering or sleepiness is like tearing up the garden to get rid of the weeds. Attempting to force attention to remain stable is like trying to make a sapling grow taller by stretching it. Chasing after physical pliancy and meditative joy is like prying open a bud so it will blossom more quickly. Impatience and striving won’t make anything grow faster. Be patient and trust in the process. Care for the mind like a skilled gardener, and everything will flower and fruit in due time.
This article on the stages of meditation is excerpted with permission from The Mind Illuminated: A Complete Meditation Guide Integrating Buddhist Wisdom and Brain Science by Culadasa (John Yates, Ph.D.).
About the Author
Culadasa (John Yates, Ph.D.) is the director of Dharma Treasure Buddhist Sangha in Tucson, Arizona and author of The Mind Illuminated: A Complete Meditation Guide Using Buddhist Wisdom and Brain Science. A meditation master with over four decades of experience in the Tibetan and Theravadin Buddhist traditions, Culadasa also taught physiology and neuroscience for many years. He combines the original teachings of the Buddha with an emerging, scientific understanding of the mind to give students a rich and rare opportunity for rapid progress and profound insight. Visit his website:
Global Harmony Crew
Global Harmony Crew raises the gravitational center of humanity’s consciousness. The shift into unity and love is happening. We in GHC act as mirrors for your own realization of Self, and inspire you to live the life you desire. Global Harmony Crew is an ever expanding movement of civilization upgraders; storytellers, artists, writers, thinkers, visionaries, everyone. Your articles, art, or other contributions are welcome.
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Atomy started in South Korea and is now in Taiwan, Japan, Canada, USA, Singapore, Cambodia, Philippine, Malaysia, Mexico and Thailand . New markets are opening up yearly. Once you’re a member of Atomy you can sign up anyone within any of the opened countries under your member ID. So the growth potential of your business is amazing!
An enrichment of common benefit and welfare between nations Your Cooperation Participation is very much Appreciated Intermountain Funding equipping the Truth Baguio city vicinities is a Research haven.,Email me at, and or message me on my wall.......
An enrichment of common benefit and welfare between nations Your Cooperation Participation is very much Appreciated Intermountain Funding equipping the Truth Baguio city vicinities is a Research haven.,Email me at, and or message me on my wall.......
About Atomy! -
Atomy, or Atom美 means Atom Beauty. Atomy Inc. was founded in 2009 in South Korea to distribute products that are produced by Kolmar BNH, a joint venture by Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) and cosmetics company Kolmar Korea. It is also the first research enterprise approved by Korea’s Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. Last year, the global sales of HemoHIM, the #1 medically approved functional health food by the Korean FDA and Skincare 6 System reached 130 and 140 billion KRW respectively. The miraculous sales figure has allowed Atomy to become the second largest player in the industry, after Amway Korea.
Atomy pursues simple philosophy – selling quality products at affordable prices, and allowing its distributors to purchase the right amount at the right time. This clearly exudes Atomy’s confidence in its products. Masstige is Atomy's product philosophy to provide absolute quality products at absolute prices. The company strives to achieve this by getting rid of distribution bubbles through direct member sales and minimizing the company's operation expenses.
According to Korea Fair Trade Commission’s data, Atomy’s HemoHIM is the bestselling product in the health supplement industry’s single product category and Skincare 6 System also recorded the highest sales in the cosmetics industry. Similarly, an Atomy toothbrush was sold every second, reaching the total sales volume of 20 million in 2015.
Atomy’s record-breaking sales history has its roots in CEO Han-gil Park’s firm belief in “Absolute Quality, Absolute Price” philosophy. Atomy has invested heavily into automating most of its operational processes to reduce labour costs and it also pursues a mutual growth with all its subcontractors to ensure it delivers products with absolute quality and price to its customers.
Below is what Han-gil Park, CEO&Founder of Atomy states.
The Basic theory of economy is very simple.
The Distribution industry is the key.
Selling a good quality product at a low price is how it successfully works.
Atomy's MASSTIGE strategy is to provide an absolute quality product at an absolutely low price. Not only do our products make customers happy, they also provide a business opportunity for those who have no capital asset.
Atomy's masstige products are welcomed in the global market.
Our export has been growing on average of 50% per year with global corporations in the U.S., Canada, Japan and Taiwan.
In March 2015, the Singapore office opened and Atomy Malaysia will be opened in October.
We are also in the process of preparing establishment corporations in both South America and China.
In addition, many more countries are waiting for us including India, Russia and Europe.
Our goal is not just becoming no.1 in Korea since the establishment of Atomy, our competitors have never been a company in same network marketing field.
Rather, we raised our bar to general retailers- supermarkets, department stores, TV home shopping and internet shopping malls.
From now on, Atomy will rewrite the history of Network Marketing. We will be a company who knows and keeps principle to be your guideline as a leading network marketing company.
We will do our best to change both the recognition and reputation of the network marketing field. Atomy follows
1. A Principle Centered Culture
2. A Culture of Accompanied Growth
3. A Sharing Culture.
Atomy aims for customer success which is beyond customer satisfaction. We are a corporation that cherishes the spirit! We hope Atomy will become the life partner that leads to your personal success.
We want to serve you with a humble attitude making your dreams come true.
- Han-gill Park, CEO & Founder of Atomy -
[A PRESS RELEASE] Atomy Achieves Annual Revenue Growth of 30-40% from the DONG-A ILBO (Korean National Newspaper), May 2, 2016
[A PRESS RELEASE] “The World is Our Stage Now”, Taking on Global Markets with Absolute Quality, Absolute Price from the DONG-A ILBO (Korean National Newspaper), July 22, 2016
About KAERI(Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute) - Research and Development -
KAERI develops nuclear fusion and radiation fusion technology.
Korea’s first comprehensive science and technology research institute for the purpose of improving the quality of life for the general public.
Over the past 50 years, KAERI has become the driving force behind Korea’s national economic growth and continues to promote strong economic growth by using nuclear energy as a major energy source.
KAERI uses High energy laser technology which utilizes stable radio isotones for both medical use and the creation of special foods.
KAERI is Dedicated to finding a wide range of uses for atomic energy
KAERI is strengthening Korea’s industrial competitiveness through the transfer of advanced science and technology especially the Food Life Engineering Research Team that developed HemoHim, the #1 medically approved functional health food by the Korean FDA.
KAERI’s breakthrough research is being patented all over the world.
KAERI Consults with the US nuclear industry to help them. KAERI is on the forefront in the world, the forefront of all kind of technology development, and has a great reputation throughout the world and IAEE. KAERI wants to give back their know-how, and share their developments to the world. They know about the human body;they know how to protect their scientists from radiation and cancer
In the world, 3 countries(Korea, US, Russia) are responsible for the international space food program. KAERI is the one that makes space food in Korea. Their knowledge and research are advancing and they are rapidly known for their research and development.
About Atomy
About Kolmar Korea – specializes in R&D & OEM Manufacturing. Kolmar is headquartered in the USA and 8 other global locations.
They are equipped with 100 years of research and development. They hold 20% of the market share for cosmetics, medicine, manufacturing and packaging. They have their roots in the World Wild Kolmar group based on Kolmar Americas Inc. which was established in Milwaukee Wisconsin in 1921.
To break it down, 65% of their activity serves the cosmetic sector, 30% pharmacy and 5% for dietary supplements.
Over 20% of their total employees are Researchers!
Cosmetic and pharmaceutical products are their specialty.
Kolmar BNH(STB) was founded to produce goods which the Food Life Engineering Research team of Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI) researched and developed.
Atomy is changing the lives of people, not only for their skin and health, but also for their saving as well as for their real income.
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One more amazing Atomy fact..
Atomy started in South Korea and is now in Taiwan, Japan, Canada, USA, Singapore, Cambodia, Philippine, Malaysia, Mexico and Thailand . New markets are opening up yearly. Once you’re a member of Atomy you can sign up anyone within any of the opened countries under your member ID. So the growth potential of your business is amazing!
If you would like to join Atomy, simply click Join Atomy
An enrichment of common benefit and welfare between nations Your Cooperation Participation is very much Appreciated Intermountain Funding equipping the Truth Baguio city vicinities is a Research haven.,Email me at, and or message me on my wall.......
An enrichment of common benefit and welfare between nations Your Cooperation Participation is very much Appreciated Intermountain Funding equipping the Truth Baguio city vicinities is a Research haven.,Email me at, and or message me on my wall.......
Atomy HemoHim - The Power to Wake up Tired Immune cells! Atomy HemoHim is first individually approved health functional supplement to boost up the immunity by KFDA. U.S and 4 major Europe countries patent.
HemoHim Plus for healthy immune system
If you want to see all other Atomy Health Care products & the prices, please click here, and for all Atomy products & the prices, please click here.
Atomy HemoHim Plus - boost up your immune system
Awake your exhausted immune system!
HEMOHIM is a new substance with special immune function that has been developed from Angelica radix, Chuanxiong Rhizoma, and PaeoniaenAlba Radix through biological engineering and radiation technology.
Safety and function has been proven through clinical tests, and has been approved by the KFDA as the very first health functional supplement assisting functions of the immune system.
All ingredients have been individually approved by the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) as functional health supplements.
• Hemo is short for hemoglobin.
• H is an abbreviation for hematopoiesis (production of blood cells)
• I is an abbreviation for immune
• M is an abbreviation for modulation
• Him also means strength in Korean.
• The + refers to an improved version of HemoHIM.
Benefits of HemoHIM Plus
• Strengthen the immune system's natural functioning to fight various chronic diseases
• increase stamina as well as to improve general health for everybody
• NK cell activation - An immune cell which is generated in the human bone marrow to destruct harmful substances to the human body. NK cells can eat cancer cells
• produce more white blood cell, produce more red blood cell
• Immunity enhancement - Enhances immunity to maintain health
• Immune cell activation - Improves human body defense capacity
Atomy HemoHim Plus Ingredients
HemoHim Plus Development
• 8 years of research and development as a national project($5million, 15PH.D & 30 staff) in Food & Biotechnology Team of Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
• Development of Functional Bio-defense Food for people dealing with radiation(KAERI Food & Biotechnology Team/Korea Cancer Center Hospital) - KAERI wanted to protect its workers from harmful effect of radiation and wanted to share its technology and solution, the new substance HemoHim, with the whole world
• The very first individually approved health functional supplement assisting functions of the immune system(Proven through numerous tests) by Korean FDA. Also approved by USFDA
• Patented in the United States, 4 major countries of Europe(England, German, France, Italy), as well as Japan and Korea,HemoHIM is continually proving its effect in immunity enhancement
USA Patent US06964785 - Herbal composition for improving anticancer activity, immune response and hematopoiesis of the body, and protecting the body from oxidative damage, and the method of preparing the same
• 159 research papers on this product alone
HemoHIM Plus Consumption Instruction:
• One packet 20ml twice per day, 60 packets in total per box.
• Is a liquid, paste-like substance taken orally.
• Tastes a little bitter sweet(similar to prune juice) and most people become accustomed to the taste within a few days. Some people dilute with water or juice, but it is best to take directly.
• Drinking a cup of warm water after you consume it will help it absorb.
• Some people show effects right away, but some people take time building immune cells so it is recommended that you finish one box with recommended dosage (twice a day) to see results.
Atomy HemoHIM Plus is recommended for the following people.
• Anyone who wants to boost up immune system and stamina
• Chronic Disease patients
• Elders who need energy restoration
• Workers exhausted from long hours
• Students that need physical endurance
• Long-distance drivers
• House-wives worn out from stress of housework
• Athletes who consume a lot of physical energy
Animal Experiment HemoHIM mixed herbal extracts improved the recovery and survival rate of animals with reduced levels of white blood cells and lymphocytes in the peripheral blood. Oral administration of HemoHIm into animals with deficient immunity resulted in significant recovery of the number of white blood cells and lymphocytes, as well as NK cell activation.
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Atomy HemoHim Plus Immune Function - Regenerating Textures
Human Body Experiment 63 people with less than 5000/ul of white blood cells took HemoHIM Plus mixed herbal extracts and experienced enhanced NK cell, cytokine, and immunocyte activity. * Human based data may vary according to individual constitution.
atomy hemohim plus immune capacity comparison chart
As shown in the above diagram HemoHIM+ has been proven to be several times more effective than ginseng products and mushrooms for increasing immune capacity. HemoHIM+ was tested against Jin Sam (A), Hong Sam Red Ginseng (B), and Seonsam ginseng (C). It was also tested against Eungi (D) and Sanghwang (E) mushrooms varieties.
atomy hemohim plus immune function - nk cells increase
Atomy HemoHim Plus on News
Atomy HemoHim Plus Testimony
Research Articles, Journal Reports on HemoHIM Plus
Protective Effects of HemoHIM on Immune and Hematopoietic Systems Against γ-Irradiation
Enhanced antitumor efficacy of cisplatin in combination with HemoHIM in tumor-bearing mice
HemoHIM Ameliorates the Persistent Down-Regulation of Th1-like Immune Responses in Fractionated γ-Irradiated Mice by Modulating the IL-12p70-STAT4 Signaling Pathway
HemoHIM Improves Ovarian Morphology and Decreases Expression of Nerve Growth Factor in Rats with Steroid-Induced Polycystic Ovaries
Preventative Effect of an Herbal Preparation (HemoHIM) on Development of Airway Inflammation in Mice via Modulation of Th1/2 Cells Differentiation
Immunomodulatory and Antidiabetic Effects of a New Herbal Preparation (HemoHIM) on Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice
How to purchase HemoHim Plus and get the best price anywhere
Atomy HemoHim Plus and other Atomy products are sold directly on the Atomy's official site. for Canada, for USA, for Korea, for Japan, for Taiwan, for Singapore, for Cambodia, for Philippines and for Malaysia.
Membership is required to buy Atomy products from the site. Just click Join Atomy. There are no membership fees, no auto ship or any other surprises. Atomy even has a 100% satisfaction guarantee return policy. For how to order Atomy products, see this
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